Saturday, March 22, 2008

Globalized Love Community

This is the Pantheon's Newest Addition to the Goddesses of the Multiverse; The Water Goddess.

Water makes up everything in life, and is an essential part of our mortal existence in the Multiverse. The Water Goddess is with you wherever you go, nourishing the very soul of your cells. She is in all things that bear life, and blankets our globe with love, strength, peace, nourishment, and power.

Here is where all imagery related to the GLC and the Greater Pantheon of Globalized Love will be housed and recorded.


  1. Yaaayyy! Our sister goddess has arrived.


    where's the rest of us?

  2. This is the beginning of this album, so it will take some time for me to choose the appropriate photos that I feel suit the Power of the Goddess!

    If The Goddesses have particular photos they wish to submit for consideration, please include links.

  3. Hmmmmm.... how about this one for me...


    There are a bunch of photos of me in my flickr sewing..... of course, my favorite is this one...

    and... I couldn't find it in Jenny's flickr.. but I love the photo of her on the beach in PR... wearing that shirt.. that's open.. just a little... you can see the beautiful color of her skin.... great great shot!

  4. and... I couldn't find it in Jenny's flickr.. but I love the photo of her on the beach in PR... wearing that shirt.. that's open.. just a little... you can see the beautiful color of her skin.... great great shot!

  5. Carrie.. this is such a stunning shot of you.......


  6. I love this! Carrie looks amazing - strong, confident and completely at ease. IGLY!

  7. Fabric Goddess... Then so it shall be....

  8. (it's totally ok to have a favorite photo of ones self... right?) *blushing*

  9. Yes, it is! Why do you think I have Mr. Narcissus, AND Mr. Multiplicit Narcissus?!

  10. awesome shot Camster!
    don't I look totally incontrol!!
    I was frightened outa my mind getting so close, but at least in that picture I look like one of the fantastic 4


    we are the fantastic 12 by now!!


  11. This photo looks like it belongs on the cover of a CD/album (and I mean that in a good way!)

  12. Sigh.... i don't really like my photos all that much.
    Give me some time... lots of time ... to decide on one.

  13. i have an AWESOME beach shot of you, Jen

  14. Jen looks awesome in ALL of her beach shots! But we need some skin because that's where the Ebony comes from! Anyway, you talk it over with Jen and if she's happy with your suggestion, let me know. I love you!

  15. What is this some kind of a harem?

  16. No. These are the very important womem connected to me through our Globalized Love Community.

  17. Come now, Crabass - do you really believe we would be of such mentality?

  18. Robin - It's OK. I learned (OK OK AM learning) from the amazing book that PC sent me not to take anything personally and that whenever people do things like that they are actually transposing their feelings onto someone else like looking in a mirror and mistakenly perceiving what they think is someone else, when in fact it is themselves they are seeing through the fog in the dream.

    So if Jose wants a harem... more power to him! And if he finds women that want to be in his harem, they can ALL revel in it.

    BTW, whenever you get a photo of yourself (or if you have one) that shows your Goddess Stature, please email it to me, OK? I would like to add it to our GLC pantheon. Thanks, RHG! I love you!

  19. I'll work on that, ok? Time for dream land...stupid o'clock is so painful with one good eye.

    'Night, Cam.

    'Night, Crabass.

  20. I know you're not redhead, but, that skinny assed Canadian with the girlie haircut... I dunno about thim....

  21. OK...I guess no joking sorry...I'll just take my dreams of a harem and my lousy jokes outta here.......Ciao

  22. WOW! I love this pic of her and I agree with vezina on that.

  23. I don't think your high priest is going to appreciate this photo.

  24. Not knit. Something.. I can't quite seem to get .... knitting or crochet.... but.. it's not for lack of trying!

  25. Oi Crabass - Cam put that photo up, not me.

  26. It's about time he lightened up a bit regarding this goddess stuff...I like the photo

  27. This is just a temporary photo of RHG until she comes up with another one. Although, I must admit that I really DO like the expression on her face.

  28. gimmie a break!!. It's a keeper!.....

