Sunday, October 19, 2008

Disaster Relief Breakfast

Today we have Disaster Practice in the community. But before we have disasters, it is important to have full tummies!

The only thing is I didn't have time to make coffee!


  1. Do you have a cold or is that your gravely (sexy) morning voice??

    If I ate all that food in one sitting I would explode....but you are so nice and trim, in shape.


  2. That was good!!!, now where's your napkin, or do you use your sleeve? And now whats your lunch?? =)

  3. Linda he runs it all off on that bicycle. Sheesh! I'm totally in agreement with you, I don't even have room in my tummy tum tum for all that food. At least not early in the morning.

    Cam you rule breaker you.

  4. Sheila - That's why I was born.. to break the rules and shake up the establishment. Oh, and to love. Most definitely to love. And change lightbulbs, and remove curtains from their rails. Those are my special purposes... those are my superpowers.

    Stefnee ... that was egg on face. Yep. You saw it here first!

    Linda - How many carbs did you count there? That's the ticket, my gorgeous new yorker.

    Kristen - Glad you liked it! I used a tissue. As I was running out the door.

  5. I made a nice egg sandwich for brunch. 2 pieces of whole wheat bread, 1 egg with the yolk nicely busted and spread out, swiss cheese and ham. Oh, and a tbsp of mayo.


    Oh, and iced tea.

    That was 4 hours ago and I am still stuffed.

    I made it yesterday as well, thinking "I could just plop this yummy masterpiece on a plate and skip the bread."

    I did not skip the bread.

  6. Wait, you said that you were going to have the CAT for breakfast??!?


    (They're not that easy to fix, let alone one-handed!!)

  7. Do the pork cutlets come already breaded (or floured ) like that? They look so good. If they come like that and frozen you could ... like... send some to your friend here in Jersey ... right? I mean... even if there's a rule against it... well... that's your purpose in life, right?

    Sending loving foodstuffs to your American friend... love through food. mmmmm... yummy!

    I DID love the scarf though. Thank you, Mou.


    Me so hungry now!!!!

    Great video, Sweety.

    Good Stuff!

  8. I once sent cranberries by mail lol to my sister in Montreal , I was worried they might start leaking or something but they got there just they way I sent them , no one was the wiser and I have also sent pumpkin seeds to a friend in New Zealand , hidden in other stuff , he grew giant pumpkins and won the gardening contest in his neighbourhood cause of those seeds lol

  9. Jen they are so easy to make!!!! get some italian bread crumbs or panko, if you want to be japanese and some egg and milk and dip them in each and make sure you fry them in really hot oil, You probably already know this Ive bought a pork loin and sliced it to make them also I make chicken and steak the same way.

  10. It's all about the quick and ready, guys.

    I work all kinds of crazy hours and can go all day without eating then when i get home at 9 or 10 pm i just want to EAT... no cooking... i hate microwaved food so i will consider ten minutes in the toaster oven... maybe...

    I have this theory about cooking meals... (stop me if you've heard this one)...

    To me home cooked meals are like ova... you know eggs for us females...

    We've only got so many in us.

    After so long they dwindle down til they're about where mine are now... next to NIL!

    I can cook... i'm a really good cook....

    I just am tired of it now... i'm DONE.
    I would so love to have a "wife" LOL!

    I don't have enough money for a cook/house keeper, so i need to find someone to committ to me and share my home , doing those chores i hate...

    I'd do all the other ones... painting, yard work minor repairs.

    Just someone cook for me...PLEASE!
    I'm not real picky! Honest!

  11. Kristen - Make a cooking video! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see YOU in an apron in your kitchen cooking up a storm! (whew! is it hot in here, or is it just me?)

    Jen - Mayu and I have come to the belief that we don't really want to take more time cooking than we do eating. And since eating can be done in about 20 minutes, that means SPEED COOKING is of the essence. This was driven home to me a couple of years ago when Paula told me that she was shocked over one particular meal that took her hours of time and love to prepare for her family... but was devoured in a few minutes with very little love or appreciation in return. She came to the conclusion that it was not a good ROI for her.

  12. That's just the thing.. on holidays when family visits, it's awesome to gather in the kitchen, my brother and i usually prepare most of the meal but visitors who sit in the kitchen to chat with us get assingned helper duties like peeling carrots, shucking corn. the meal takes hours, but not only the prep is fun, the meal itself is a long, lingering event with much love and laughter (even the kids stay at the table).

    That's the good part of preparing a fine meal.

    In my everyday times it's just about filling the belly... once i finally build an appetite.

  13. Yeah, Cammy... that's why i eat a lot of eggs... five minutes after throwing stuff into some eggs in a pan and i'm eating... Yum!


  14. What about those places where you go and put together a bunch of meals and then freeze them so when you come home and dont want to cook you can pull something out that is healthy and good and ready to go, just throw it in the oven and while it cooks go take a bath ? I have some friends who have little to no time and they are like you and love these places and the meals they can make up that are pretty good.

    You just have to take some time in a day probably a weekend to get to ther place put together the stuff or better yet, why go to some place that will charge it, what about making a bunch of things ahead of time? You probably already thought of this already. nevermind

  15. Jen making those fried pork cutlets take about 20 min, and while your doing that you can throw a salad together really fast. I need variety in my menu's also, if you like fish you can poach some salmon really quickly in frying pan or any fish for that matter. they have those really thin steaks in the market which usually at pretty low in cost and they cook up really fast.

