Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ascending Into Your Higher Cosmic Self

This is the continuation of my previous introduction to Cameron Day's meditation to help clean the soul, reclaim your energy, and take control again of your ego. You can read the introduction at: Some Pretty Serious NewAge Wackhead Shit

Well... I just listened to all six of the 10 minute sessions... I liked them!

The deep breathing is very relaxing, very energizing, very nice. Cameron also explains things in a very modern way, talking about GPS, Office Assistants, minimizing the ego like we minimize a web page by clicking the little button in the top right corner of the window, and other things we are comfortable with in our current level of technological awareness. (He goes a bit overboard delving into the Douglas Adams Galactic stuff, but to each their own...)

Although not particularly fond of his voice (I prefer Haydn's voice on the meditation Processes I have been doing all year to Cameron's.... this Cameron's.. not my Cameron's), I can get by that and not let it bother me. Because that is my ego trying to find ways not to relinquish its control, and I am aware of that, and at the same time would like to gain control back of my mind and minimize the ego to the original role of assistant and basic guidance system, I am interested in working on reclaiming control.

I like this little series of audio meditation. I like that they are broken down into 10 minute segments. I guess it is great to do 10 minutes here and there, but again, in order to be able to work well on the next phase, you need to do the previous phases as well (you can do them in your own mind without the help of these tapes once you get used to doing so) so it's not like you can have EVERYTHING done in 10 minutes by skipping to the last process. Just like cooking, there is a process and you really do need to start at the beginning, take one step at a time, and finish with the food prepared and ready to enjoy (unless you pull a box of precooked bacon out of the fridge, open it up and munch on it that way - which, by the way is apparently delicious, believe it or not... right Stefnee and Scooter?). Always breathing deeply... always breathing deeply...



I think I will add these processes to my meditational package and work on them in addition to what I am already doing.

In fact, I'm going to put them all up on my site here for ease of access; Cameron gives us permission do that as long as we link back to his page at (mission accomplished). Please feel free to download the attached files to this blog and you can listen to them on your mp3 player at your own discretion. Or, you can go to his pages, follow the processes by clicking the videos there (he has you close your eyes anyway so the images are really just so that the audio can be put on YouTube), downloading a written page for those of you "aurally challenged", or download them yourself at the bottom of each page.

Addendum to my attempts: It seems that I can only put a maximum of five attachments on one post, and since there are more, I tried to add a zipped file. But then I was limited by the maximum file size of 20MB. That means, that rather than upload the files for you, I will put the links to Cameron Day's downloads so that you can get them from my page by right clicking the following links, and saving them to your own computer / mp3 player.

The order you see below, is the order that Cameron discusses the process. I like that name, and I like to write it too! Cameron Cameron Cameron Cameron Cameron!

  1. higher-self-meditation-didg.mp3
  2. cosmic-flush-with-didgeridoo.mp3
  3. energy-refund.mp3
  4. egominimizerdidg.mp3
  5. reclaimingenergypart1withdidg.mp3
  6. reclaimingenergypart2withdidg.mp3
  7. peeling-layers-with-didg.mp3

And that should do it! Anything to make YOUR life a little bit better, I LOVE to do, with all my heart and soul.

I ADORE you!!!


P.S. Cameron does get a little bit bizarre talking about the galaxy being and stuff like that. I started to wonder if Tom Cruise was going to show up as a guest breather or something... but eventually Cameron comes back on track. And when you realize that he is just using jargon that is comfortable to himself, it really makes it much easier to work with. Just describe it to yourself, as you see fit.

P.P.S. It seems that I can only add a maximum of five attachments. So.... I am going to put the last three parts in a zip file and attack it that way. Sneakysneaky me.


  1. I only listen to one at a time so that i can grasp them in the order they were meant.

    Like you say.. there are steps. I also don't like to skip ahead when reading i like things to become clear to me in their time. so i'm enjoying the first ten minute session. I may move on to the second tomorrow as # 1 is pretty easy at this point to me since i've done this exercise many times in my other work.

    It was a good review though.... and i DO like that it's just 10 minutes.

    It's funny how the one ... i guess "good" quality i have is that i can easily accept things that might even seem "different" from new people, whether it be their voice or how they look. I can accept pretty much any one who has something to say that i want to hear.

    I can even gloss over the ... um... whacky "galaxy" stuff, because i'm so focused on getting to the "meat" of the lesson.

    I'll be back here and to his site many times i'm sure.

    Gotta love a guy named Cameron!

  2. Jen - You have MANY fantastic qualities!

  3. Thank you Cameron, Cameron, Cameron. I like writing it too, guess!

    Downloaded them all for future use.

    You are wonderful to post these.


  4. Abby - Don't let the ego leap up and distract you from the message when he starts talking about that weird "intergalactic milky way galaxy" stuff. I love love love love love you!
