Saturday, October 18, 2008

Some Pretty Serious NewAge Wackhead Shit

“I accept that this is how things are at the moment”.

Jenny recently wrote about some spiritual studies she is doing that take this concept into account. Abby talks about it all the time. Sheila talks about it. And so does Stefnee. I mention it whenever I put on my "NewAge Wackhead" manteau.

I guess this statement could mean different things for different people. To me, I see it as being in the NOW, being in the moment, but not necessarily "accepting" that life HAS to be hell now. You know what I mean? When you look at a now moment, "this" moment in time, it isn't really as bad as it seems (unless of course you are skewered and being roasted over a fire by a tribe of carnivorous hogs).

The author says that this statement is meant to remind the person that whatever is happening at the moment, no matter how terrible it may seem, is really only temporary and will change in the future. That is comforting, especially if you are being roasted over a fire by a tribe of carnivorous hogs (maybe in the future they will stuff an apple in your mouth...)

The Bleeping Herald posts many interesting metaphysical thoughts by various scientists in this movement.

The one that arrived in my inbox today has this article, entitled "Multi-dimensional Energy Biology" by Cameron Day (not Diaz). It is interesting. Pretty far out there, but interesting nonetheless the way the author links our thoughts to physical energy that is really no different than the computer I am writing this on, or the desk on which my computer rests. He then takes it a fair bit further, linking it to ego, and higher energy, and then some stuff on energy peptides, emotional states of being and all that jazz.

Here is the lead in. If you are interested, then by all means follow the link and read on! But be prepared to have your brain waves bent. It feels rather neat when they start doing funny things inside that thing we call our head.

I love you!


P.S. Just in case you were wondering... I believe this shit.


Q uantum physics and ancient spiritual teachings agree that our experience of reality is determined by our beliefs and thought patterns. Neuro-plasticity continually reinforces the patterns of thought that we are comfortable with, causing information that runs counter to one’s beliefs to be ignored, while information that supports those beliefs is embraced.

In order to understand more deeply how our belief systems affect our experience of reality, we need to understand the basic mechanics by which we attract “higher dimensional” energy that matches our frequency of thought. Using that understanding while anchoring our awareness in the present moment, we can radically shift our thoughts to a higher frequency level on a moment by moment basis.

Read the rest here (it really is pretty interesting, in a mind-bending sort of way).


  1. Yeah... OK.... i'll work on seeing myself roasting on a spit as something "positive"...


  2. I don't eat fruit so the apple won't help.... ;-)

  3. Jen - If you can do that, then you will be able to overcome anything! (even something as dire as McCain becoming president!!)

  4. Oh Cam wash you mouth out with soap. Perish that thought! Its a negative one. Away with gone!!! lol

    Thats a good web site and I bookmarked it. Thank you.

  5. I think that this article supported most of the things we have been chatting about over the last year, however the bump in the road for me, a slight trip actually...maybe not a complete "bump" was this part:

    "First, a connection is made with your inner divine intelligence, referred to as the “Higher Self.” Next a connection is made to the intelligence of the Milky Way Galaxy, which is the greater body within which we are individual cells."

    I believe we have a higher self, but "connecting to the Milky Way Galaxy" made me instantly shift into: "Warning, Will Robinson...this article is shifting into crazy, costume wearing, cult-like, Uranus Society thinking."

    I had to reread it a couple of times to calm myself down enough to allow myself to think it might have merit.

    I totally agree with the rest of the article, so if you have an epiphany to share about this one passage, I am all ears...errr... eyes, as this is all a visual medium!

    I Love You! ( You adorable wackhead, you!)


  6. Well, this all sounds so obvious......and simple, yet.....not. Neuro-quantum thoughts aside....

    I can see you speaking this, believing this. Maybe that is why it is so.....obvious is the word I keep coming back to. Seems akin to the idea that like attracts like, positive attracts positive....part of the concept in The Secret.

    At least, that is what I got ot of the above paragraphs.

  7. Reading further and commenting.....

    This all supports the 'first impression' feeling you get from a person.

    I once had a gentleman (pft) brush past me in a crowded bar (where Mic as working). I became sick to my stomach and had such a feeling of.....dread. And I could link it to this guy. He looked normal, for a dude in a crowded bar. I grabbed Mic and point the man out, asking who he is?

    Mic told me to steer clear of him. He had been arrested for molestation/rape/ assault to women and young girls....a FEW times.

    I love how my antenna work.

  8. The energy that people radiate tells more about them than words, and sometimes actions, if you can pick up on it. I think I have fine tuned my....antenna, so-to-speak, as I have gotten older.

    Reading on....

  9. Thanks Camalicious.

    I saved the link.

    Sounds quite easy to learn new things, train yourself to think what you believe, KNOW what you know, turn your bad thought to dust.

