Friday, May 22, 2009

Is Max Crazy?

Is Max Crazy, or What?!???!!

Yes, he's out of his frikkin' mind!

No, I think he has a right to be a recluse if he wants to be.

He should keep making love to his mountain bikes.

I think he's gay.

He's cute!

I don't want him to "go for it" cuz I want Max!

Wow, she's awesome! Can I have her if Max doesn't want her?

Where do I sign up for a mail order bride?

Ignore the two "drop your jaw handsome" guys in this photo. This blog isn't about us (private drooling acceptable)....

Max called yesterday and said he wanted to bring his friend Yamakawa-san over for a brief visit. Of course I said yes! It turns out they are going for a bike ride in the mountains. Well, so am I but not to the same place because although she is apparently a top contender for mountain climbing in Japan, she doesn't have a lot of history on mountain bikes. And that is perfectly understandable.

Max has been telling me about Yamakawa-san for a long time. They met through the traditional Japanese introductions. She is about 41, single (now), is a nurse, and exercises like crazy. She hikes, mountain climbs in all seasons, climbs waterfalls and all that stuff. When the two of them go hiking she leaves Max in her tracks.

He has been saying for some time that he isn't sure if she's "his type". And the way he described her I had a completely different image.

So when she showed up.. I was stunned. This woman is gorgeous! Slim, very athletic with a bright, laughing face, open eyes, friendly smile, totally relaxed. She has that long straight black hair that goes down to the waist... you know the kind that all North American guys seem to drool over? Yeah, that kind. Very very nice women all round.

She loved watching Max and I talk back and forth and even commented on how enjoyable it was seeing us talk with absolutely no reservations whatsoever. She didn't even once comment on "your Japanese is so good", which was a very nice breath of fresh air. We just talked, and laughed. And she can laugh! It rings out strong and true.

I gave her a tour of the house. She saw all of Max' work and was very impressed. I took her upstairs and showed her the Globalized Rug. When I told them how Stefnee makes them, and the history of all the material and how all the love and positive energy is infused in it from all of YOU, both she and Max were extremely impressed. Mission accomplished! She loved how bright and cheery and well-decorated Stefnee's room is.

I showed her my Hippy Dippy Bag and she absolutely loved it. I told her that if she ever wanted one, Stefnee has some on her online store, and she could even make a custom one if she wanted.

I told them both of the most recent "run in" (two days ago) I had with Dickhead's Dad (he is such a childish man... *shaking head, feeling sorry for him*) And she laughed.

I absolutely LOVED meeting her.

Max told me in the past that she considers him as a boyfriend, but he doesn't feel that. He's not sure... And of course if the chemistry isn't there it isn't there, right? But I couldn't make any of my own observations until I met her.

Well I met her...

And the next time I have Max to myself I am going to tell him that he is out of his fucking mind if he doesn't latch onto her.

I think that the problem is that Max is soooooo deep into his comfort zone that he really has no idea about what human inter-relations are like. In fact, I'm pretty sure he hasn't even had a girlfriend in 20 years and I am 100% sure that the only "person" he has made love to in that time has been his mountain bike (six of them). And yes, for us, each one of our bikes are personified... they all have their own unique characteristics (mine have names).

So what I wanna know is this: Is Max crazy, or what?!?!?

I'm off to the mountains myself, and will return in several hours (maybe with more photos) because the weather is soooo nice today. Let me know what you think.

I love you!



  1. I think you're right... of course.

    That's no compliment... just common sense/human nature.

    He's shy... isolated, introverted and not very worldly.

    He wouldn't know his "type" if it bit him in the nose!

    But he's so lovable... he may need a bit of a nudge in the right direction...

    Get them bony elbows ready, Mou!

    I love you!
    Have a good ride.

  2. P.S.
    She is adorable too.

    Makes me smile to look at her.

  3. Sorry...

    Me again...

    What the fuck do these people eat???

    Why do these two fourty-somethings look like geeky teenagers???

    It's not fair... i want the secret!!!!

  4. Apparently she used to weigh 85kg and got into exercise to lose weight. Well it sure has worked for her! She sustains it quite nicely I might add.

  5. By the way.. that discombobulated hand caressing Max's neck?... it's mine.

  6. Yeah... we knew that...

    Go pedal yer ass!

  7. Your going to have to tell him that making love to his mountain bikes is just a waste of Nice to see that you've been letting your hair grow out.

  8. Jalopy - Thanks. Tell that to my dad when he starts complaining... in about... *looks at watch*... 7 minutes.

  9. Will do that; got to let my hair grow out or I don't have any.........have to have some to cover the bald spot.

  10. Forgot to ask; tell him about your hair or you putting your seed into the mountain bike.....lmao.l

  11. Don't want to dampen your enthusiasm for playing matchmaker. Max is a good friend and he is cute and sweet and talented. But be cautious Cameo, if you convince Max to move into something he doesn't "feel" it will be a recipe for disaster, and a very sweet, nice girl could end up getting very hurt.

    If left alone to decide his life he just might continue in the friendship long enough to wake up one day and see that he is very much in love with a very beautiful and groovy lady. But it won't work for them if he jumps in before he is ready.