  29. JI - BTW, do you have any goddessesque photos of the Fire Goddess that we can add here, please? The image needs to embody the heat, the fire, the passion of The Goddess. OKOKOK, maybe the one of her bending over behind that cactus to take a leak would do the trick too... Just tell me that she had eaten really spicy chili the night before and was communing with nature and I'll be OK with that version of "hot". Seriously, if you have any, talk it over with the Fire Goddess (TFG) and send me a link.

  30. Hey...I am not getting involved here dude!!!. She's gonna have to decide what she wants to do. I already told her that the photo of her watering the cactus would be good, but, she did not appreciate that.......I am staying clear...

  31. I've got plenty of great photos of her, but, I am not sharing.

  32. JI - The more you share, the more you give, the more it comes back to you. The more you horde, the less you get in the end. You KNOW this from stuff you've read. I KNOW you KNOW this.

  33. ........I've already got what I need......I don't need anything else.....

  34. .. but if you horde it... you risk losing it.

  35. oh.. good grief.... JI.. it's not like he's asking for Nekkies... and Cam.... if he doesn't wanna share.... let him hoard.

    Y'all are having pissing contest here....

  36. stefnee...please......cammy and I are having a conversation......he and I have our own way of communicating.....please just let us talk and be patient.....goddess or not, you should not prevent us from communicating.

  37. Stefnee, I know you don"t understand my sense of humor, but, I believe Cammy does. Why not let us have a little fun?. This is not a pissing match. Relax......breathe......

  38. Oo Ok. I've been spanked soundly and I shall go to my room now.

  39. Oh. no...I did not mean to spank you. Please don't take it as such. Just understand that I was kidding around with Cam. Last time I did that, I remember you got very mad at me. I just don't want you to get mad at me again.

  40. I guess the one that should go away is me. I detect a bit of hostility towards my strange sense of humor in this space, so...feel free to delete all my comments Cameron...I will be the one taking a hike. see ya!

  41. JI... I realized you two were kidding around... I thought I'd partake. When I'm mad... I'll tell you. That's been proven in the past, hasn't it? No harm, no foul. Carry on.

  42. Cam. PLease contact Paula directly about ther pictures. I have shared most my photos with her. I am sure she will find something in there that will work....Ta..ta kiddies!!!

  43. JI - Oh would you just cut that out, you old cranky codger! I'm not playing that game with you! Get your ass back here! You are a man. Stefnee is a woman. Women do not understand how men can beat each other to a pulp and then with arms wrapped around each other go out for a beer.

    So just cut it out, get back here and keep whining. It does not suit you to be acting all ... nice, and apologetic and all. It gives me the willies!

    I did talk to Paula. She said she's thinking about it. No rush though of course. Maybe in the future the right image will be created by her, by you or ... maybe by Mr. Personal Trainer! You never know...

    It's nice to laugh out loud. Good thing I'm not drinking tea or I might have clean off the monitor.

  44. Oh, and both of you... don't you DARE erase these comments! I would never forgive you if you did! What would life be like if we were all the same? God! I cringe to think what it would be like if... I ... were.... JI! Mamma mia!

  45. Jose, if you're really all pissy you should stay away from here like i do.

    All this frivolity and jocularity can be too much for me.

    I'm comin around now... so get back to work givin Cam a hard time.

    I could use a few laughs.

  46. Alrighty then....

    I see everything came to a screeching halt with my comment.

    Maybe that's a help (?).

    well... as the kids say...Whatevs!


  47. Nah... JI's just out having a pee. That's all. When you get to his age.. the prostate ... you know... Give the codger some time. He'll be back. I'm banking my Cuban convertible pesos in it!

  48. Well.... being tired and cranky myself, I will just say HI and go to bed! LOL

  49. Hey there, Tired & Cranky TOO! I love you!

  50. Don't forget my little spark.... too... Casale....

    I didn't have flaming hair... but, SIGH..... I will work on it!

  51. JI - If you can think of any better copy to suit our TFG, please let me know. This is a very very nice shot. Did you take this one? Or was it Mr. Yummy?

  52. yes, a fitting slogan for any well endowed T-shirt. :)

  53. David - I haven't seen you around in AGES.
