Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Introducing Brian Peskin's "Professor Nutrition YouTube Channel"

As you all know by now, Brian Peskin is my mentor, and the scientist who has FINALLY put together all the pieces of the puzzle with respect to why our health guidelines are making us all more ill, to have higher rates of obesity (60% in 2001 in the USA), higher levels of heart disease (one in two in 2001), skyrocketing levels of diabetes and more!

You can visit his site at at your leisure.

Khanada, my very good friend and the woman who runs Y.E.S. Supplements (the business that manufactures and sells the PEOs Cam, Jen, Stefnee, Paula, and more always talk about), has taken Brian's global lectures and put them up on YouTube for the world to see so finally I can share this link to Brian Peskin's YouTube site on Science NOT Opinion Health.

I hope that some of you will visit Brian's Professor Nutrition YouTube Channel , watch his videos and hopefully learn from what he has to say. I especially hope that my American friends will do this. Why?

Well, the healthcare system in the USA is pretty much fucked; it is very difficult for people to get affordable healthcare and will be so for a long time, even if radical changes take place.

But... what do you think about this as a way of preventing personal (financial) tragedy through health issues: aside from accident or tragedy, what if you hardly every got sick anymore, had boundless amounts of energy, lightning quick thought processes, and never had to worry about dreaded illnesses such as CANCER ever again?

And what if it only cost you a paltry $35 a month by taking Y.E.S. Supplements parent essential oils (PEOs), the essential oils that were developed by Brian, through years of collecting and studying research over the past century... information that is all available for anyone who wishes to do their own due diligence, as Brian did?

Imagine.... even if the upcoming elections lean toward a more liberal government... it will take years to revamp the healthcare system in the USA.

Just imagine how easier your life would be if you no longer had to have the thought of "personal bankruptcy" looming over your the back of your mind whenever thoughts of cancer, diabetes, obesity heart disease and other major illnesses arose? Imagine if you can dramatically cut your copays down by hardly ever having to take you or your family to the doctor anymore?

With all of the major illnesses a thing of the past (including most flu viruses, colds and other minor illnesses), THAT stress is completely gone! And that is a wonderful feeling, let me tell you!!

Can you afford to wait years until an affordable "repair-ative healthcare system" is implemented?

Why not prevent heart disease?

Why not prevent obesity?

Why not prevent diabetes BEFORE they strike?

Because if you continue to follow the same guidelines that the majority of North Americans are following you WILL get ill with a major illness just as the majority of North Americans are ill.

When I was young, I was taught by my parents, my schools, and the dentists and medical community that it was always better to have a preventative checkup at the dentist every six months than to have to suffer through major peridontal caries and other mouth diseases. We HAVE been taught to do with our teeth, so why not with our bodies?!?

PREVENTATIVE healthcare far outweighs repair-ative healthcare any day.

Check out the Professor Nutrition YouTube Channel today and save yourself a huge amount of money in medical bills, in lost sleep, in lost energy, in poor performance at work and play, and in overall health and happiness today. The Fountain of Youth really DOES exist!

I have posted a short five minute video of an Interview Brian had on Newsline, Thailand waaay back in 2001. Imagine that what he is talking about nearly 8 years ago has gotten EVEN WORSE because nobody wants to listen!

Here is Part 1 of Brian's hour long talk at the BoulderFest Conference for hundreds of medical practitioners. It is a 10minute talk, but should be worth your while. If you wish to continue, please visit the YouTube site and watch the rest.



You can get the rest of Brian's videos here: Professor Nutrition YouTube Channel.

I love you!


P.S. Oh! A bear's foot print has just been found in a garden one of the areas of my village near where I live and the giant PA system is announcing that right now! I LOVE MY NATURE!!!


  1. Thank you!

    Today I got a postcard from customs and inspection and they have blocked my order of 12 bottles of PEOs and 9 bottles of minerals, claiming that they "might be animal drugs". I have to get labels, the invoice, and the content of the material and send it in before it will be released from the gestapo.

    I wonder if this has anything to do with the melamine poisonings et. al that are going on here in Japan (food products from China)... Usually countries toughen up their inspection laws for a while...

  2. Yikes!!

    Aren't you completely out of PEOs??

  3. I have about 1 week left but since M takes them, that leaves a few days. Lets see how that goes.

  4. I bought the YES minerals and herbals. What makes the YES PEOs special? I take a daily minimum of 1 tablespoon organic sunflower oil + 1 tblspoon flaxseedoil.

  5. The important thing is that what you take needs to be parent essential oils, not derivatives, and they must have a ration of omega 6:omega 3 of 1:1 to 2:1. If the balance is skewed to Omega 3, then you will run into several problems, that are too complex to list here. Also, everything needs to be organic, cold pressed.

    Sunflower oil has 65% Parent Omega 6 (linoleic), and flaxseed has 20% parent omega 6 and 55% omega 3. So, if you can balance it out, it may do you good.

    There are a variety of oils in the YES PEOs and the balance is all figured out for you.