    Great conversational piece.

    My couch is cozy.....

  10. Would you believe it???

    I read ...AND UNDERSTOOD ... the article.

    AND... i did the first meditation. It' much like my other meditation process, but much shorter...10 MINUTES!!!


    Now i can stop... anywhere in my day if i'm feeling stressed and catch myself using my limiting beliefs (can you say almost ALL the time?) ..sigh... i'm working on it...

    And i can, at least for that ten minutes, step away from the crazy and into my divine aspect.

    I know.. it's whackhead shit...

    But i'm still determined to master it. I back slide a lot, but i never give up.
    I will "get it"...

    I simply HAVE TO!

    Thanks so much, Mou.

    I love you!

  11. Hey Wouk. I'll come back and read after I've had a nap.

    Hey... Jools just called to say she loves you. :)
    I second that.


  12. Jen, I always have such a hard time meditating. I tried this and lasted until the light was flowing through body, then just pooped out.

    I have other ways that work, so I suppose that is good. I can open the door that exists within me....I lay on the couch or on the floor, soothing music flowing through me...and nothing else.

    That works.

  13. I would have read the article, but I don't think my brain would have taken anymore

    Hello Jen and Cam.....

  14. Abby - I had the same reaction to the Milky Way Galaxy thing. But I decided that the author probably just had one too many chocolate bars and glossed over that... "shit". The rest of it was pretty cool, though.

    Here is a big one that I haven't read yet (it is 4.17am), but that my friend Rob shared with me after reading this one... Since you love this stuff so much, it might be of interest to you as well. I'll be reading this tomorrow after the neighbourhood disaster relief practice is over. Back to bed!

    I love you!

  15. Oh stay in bed why don't you.

    Big silly night owl...

  16. OK... you couldn't just leave it at the stuff some of us "normal" folks could comprehend.. you had to go beyond whackhead into geekdom with that link...


  17. OMG, that new link.....the title got me feeling ignorant.

    I'll save that for later.

    BUT, I supscribed to "The Bleeping Herald" and already found a couple other interesting articles. I am reading "Wino and the Master" now....

    Thanks Cam!

  18. Me too, Lin.
    Maybe next four years after my degree in Quantum Physics.... hehehe...

    I've been perusing the pages all day. I guess i should subscribe too. Was feeling pretty good about that stuff, but this link.... Yikes!

    Yeah, thanks, Mou!

  19. Jen, I have read a few good articles. Printed a couple out for Mic to read.

    I LIKE brain food!!!!!

    And soul food.

    Ok, Matt just put a movie in. I have already seen it (The Happening), do not like it, but.......I'll sit with him and try not to make gagging noises.....

  20. Must munch some food because in about 20 minutes the sirens are going to go off and our entire village will start playing "There's a disaster!". Have to go and congregate at the "gathering point" for our area. One person per family is fine. The rest can then continue about their ordinary day. Mayu will be watching sports news...

  21. Lucky Mayu!

    Is this like the drill they make you do on the cruise ships?

  22. whadda ya mean "pretty far out there"???

  23. ps
    i miss you lots and lots
    but school is going well

  24. I am beginning to believe that the name of the Globalized love community should be changed to
    Geekdom.!! Just remember to-day is the result of what you did yesterday to get ready for
    to-morrow.. See how simple it is.!!

  25. That is pretty heady stuff. While I know enough science for it to make complete sense, there is still the life-long programming that we cannot change our environment Imbedded deep within me. This is despite the fact that I have seen positive thinking in action, and recognize the effect of negative thinking.

    I am going through a very stressful time right now though... so I need something. I've saved the page to my favorites... I'll go back and take a more in-depth look when time permits.

  26. Alan - It is at that, my friend. But if it speaks out to you even in a miniscule way, then I am glad I posted it! I love you!!

  27. I had to pop back over and attempt that comment link again.......

  28. I just wanted to encourage Alan to give it a close look. I was or am kind of where he is, in that life gets so crazy that though i know how much remaining positive is important, it's really hard sometimes and it helps to have concrete or workable mechanisms to get to that "place" when your lifeseems to be tripping you up at every turn

    But this site has very interesting insights AND makesw it simpler to stop and quiet yourself for a few minutes anytime during the day, rather than committing 30 - 50 minutes to a meditation session, which is almost always hard to find except at bed time whentwo minutes in you're snoring ...loudly (except for ME of course, since i most certainly do NOT snore... hehehe).

    But i'm back to let you know ,Cammy , how much value i have gotten and still am getting from this site.

    Thanks again, Mou!

    I love you.

  29. Hmmmm
    Well, it is all tied together . there is no doubt.
    Much along the lines of what we know is what we believe. Metaphysics and all