    Oh my sister got me a family size George Foreman grill, I LOVE this thing, at first I thought, they were silly and waste ( my culinary certifications getting the best of me) and then I tried it Oh my goodness the best thing in the world it cooks everything so well Chicken breasts which dry out fast are moist and tender, burgers are nice and flat ( the homemade kind) and even fish came out great thin steaks were juicy and tender. I make burgers head of time and freeze them and when I leave for work I take them out and let them thaw, the same with frozen chicken breasts and chicken thighs ( boneless) and then when I get home, voila ready to go and while they cook I make some side dish and dinner is ready.

    I also eat things like whole wheat pasta or cous cous or potato's or Ouinoa and a veg usually something frozen that will boil up fast, when I'm not in a salad mood, also I have some soup recipes that you can make in under 10 min one is so fast it 2 min, a green pea and pesto soup, its so good.

    Yeah there are times when I don't want to cook too, when I'm happy with yogurt or some non sweetened cereal or oatmeal or Almond Butter and Jelly sandwich.

    Oh I dont have a video camera.

  16. Oooooo.... Kristen....

    ix-nay on the Orman-fay ill-gray....

    Cammy's been waiting for one for some time now. It was too expensive for me to ship from here so another Multiply friend is supposed to get him one...

    There's been a bit of a delay... hehehe...

    Oh i have all those time saving devices... Had a George Forman. Cuisinart, etc. I' just get myself so hungry... and i'm so lazy (or actually tired), i'd just give anything to have food waiting for me when i crawl in....preferrably male... definitely hott! hehehe....

    Peel me a grape, Baby! LOLOL!!!


  17. Thats probably addressing a whole other situation where you think its food but instead its the need for NOOK!!! =)

  18. Kristen - Excuses, excuses.... get a video camera. They are small, veryyyy affordable, and you can have a LOT of fun with them! *wink wink*

    In addition to creating amazing culinarygasmic videos for us all here on multiply to make up for the hack vids I make on food.! Besides, you are a heck of a lot better looking than me, so you'll have a much larger audience, believe me! Sex sells, and baby, there ain't NUTHIN' sexier than ... bbbbacon!

  19. I want it ALL, Kristen....

    The NOOK is good, but ...

    I gotta EAT sometimes...
    I'm already down to once, maybe only twice a day.

    Maybe i can get Cammy to make me bacon...BACON... everyday.

  20. If I could GET real bacon here at affordable prices (one pack of the kind you buy at a store costs about $15 to get... but not in my prefecture!) I would be more than happy to cook it for you every day, Jen!


  21. You buy me the camera and I will send you the family size George Forman Grill

  22. Not THERE... Silly....

    Cammy, you must come here!

    Sorry Kristen .. i meant that for the expat.

  23. I'm too hungry to click the link.

    I think Jaime still has a GF Grill that she bought and was going to send to me. The cool thing is that it was going to come from one of the military bases here in Japan so that I would only needto pay the local courier fees. Sending a grill overseas would be crazy expensive. But I am dying to try one out for cooking since you are also another person who loves them, Kristen.

  24. There fabulous and easy to maintain and click on that link, dont be weak!!!

  25. OMG I could go for that quadruple bypass burger! Damn you! Now I REALLY do need to go and make my kitchen oily again so I have to clean it all up... again... (I like a spotless kitchen, can you tell?)

    Hey, here's something... Jenny told me this once and I'd like some more confirmation (not that I don't trust her... I do... implicitly!)... my biggest frustration with all my cooking of meat is that I have to do it on the stove in a frypan. I don't mind that at all, but three meals a day I am always wiping up the range, the walls, the fan, the fridge... I just wish I could cook delicious meat without getting oil everywhere! Sure I could put a lid on the frypan, but steamed meat just doesn't cut the cheese for me, yanno? Tell me... does your kitchen get greasy when you cook with George? Do you and George like to get it on with just a little bit of oil? You can tell me (us); I won't tell...

  26. NO it does not because you close the lid and it cooks on both sides, you get a tray that you put at the foot of the grill and all the grease slides down it, you dont have to oil it, I have used some spray when I make fish but its got a nonstick surface on either side which you clean with a paper towels and wet sponge,

  27. oh and they give you these plastic scrapers to help remove the residue

  28. Mmmmm... sausage, yes... and hot dogs!

    And it's fast.

    Boneless chicken breasts take six minutes. Burgers, about the same. I give the sausage a little longer just for the uncooked pork nervousness...

    I don't use mine that much though. Just for the chicken breast.
    With the gas grill just outside on my deck only steps from the door, we grill almost all our meat... unless the snow is too deep, LOL!

    The grill is awesome Mou. I might consider getting a new one with the removable plates... much easier to clean. I keep meaning to try it to see if it can substitute for a panini machine... let's face it... they're just big fancy waffle maker/grill cheese makers anyway.

    The GF should do the same thing.

  29. I made panini on it, you'll just get the stripes but it works

  30. What's wrong with striped panini? That sounds like racial discrimination!

  31. because it should be on a flat surface! I have a very old waffle iron that has double surfaces one side flat to do this very thing. the GF grill is easier
