Sunday, October 19, 2008

Kamishii Disaster Relief Exercises

Today was the first time ever for Fukui to have disaster relief exercises. We gathered at the local gathering place, then walked to the elementary school grounds. Then we went through various exercises, and watched the firemen and rescue perform various duties.


  1. marching band?!

    what... are they happy about the disaster? or is it like the Titanic... where the band went down with the ship??

  2. Are you holding the camera above your head or are you THAT Much taller than everyone?

    Either way....COOL!

    The helicopter rescue would have been cool.

    One thing I noticed when they were serving the food. There was that first bin where someone just picked up something with their fingers and ate it. We are so afraid of someone elses hands here in America (well, NY anyway) that tongs (not to be confused with thongs) are a must, or people freak. I was catering a meeting a year or so ago and forgot a pair of tongs for the bread. I got my head chewed off. One woman just looked at me, shrugged and used her fingers to carefully grab her 2 slices of bread of choice. I mouthed a quick "thank you"to her.

  3. Yee-gads, I have typo issues....

  4. No honey, we didn't miss that stuff, thank your camera, that was hysterical, and that's SO japanese, I got flashbacks being 20 in Kyoto. What was the temperature that day? And like Linda commented, You tower over those little people LOL,

    I love the bystanders who weren't sitting, they were squatting that always cracked me up. One thing they didn't seem to cover is how to handle the aftermath of a Kaiju attack, what does one do there when Baragon comes tramping through town!?!?!?

  5. Oh I saw the video, where you went with Stefnee and husband to dinner at the airport, Hutchinson is where they shot the movie Picnic,, I love that movie. I digress, That Forest Glen wine you had, I was just at the vineyard as part of my new job for the hotel it was very nice and brought back some freebies ( I like this job, although I cant drink much,) its good wine.

    Did you hit a Cosco also, while you were here? The Steakhouse at the airport reminds me of the little airport here in San Dimas that has a Diner in it and its comfort food gets raves, It's funny where you can find some good places to eat in places you wouldn't expect.

  6. He's STILL eating! Ya'll must get very few disasters there because most of those folks looked like they were just not serious. Looked like a good time and an opportunity to just hang out. BTW I rather enjoyed seeing the very nice bums on some of those guys in the dark outfits.

  7. Stefnee - Yes, there was a marching band! And you know what song they played? "It's a small world!" Who would have guessed?!?! Oh, and the baton twirling women in high boots and higher skirts was kind of nice, too...

    Linda - I was doing a bit of both. But the people around me were all laughing at how tall I was. They really don't get it until they see me sticking out of a crowd.... I told a couple of guys that the weather up here is different. And two women that there are no crowds for me.

    Kristen - You DID miss it! Admit it! Admit it, damn you!!!!! Yes, Japanese really are squatters... I have had my fair share of surprises over the years here with the squatters. I would be coming home late at night on my scooter in Tokyo, round a tight corner and all of a sudden see a grandma squatting at the side of the road holding her grandson... the Shock!!! of seeing a human down there at road level, was often too much for the system to bear. Now I'm used to it. If the Japanese aren't squatting... something's wrong.

    Kristen Revisited - I'm amazed at the details you remember in that airport video with Stefnee and Scooter! Oh, wait! Right! It was either the hot guy, the hot woman, or the hot meal that sucked you in! I can never quite figure it out with you, but I love you for all three!!

    Sheila - It was but a snack! And you saw bums? Where? I didn't notice any bums! I did notice one woman wearing winter mocassins... I videotaped her but she didn't show in the final cut. I love you!

  8. Japanese men have good backsides, Japanese sufers especially.

  9. A Small World!? It was the food, it is my job now "Food and Beverage Director" Director LOL!!!, it sounds good, so I'm okay with it but it makes me laugh. I remember all the squatters when I was there, they were all over the place even the people I was studying Aikido with would do it, It still makes me laugh and I was always tempted to see if I could knock em over. But not sensi, no no

  10. At least they practice for a disaster. We have the once a month "this is a test of the emergency broadcast system" on t.v. and the obligatory tornado drills in public school.

  11. Cam it was the Japanese men wearing those one piece dark suits. Watch it again I saw a couple of bums worth drooling over. I might have to visit. LOL

  12. Oh I watched it again and it definitely was the firemen with the cute butts. It must be all that squatting they do. If I squatted like that my legs would lock shut and I'd never stand again. Hahahahahahahahaha.

  13. They have earthquake drills in southern california, I think yearly, and it depends on the city

  14. Sheila - You can see the young firemen always running around the blocks where their fire department is. That would give them good bums.

  15. Well at least you told us what we missed !! They did one in nearby Bathurst last month but I didn't see it . The thing that I always notice is that people are so nonplussed over you filming and talking to the camera, no one even notices they just go on their way !!

  16. I've been here for 15 years, Sharon. They have seen me wandering around that long nearly naked during my dog walks, and summer. They are used to it.

  17. Clazy Gaigin!

    He everywhere wit dat camela, dammit!

    Just ignore him....


  18. That's, "ignole", not "ignore". Nice try.

  19. I thought to write "ignol" but worried others might not get it and think me strange/illiterate.

    Knew YOU would know.
