Thursday, March 20, 2008

David Bowie & All the Presidential Candidates on Change

I'll let these folks tell you all about "change"...

$$ Kaching!! $$


  1. Good. Good. And I bet you are wondering why the heck I posted this, or what led me to even search for something like this! Well, dear Goddess, that shall perhaps forever remain one of the many mysteries of life!

    I love you!

    I love Sheila too!

    (sneak in a snog for me, will you, please?)

  2. I laughed and rolled my eyes all at the same time....

  3. Tornado - It's a damn good thing you can multi-task! I started to laugh and roll my eyes too... but then I choked on my tongue and had to stop.

    Jen - Sometimes life's mysteries are meant to be.... mysterious!..

    Oh. Umm... well, if I tell, will you snog on your video then and upload it to Multiply for proof? That's the only way I'll tell if you guarantee me that you'll do that. And the snog has to be with Sheila, not Tasha! Or Colin! Or any other family member!

  4. Everyone wants change, but change means so many diverse things to so many... at least it seems that ALL the candidates are in favor of change....LOL

  5. These Progressives that you spit on
    As they try to change their world
    Are immune to triangulation,
    They're quite aware of what you're gonna do!

  6. Very Cute.... That definitely took someone a great deal of time to make!

  7. Hey it is time to make a change. Ha hah

  8. Obama i hope will make change !!!! I'd love to see Edwards on his team, but what do I know lol I am a Canadian eh !!
