Sunday, May 17, 2009

Spiritual Liberation

I purchased the book, "Spiritual Liberation" by Michael Beckwith, on Amazon recently, and have begun to settle into reading it. It is time, once again, to begin reading and expanding my understanding and knowledge, and FEELING of the NOW, and how I may attain more liberation, through spirituality.

The concepts in this book are all in harmony with everything we have discussed, ARE discussing and WILL discuss on spirituality, harmony, unconditional love. This falls perfectly in tune with our Globalized Love desire to share love, and grow with one another, sharing positive energy, reaching our highest goals in existence, through changing our thoughts, changing our beliefs, focusing on the positive energy in the world, and taking our mind off of all the negativeness that flows about us. What we create in our mind, we create in our life.

Here is a quote from Dr. Michael Beckwith that will show up at the end of the following six minute video showing a variety of his most excellent quotes for you to think about, believe, FEEL and enact in your life. I AM.

Enjoy the music....

I love you!


I believe that you are great; that there's something magnificent about you. Regardless of what has happened to you in your life, regardless of how young or how old you think you might be, the moment you begin to think properly, this something that is within you, this power that is greater than the world, it will begin to emerge; it will take over your life. It will feed you, it will clothe you, it will guide you, protect you, sustain your very existence... if you let it. Now that is what I know for sure.  - Michael Bernard Beckwith


  1. ((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))) excellentx

  2. Music is awesome! *listening, reading*

  3. "If this crisis were to last forever, what qualities would I have to grow to have peace of mind?"

    Excellent question. My brain is spinning and swimming. What a thought!! I always desire to change the situation, toss water on the crisis...wish for it to go away...what if the option to live through it, grow through it, sustain....what if that option is the best one? This thought process could speed up healing. I cannot change the situation I am in, so I grow through it, adapt....grow qualities to have peace of mind. Instead of trying to change the outcome, control the outcome, adapt and grow qualities to have peace of mind.


    Thanks Cam! This came at the perfect time, for me. I have been scarce here as my attention has wandered elsewhere. I just happened to log in today and see this blog in my updates and.....well, enough said. Perfect.

  4. No time now... gardens calling, but i had to tell you...
    I saw him on a panel on Larry King last night having a discussion about spiritual work like his and others'.
    It was interesting...BUT..
    They were tlking about love (both romantic and universal) and Jealousy came up and in the midst of talking about how it is a negative emotion, he also mentioned envy... and he linked it with jealousy... even said it was worse...
    You and i have talked about this and how in the work we've done that's NOT how it's looked upon....

    Interesting difference.
    Wonder if you'll come across it in this book.

    Let me/us know... if you read it.

  5. This is VERY interesting too...

    A friend of mine is going through just a horrible time and with each new day or week it doesn't seem to get better, only different stresses... some even wore keep occurring.
    So she's beginning to think it'll always be like this.

    I had no idea what to say to her...

    Think i better get this book... and one for her too.

    Thanks Cam... this sounds really good... thought provoking stuff!
    Love you, MOU...

    and you too, Linda!

    I did miss you. Hope all is well... or will be soon.. knowing you, i'm sure they will be. You rock!

  6. I have liked what I have heard about him as well. There is an audio interview posted online that he did with Oprah on her site that you can download.

  7. He does indeed have a very compelling smile, Sheila.

  8. back.. and had a second look and many more thoughts about that quote and Lin's comments.

    you know me... always questioning...

    And my thoughts are... yes, there are some situations that though bad upon first glance can be re thought in order to live at peace in them.

    However... what if you are an abused spouse ... or worse, child.
    Too many of those victims take the approach that it's just something they have to live with. They try to change their behaviour so as not to set the abuser off.

    I'm not saying it's the same thing, but it's just ambiguous enough to make such a victim feel ..."ok" in settling for a life of abuse. Especially if ... "he doesn't do it all the time" or "he never hit the kids", or, "where would i go". Some situations seem so bad that we see no way out so make the decision to just live with it.

    The situation i might find peace with is a physical disability or even a diagnosis of cancer.

    Many such people make their peace with a lifetime of being differently abled and still others make their peace with cancer and commit to living a full life in whatever time they have left.

    This is what i suppose he means...

    I really need to get this book.

