Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Changes, Part 1/3: Mind, Intention and Outcomes

When I visited NC and went to the Mindspring seminar, I purchased a 8CD set that is all about "Mind, Intention, and Outcomes". There are "seven processes" that the CEO of the company takes us through that helps us to become the observers of our universe. And as the observers of our universe, we consciously create the outcomes we deeply desire. I started listening daily, and have recently started process two. I try to do them back to back which takes an hour but I could do one at a time if I wished. When I am ready, comfortable with the process and able to do it with ease, that is the time I open a new CD and start another process. These CDs are not designed to listen completely through from start to end; they are intended to be integrated into our lives. this may take weeks, months or years, but that's OK because the results and the change is what is important. 
Here are some very powerful words:
"Do you often wonder why things turn out the way they do? Do you believe you can live the life of your choice? 'Mind, Intention and Outcomes' is a powerful and lasting resource that serves as a catalyst for growth, guidance and mastery of the answers within your Self. It assumes that you are the architect of your life and work, capable of directing the energy, flow and intention of your mind, body and emotions, regardless of the circumstances.
If you believe you will never be happy, you won't be. If you believe you are less than, you are and you will function that way. If you see yourself as powerless, then you will function as a powerless person and will use enormous opportunities in your life as circumstances in which to feel more powerlessness. As odd as it may seem, just when you think you have no choice in a difficult event, chances are you have been fooled. It is your mind at work. For you see, your function is not up to your mind, but to you, your Self, the one who is aware of your mind.
But consider another scenario. Consider changing your function. Do you believe that the mind is capable of bringing this new, powerful thought to reality? By increasing your attention and intention, you not only transform your Self, but also your workplace and your family. You are the agent of change and growth in your life and work. Stop procrastinating and stop postponing your goals and dreams. Begin creating your tomorrow today."
I have also started reading again. After my MBA I became so burned out with research and reading that honestly I haven't wanted to open a book in over a year! Instead I have been focusing intently on communicating with all of YOU through these blogs, because at this point in my life, communication with real live people who can interact back with me is more important than "book knowledge". But it is time to start reading again. I need to whittle down my huge pile of books.
But I have so many other things to do in the day that I really didn't know how I could add these hours in. I know that squeezing in more to a busy schedule rarely works in a sustainable way. I also know that "work harder, work smarter" is bullshit. It doesn't work; it's an ideal that can never really be achieved. It sounds great, makes us all look good, but it isn't a realistic way to achieve sustainable long-term change of habits.
But I figured out how to do this, thanks to a book Mayu just recently finished. And I'll tell you about this book in Part 2/3: Meet the Elephant God ...
I love you!
P.S. You can visit Mindspring Consulting's website at www.helpingyougrow.com. If you can afford the time and investment in your future to take any of their seminars, I highly recommend it. Located in the beautiful mountain town of Asheville, Haydn and Terry have been bringing "enlightenment" to businesses and individuals alike for almost two decades. Their products are not cheap by any means, but they are excellent!


  1. i am pretty sure I wanna meet the elephant god
    so get back to us SOON!

  2. The mind is very powerful, I believe we don't use it like we should and that's why we get so little out of it. Glad to hear you are back to reading. Thanks for sharing.

  3. ahh..... what a great blog, Cam-a-roon... thanks for posting these thoughts......

    *tossing out my paper bag*

  4. Awww, and I thought it was your time spent with little ole me that helped you become an observer of the universe. *pout* Sulking off with pooched out lip.

  5. I just noticed you got a hair cut....

  6. Ahh, that's why I didn't recognize you in my inbox. It looks good, and will keep your head cooler for those hot humid days which will be coming soon.
    Looking forward to the next post!
