Thursday, October 23, 2008

ThoseSneakyJapanese: Virtual Rage

Just when you thought you had seen enough with "road rage", "blog rage", and all the other whatever-induced "rages" out there where seemingly ordinary people momentarily lose their mind and go on a rampage "killing" spree, comes a brand new "rage" out of Japan: "Virtual Rage"!

Read on to learn how one woman in Japan, who's online avatar was "married" to another gamer's avatar, murdered her "virtual husband"('s avatar) when she found out that he had virtually divorced her!

Talk about an addictive personality! Talk about STOOOPID!

I love you!


P.S. This may sound ridiculous to you, but you need to understand if you are not here in Japan to see what is really going on, that this kind of stuff, along with bizarre murders, and weird, internet-related killing sprees is seriously on the rise. This society is messed up and in a very bad way. Under 20s are totally without morals, and the 30 something are so fucked up by something - we can't quite figure out what it was that their parents did in raising them, other than giving them absolutely everything they wanted without teaching them the value of anything, including it seems, the value of life, but it is often enough to see that something serious has happened that they are killing themselves, their children, their parents, and even anonymous strangers for very very bizarre reasons.

When I told Mayu about this, she just told me that a 14 year old girl here drove a truck over a man, dragging him for about 10m (10yards), and killed him. She ran away but was caught. When asked why she did it, she responded that she had never driven before, but had done a lot of online driving on various games and was confident of her driving skills therefore wanted to "test them" in the real world. This is a serious example of why we really need to be careful with our children and video games, especially now that they are available 24 hours a day and kids no longer have to go down to the video arcade and pump quarters into games like we did in our youth.

Correction: It was 180m (180y) not 10m, as Mayu had mistakenly informed me. And he didn't die, or so the news stories say.

Let's be careful out there!


Online divorcee jailed after killing virtual hubby
By MARI YAMAGUCHI, Associated Press
 TOKYO: A 43-year-old Japanese woman whose sudden divorce in a virtual game world made her so angry that she killed her online husband's digital persona has been arrested on suspicion of hacking, police said Thursday.

The woman, who is jailed on suspicion of illegally accessing a computer and manipulating electronic data, used his identification and password to log onto popular interactive game "Maple Story" to carry out the virtual murder in mid-May, a police official in northern Sapporo said on condition of anonymity, citing department policy.

"I was suddenly divorced, without a word of warning. That made me so angry," the official quoted her as telling investigators and admitting the allegations.

The woman had not plotted any revenge in the real world, the official said.

She has not yet been formally charged, but if convicted could face a prison term of up to five years or a fine up to $5,000.

Players in "Maple Story" raise and manipulate digital images called "avatars" that represent themselves, while engaging in relationships, social activities and fighting against monsters and other obstacles.

The woman used login information she got from the 33-year-old office worker when their characters were happily married, and killed the character. The man complained to police when he discovered that his beloved online avatar was dead.


  1. Addendum: Apparently it was 180m she dragged him for, not the 10m that Mayu told me. Also, he didn't die, unlike this poor bloke who was dragged for 3km before the driver finally abandoned the vehicle and ran away. He bit the big one. And probably half of the back of his head and his back were shaved off like wood being pressed to a grindstone.

    Won't those stupid Japanese ever learn not to cross streets where other Japanese people are driving? Even at intersections when it says it is safe for them to do so?!? Don't they understand how bad they are at driving? I mean, are they stupid or something??? Just ask Dunnster; he lives in one of the most dangerous parts of Japan when it comes to driving.

  2. FIVE YEARS in jail for hacking?


    She'd have fared better if she actually killed the guy... then claimed mental impairment or something...


    Oh.... and the dragging stories... not real popular or PC here in the US.

    Not since a Black man was tied by his feet and dragged to his death in much the same manner... simply because he was Black...

    Lots of bad feelings around that one.

    Still this was a good post about the crazy Japanese.

  3. So.... does that mean that they just get hushed up in the news?

  4. Are you kidding???

    We talk about everything.

    We also get riled up... have you SEEN my blogs? LOL

    I was just saying how as bad as the dragging deaths are the fact that the one here was such a hate crime makes it a bit stinging.

  5. The kids today have more now, than I got the whole time that I was growing up. The biggest Christmas that I remember was I got the whole set of Tonka construction toys.

