Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Obama on Obama on O-bun

Yesterday there was more news on our tiny little fishing/beach town in the south of Fukui, called Obama-shi (Obama City).

Apparently they are preparing more than just Obama-manju! It looks like are selling Obama-manju (bean curd sweets), Obama Ohashi (chopsticks), Obama T-shirts, and Obama burgers!

This morning I just finished calling the Obama City Hall to find out how I can order some Obama manju and Obama Ohashi for any of my friends around the world interested in buying some.

It took a few calls, but I was able to find out that they have had so many calls and orders for the product (this ALWAYS happens when something in Japan shows up on mainstream TV) that they have unexpectedly run completely out of stock... of everything! I was asked to visit their website @ (Japanese only) in a week and they will have an explanation on how to order the products.

Upon looking at their website, we can see that they have been extremely busy suddenly with the media contact they have received on this campaign! Well I can see it, but you may not be able to. If you scroll down to the third section where you start to see a long table of Japanese, you can see that each new entry indicates another new media contact via TV, newspaper, phone, internet, radio. It is really impressive!

The very last section in the table is contact with the foreign press and you can see that they have had 11 interviews to date with companies that you might have heard of: ABC, CBS, AFP (France), Japan Times, CNN, Australia Broadcasting Corporation, Al Jazeera English (Cool!), New York Times, LA Times, AP and Reuters. Wow!

Mayu said that she would like to take a drive down there next week during our National Holiday, "the first day of spring", March 20th and see what we can see!

I don't know what prices are or anything like that, but if anyone is serious about wanting some of these things, please either write here, or send me a private message. They aren't going to be ridiculously expensive, I don't imagine as they are simple "souvenirs". I'll buy them, send them via post and we can do a PayPal thingy.

Hillary may have taken Texas, but Obama has won the hearts of a little piece of Japan without even spending a dime on advertising in this country! Never underestimate the power of a brand name?

Who says you can't have your Obama and eat him too?!

Yes We Can!

Have a great day, evening or night wherever you are.

I love you!


P.S. ... mini earthquake just rattled the windows... a portent!


  1. Now you guys need to find a way to get my blog known to the Obama Campaigners for extra publicity!

  2. This is fun.
    David sent me a picture of Obama candy that his brother found somewhere.

    It's chocolate with his picture on it....mmmmm!

    I always said he was yummy. All this just proves it!

  3. I imagine it isn't white chocolate?

  4. All I could see were question marks. I was able to follow a couple of links and saw some pictures of people busy at work on something at Mermaid Plaza. *giggle*. Obama has captured the hearts of the Japanese for sure. That's got to be a good thing eh?

  5. Que chulo! Cool! I luv "Obama thingies" ; )

  6. Inesta! You love Obama's thingy?!

    Wow! You go, girl! And I thought Stefnee and Jenny had no inibitions!

    I love you!

  7. I just navigated through and sent them a comment to come and look at this teeny little blog. I guess even foreigners in far away countries can be supportive, even though we will never get a say in the U.S. government! But that's OK because it is interesting to watch this landmark battle.


    Hello. My name is Cameron Switzer, I am Canadian and I live in Fukui Prefecture, Japan. I have been here for nearly 20 years. Recently the little fishing/beach town of Obama has been getting a lot of press here because they have decided to support Mr. Obama's campaign through their own local marketing.

    I know you know all of this because Senator Obama has already sent the Mayor a letter of gratitude, etc.

    Today I am writing to you just to let you know that I have written a blog talking about the power of the brand name Obama and how this little city here in the prefecture in which I live is getting a LOT of PR by supporting Senator Obama in their way.

    I hope you will visit my blog and take a look:

    "Obama on Obama on O-bun" can be found here:

    Thanks for your time and good luck in the primaries, and hopefully the final election in November!

    Cameron Switzer
    Fukui, Japan


  8. And this automated reply just arrived. Pretty well written, I must admit...


    Dear Cameron,

    Thank you for contacting Obama for America. The volume of messages we’re receiving has gone up since Barack’s victory in Iowa. While we cannot respond individually to over a thousand messages per day, the level of interest and thoughtfulness of the comments reflected in these communications are very gratifying. Your thoughts on our campaign and America's future are greatly appreciated.

    Individual citizens like you are the foundation of this campaign.

    Since his February 10 announcement speech in Springfield, Illinois, Barack has spoken consistently of working together to reclaim the meaning of citizenship, restore our sense of common purpose and rally the power of millions of voices to demand long overdue change. We hope you will explore our website,, to view that speech in its entirety and learn more about Barack, his record and his plans.

    If you’re writing because you want change, we need you to help us fight for it. Please sign up here to volunteer:

    And you can get started from home right now. We've built a set of easy-to-use web tools that empower you to get further involved right now. Click, where you can find events near you, connect with neighbors who support Barack, create your own blog, and do much, much more.

    And if you're not sure you want to get involved, and are writing to express a concern or disagreement, we appreciate that as well. The open discussion we want to facilitate cannot take place without hearing from people expressing a wide range of views.

    Thank you again for writing.


    The Correspondence Team
    Obama for America


    Here are some more useful links to help you get started:

    Learn more about Barack’s policy positions:

    See Barack in person or attend a campaign event: view the Events section toward the bottom of the front page

    Invite Senator Obama or Michelle to an event:


    Buy Obama Gear:

    Paid for by Obama for America

  9. Even though the automated response leads one to think that they will not reply, I have much more confidence in the Universe. I specifically wrote them because I want them to come and see this page. I do believe very strongly that someone will see my message and they will come. I have total confidence, and have specifically ordered that to the Universe.

  10. Well, this is interesting.... It seems that upon sending Sen. Obama's "team" the comment below automatically subscribed me to their emails. I wasn't asked if I wanted to join. This is a kind of tactic that I would not employ in my business because it could lead people who get too much spam to be a little bit annoyed by the "boldness" of such an act.

    Yes, most certainly I can unsubscribe at the bottom of the email. That's good. But they didn't tell me that if I sent in a comment to their campaign that I would be forced to subscribe...


  11. Did they hit you up for a donation yet?

    They did me.

    But it was only for $25 and though i will probably give more later in the campaign, i simply deleted the email today.

    I would unsubscribe if i were you, Cammy.

    They're in a tough fight. Guess they all are getting a bit aggressive.

  12. Yes. That mail said "Donate $25 today". I have unsubscribed.

  13. Cam- I just love the character of Obama!

  14. I just hard about this on th MetPod. Interesting stuff. I am surprised they are so aggressive. i guess they feel it will be good PR if he wins

  15. Pleasure is mine. Though how you found THIS blog is an enticing mystery to me...

  16. it was your recomendation... just ... not for me... I'm a bit "hacker" in that case (smiling). Hope, you'll accept me... and the mainly I would like to appreciate indeed your postings...