    So, no I don't think Max is crazy. I think he just takes a long time to get in touch with his feelings. And no one can force feelings. Either they are there or they are not. If he is telling you that he isn't sure if she is "his type" you'd better stick your arrow back in its quiver.

  12. Max is out of his fucking mind, but I agree w/ Sheila.

    His path is his own, but feel-free to express yourself. Afterall, he is a friend and brought her over to meet you for reasons you might not be aware. He may be wanting preliminary approval...I think he got it already w/o you saying a word to him though!!!

    Dammit, there is no option for chosing, "Yes, he's out of his fucking mind, but his life is his own to live as he so chooses."

  13. Hi Sheila, Thanks for your thoughts. Just so that you know, I'm not playing matchmaker; that's not me. Max' parents would LOVE me to play matchmaker and introduce him to "somebody... anybody... please!!". I don't do that. I do give my thoughts and impressions to him because he asks, of course. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't share what I thought, or offer any of my experiences that he has yet to gather for himself? This way he can listen, process, and make a slightly better decision because he has more data to go on.

    I'm just writing a humorous blog and updating our blog community because everyone always loves Max and wants to know what's going on in his life.

    So now you know: he is "non-dating".

  14. Update: Yamakawa-san's first name is Chieko, and now that I know, Max calls her Chi-chan. If you understand the Japanese culture then you will understand what that means.

  15. Um... we don't....

    Care to inform us?



  16. Well there you go! We parents push, that's what we sometimes do and kids push back. So maybe Celeste is right, maybe Max introduced her to you just so he could get a friend's opinion and its alright to do that when you're asked. He might just be scared about starting a romantic relationship. So he will go slow. As a matter of fact I'm thinking of the great patience he has to have when he creates his beautiful works of art! Patience and slow going is what Max is all about so it may take him a long time to make up his mind. Hope the girl thinks enough of him to wait and not get discouraged.

    Seems to me he already has decided deep down, he just doesn't feel comfortable yet. He will.

  17. Sheila - He said to me yesterday, "I'm glad that this time when I brought something new over it wasn't another bike." Boy did I laugh! There are big changes afoot for Max. He told me a while back he needs to change his clothing style and hair style. Then he ordered one of Stefnee's Hippy Dippy Bags. Also he told me how much he loved my Multiverse Pendant from Allison Strine and that he wanted one. So I got one custom made for him... and it will be delivered to him for his birthday. And these days every time we go riding he's always asking me about women and such. I just tell him I have no frikkin idea how a woman thinks, of course, but that they all should be in aprons cooking meals and having babies, sexist that I am... Besides, who would want to trust a guy who would want to have Johnny Depp's baby??!?!?!?!

    She's got my vote, and he knows it, so now it's up to him to make the move, whatever move that may be.

    I love you.

  18. Okies so I am a bit late here (okay, WAY late, lol) but I just LOVED this blog and had to reply!!!! Yeah I'd have to say that Max is on freakin crack and he doesn't know what the hell end is up, lol. I debated voting for the first one or the one says he's gay...ROTFL. But I went for the first; he's outta his freakin mind. He's been havign sex with bikes for way too long if he's gonna turn her down!! *sighs* BUT as someone said, to each their own. She just seems like such a great gal and obviously is in love with him for as attentive as she was. I hope he goes for it!!!!

  19. Reg... you are late.

    Max finally admitted to himself as well as to Cam that yeah... she is his girlfriend... Glory be!!!

    Aren't they the cutest two you ever saw.

    I can't wait to see how she drgs him out of his shell!
    And maybe into the 21st century by getting a computer and high speed internet in his house.....

    Don't laugh, Cam... it could happen ;-)

    You know the things one can do for love... sigh....


  20. I don't think the internet is coming too soon... On Saturday I called Max (he was having sex with his bike in the mountains behind his house again - Ride hard and "put 'er away wet" as the old saying goes). I told him i was going to Wpg for all of August and if he could come and check out the house for me once in a while (freely with Chica; Stefnee's nickname for her) i would really appreciate it. You never know if a water pipe is going to burst or not, right? I also said he could freely boot up his computer (which he leaves here) and use the internet as often as he likes.

    I then said I would like to keep in contact with him and would REALLY appreciate it if he would activate the email function on his cell phone. He has ALWAYS said no, for years now... he just won't do it. I said that I would miss him, and that if he didn't have that I wouldn't be able to keep in touch with him for an entire month because there is no other way to contact him from Canada. I basically begged.

    You know what he said?

    "Feel free to send me messages to Chie-chan's cell phone."

    Can't say I don't try every angle. I even tried the "I'm going to miss you, buddy..." but it didn't work.

  21. Yee-haw!! Though I may have been way late, it was nice to read that Max DOES have a clue (even if he still enjoys having a go of it on his nice...erm, bike, lol). Aww, they are such a cute couple!!! This was most DEF good news to read for the state of mind that I'm in this evening, lol... he REFUSES internet, eh? *Shakes head* I just don't get it. But I suppose even more it shows how into her he really is if he's telling you to send messages to him via her cell:)

    Love all around to ya both, Jen and Cam!!!
