Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Professor Peskin Interview: Newsline Thailand, 2001

Khanada has finally had the time to convert Brian Peskin's talks and seminars into YouTube Video Format.

Please watch this 5 minute interview with Newsline, Thailand that was waay back in 2001. Then head over to Brian Peskin's Professor Nutrition YouTube Channel and watch the rest.

And learn! You won't regret learning this stuff!

Oh, and please visit my blog, "Professor Nutrition YouTube Channel" for more details.

I love you!


1 comment:

  1. Cool....

    Where's this been for 7 years?

    I wonder if i can email this to some friends and my brother. I just get tongue tied when i try to explain this. Plus.... it's just ME sayin it... they won't read the written stuff i tell them about.

    This is a good concise intro for me to then go in and clobber them over the head with.

    I'll be back to steal it.

    For now i got a dog givin me "the look"... back in a bit!
