Wednesday, October 15, 2008

In Pursuit of Perfect Persimmon

Today I decided to go for an autumn ride. It has been some time since I have spent time on my bike. I took a simple ride up my "ura yama" for 40 minutes to "thinking rock", and then a bit beyond. When things got mushy, I turned around and came down.

I saw that one of the old persimmon trees bore fruit so I took one and tried it....


  1. OOOO, I have to come back later to watch the rest. Headed to work, but no, I have never tasted persimmon.......not pomeranete (sp) either. Gotta run....

  2. Nice bumhole impression. ;)

    Stolen fruit always tastes better.......

  3. Robin - It does indeed! I used to love raiding gardens in the summer... raided fruit and veggies! Mmmm...

    And of course the MOST delicious of all is the forbidden fruit...

  4. ok i have no will be back....

  5. lmao bum hole....bitter taste huh...big hugsxx love your vidsxx

  6. I was trying to use a word that would be politically correct around children because there are some children that watch my videos religiously... well, religiously may not be the most appropriate word in this case, but yes. And bumhole fit the bill. Quite nicely.

  7. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Your face was awesomely expressive. I could remember my first bite of that bitter fruit. I have NEVER tasted a sweet persimmon in my life Cammy. But I do know that my grandmother used to make persimmon jelly and twas good. She must have had to load it up with sugar. Pucker up! LMAO!

  8. Thank you for saying bumhole! T2 giggled wildly at your face... and he's insisting that we drive to the grocery store and look for persimmons. Which, by the way, I've never seen nor tasted.

    We settled for bananas.

    Food of Monkeys.

  9. LOL...your face!!!!

    "These are dickheads"...*giggling*

    Sounds like an apple.

    SEE? You said you cut them up like apples.....

    Mushy gushy...

    Sorry, I am type-commentating, I suppose....

  10. I have never eaten a persimmon. It sounded like an apple when you were biting it. I am not sure they sell them here...I will have to look!

  11. Wow... so many people have never tasted a persimmon... Well, do NOT taste the "shibugaki" (kaki is persimmon in japanese AND in italian, by the way, and shibu is, in Cam-speak, "bumhole puckering... taste) unless you are adventuresome, and experimental. I most definitely do not recommend attempting it more than three times a week, for sure! But the sweet ones are quite tasty, though as I said, I would eat them when crunchy, not all soggy, mooshy gooshy.

    I love you!

  12. I am just wandering around, burning off some caffine. I just spent a nice couple hours with Sherri in Barnes & Noble. She was working on evaluations for her employees on and I was reading and sipping a hot beverage. Gazing at some interesting folks.

    Winter is here.

    No more evenings hanging out on her deck.

    Now we go back to being bundled up chicks lounging at a random table amongst other restless humans crammed into one cozy, booknookey space.......I enjoyed people watching too tonight.


  13. I don't mind bundled up chicks lounging at random tables... especially when they are as alluring as you!

    And wait a minute! YOU DO NOT DRINK COFFEE!!!! (or are you burning off teaffeine?

    I love you!

    P.S. come "unbundle" at my place.

  14. I had a white mocha....thingie. My tummy is upset, but all is good.

    I love you too.

    And as for unbundling at your place, I would if I could.


  15. Eh, I just did.

    Truth never hurts anyone.......

  16. Curling up in bed with a book.

    Goodnight Cam!


  17. You most certainly can! And I can help with that upset tummy as well....

    Have a good sleep, Lindalicious.

    I love you!

  18. they make great heads for golf clubs.............

  19. Seamus - What? You give great head to golfers? Sorry, did I read you correctly????

  20. "Hey guys... I might get killed trying to get this persimmon... lemme try to get one anyway..."...

    *rolls eyes*

    Everything I've ever heard about persimmons (the domestic kind) is that they're bitter...

    Bumhole? Is that anything like an *******? (automatic censor kicked in there...)

    Overripe fruit... I've had kiwi like that... they are extra-sweet then... maybe that''s why the Italians wait until they're "mooshy-gooshy" to eat them?

    Thanks for the gander at your day, Cam!

  21. Thanks, Alan. Actually the sweet variety are very good, not bumhole puckering at all.