    Same here, just yesterday they found the body of a woman who had been missing since 2006 in a abandoned house; the cops said they just did not understand how she got there?????? Can you say duh..... I just don't understand that question, she was killed and put there...could that be on possible way that she got there.. You just have to know these local cops, they are cops just for one reason, so they get a fuck with some of the young girls that is out running the streets.

    Some things get hushed up around here fast, especially if it involves a cop. Had two town cop rape a girl; one went to jail for 5 years and the other one is still walking around and selling dope.......

  6. I really can't decide who is stupider here... the woman for "killing" the avatar... or the man, for being so caught up in the crap that he complained to the police...

    Somehow, the silliness in my own life seems less silly...

  7. Good point, Alan!!

    of course.. if he filed charges for hacking... well.. that's understandable...

  8. The world is getting more unhinged by the day ......... computers and computer games have had such an influence on children in the 21st Century.

    This jogged my memory about a virtual world that used to be around about 10-12 years ago, i cant recall what it was, Farscape? Farworld? I remember the avatars from back then and remember seeing the interaction between people in there.

  9. Kristen - That is probably the LONGEST comment you have EVER Written on my blogs! Wow! Thank you!.

    I have to say that it is difficult for me to answer this question because I am ALWAYS under the microscope...and I rather like it. It makes me nervous actually to think how I might feel if I have to move back to NA and am just another face in the crowd.

    Maybe they were just genuinely interested in knowing who the white couple was, especially if most were japanese? I'm not sure. But I must admit that when I was reading this, it felt like ... just a little weird. Though, it is not unusual for Japanese people to ask "Who are you?" meaning "who are you with?", i.e. bride or groom? I wish I could say more, but all I can say is I guess you had an uncomfortable situation. I'm sorry that it happened,and I wish that your friends would have spent a bit more effort keeping their eyes on you and introducing you to some of the people there. That would have gone a long way...

    I love you!


  10. Now i'm not afraid to be looked at, I know for Victor it was a bit disconcerting and he was a bit bothered by the fact Glenn the groom, didnt bother to come by at all after he first greeted us, I chalked it up to there being so many people there, that he was busy being a host. As for the who are you, I asked Victor that maybe he wanted to know who you knew and he didnt think so LOL, he thought the old man felt he slipped in from another wedding and was there to take cake or the gifts, LOL

    Here is something I didnt put down initially, while we were eating, we would often catch one or more at our table watching us, although when they were all feeding their faces, no on was talking, everyone had their heads in their plates, any minute I kept waiting for them to slurp their entree's. It reminded me of being in a noodle restaurant in Kyoto

    The food was good though, with a choice of beef, chicken or fish, The Cake was really good it was a shortcake with strawberries and really lovely. Oh what I forgot to mention was when Glenn and Noriko got married they had a traditional shinto ceremony on Oahu with just immediate family, the videotaped it and it was really nice. and was playing at the party on sunday

    They taped their reception also at this really nice Hawaiian Restaurant and everyone switched into hawaiian attire so it was very relaxed and low key

    And your welcome ...for the long post.

    I love you too

  11. I would have to question the "wedding crasher" theory for one very good reason: the reception took place in America, and usually there ARE white people who are connected to the party holders... from time to time. I know it's getting less, but I have to say that there are probably more white people than Japanese over there...

    Were they all Japanese Americans? I mean, did the people you guys did manage to speak with speak English? Engrish? Bloken Japlish? or Struggling One Word Incomprehensibullish?

  12. Im sure Victor was over-reacting anyway, I told him to not worry about it . Now as for the ratio of whites to asians, thats another story, there are huge asian enclaves in the LA county and Orange county. and its getting to the point where whites are begining to be the minority in Southern California.

    It was pretty much all japanese from what I could tell and a mix of japanese who were born here, which was most of the younger set and the older folk who may or may not have come here from Japan. There was one older senior citizen couple who was white and I think were friends of Glenn's family. Those who said more then a few words I believe were Ameican born japanese, but reguardless they mainly stuck with those and spoke with those were Japanese.

  13. Oh, I believe there are a huge number of Asians there, yes. But a huge number of Japanese?


  14. Japanese and Chinese make up most of the asians because they were here the longest, both LA and SF have Little Tokyo and Japan Town along with Chinatown in all three major so cal cities and then there are sections of suburbs where there are large enclaves remember were just across the pacific

  15. And now that the yen is so damn strong you should be getting an influx of them! A plague of banana eating Japanese!