  9. Well, if you go to YouTube and type in his name, you can get an interview with CBS (I think). Is it CBS that uses that "eye" logo? It's really quite good, because the interviewer tries to play devil's advocate just because most of us do look toward the skeptical side of all this. His answers or replies are very good.

    The reply that I found best was this: we don't blame anyone for their situation, but we do have them understand it is THEIR RESPONSIBILITY. And this goes with the battered house wife issue or any kind of victimization I would think. If you can take it upon yourself, and be responsible for YOUR OWN actions, knowing that the things in your life were brought upon you through your own thoughts, feelings and actions, then if you really want to be OUT of that situation, you can take responsibility for it, make the changes in your mind and that will lead your body to react accordingly such that you begin to see where you need to make the little steps that will lead to larger steps, and to eventually a change in the situation.

    Honestly... i don't believe that suddenly the abusive husband (or wife) is going to become a saint just because we believe it. But, what could happen is that someone might come along who might say something that acts as a catalyst in the mind of the abused person who will then be able to step into their fear and out of their relationship. Or... if it only happens rarely, to find some mediation way to talk about it, help the person she loves seek help, and work toward changing that situation.

    You see... in the end... unless you are going to physically remove the abused person from that situation (and usually they will make you the enemy for doing so, because it is nearly impossible for us humans to admit we need help in situations that we cannot resolve on our own)... like they have to do when they extract people from cults... in the end, if they really choose not to go, it is their decision, their own making.

    Sure, we could make an unilateral decision, call the cops on the family and have officials come and take actions. But unless I am mistaken, that usually also will result in losing your friend to you and they may quite likely become your enemy. Now that may be acceptable to you if what you see is an extreme situation and their health is more important than their friendship to you. At that time it's a decision that has to be made and lived with, I guess. But it's a tough call.

    Let's not look at this stuff through "worst case scenario" sunglasses, OK? Let's look at it from all of our perspective, those connected to us here, who are living pretty good lives, not "lives from hell" where we can try to employ his and other teachings on small things in our lives to make little improvements here and there, rather than a ginormous sweeping atomic change.

    I have no experience with battered wives (or husbands) so I honestly can't even think of challenging his talks from that perspective. Maybe others can see that better, but honestly at this time, I've led a pretty good life without that in my surroundings (as I know) so it's really difficult for me to apply it to that respect.

  10. Jenny, I used this to do something that I have been trying to do for months....we talked about this. I just did it tonight. It is over. I am shaking and it was not easy. I am crying and sick to my stomach...but I have to live through this crisis because it is what it best for ME. I have to move forward......I know it may seem like I am looking at this quote backwards, but this truly helped me make the decision I know is right. I am in crisis now only because I have a huge piece of me...a piece that has been there for 8 years, missing. I am alone again, by choice. It sucks, but....I can get through this. It is MY truth.

    That is all I can type now....

  11. I understand, Lin.
    And i'm so sorry. I know you've been agonizing over this... as i did for a long time too. I know how hard it can be and i'm so sorry you're hurting now.

    But you know... you're one of the ones who is working through life with this "work" as a guide.
    My concern was only that someone who is struggling through pain and already thinks it's never going to get better ( i know people like this... i may have BEEN people like this).

    I was just worried that if someone took that quote at first read and face value it appears to suggest we learn to live with that which gives us pain.. to make our peace with it in order to have "peace of mind".

    Maybe i'm reading too much into it... i mean ... he did say "IF" this crisis were to last forever.

    Cam, i guess you're right, but like you, my life is so good most of the time that it is the ginormous things that stand out as needing to be changed.
    I already know that i can deal with the smaller things.. or, as in the case he mentions here, i can learn to change my mind and not see it as a problem or see it as a challenge to do something differently. then...peace is at hand.

    I'm sorry i took the worst case scenario first.

    Guess i'm a bit of a NegativeNancy.

  12. No Negative Nancy!!!! I think we all interpret things in our own unique way. You are right, maybe someone else would take it that stay in a bad situation. For me, it just solidified a thought, a course.....ya know?

  13. Jen - I'm not blaming you here at all. I just can't offer any suggestions on how to adapt this kind of stuff to those extremely difficult situations. So no need to consider yourself as taking the negative aspect. I wish I had some suggestions. I just don't. Maybe with your comments and thoughts there will be people who HAVE experienced what you have talked about who might find a way to help explain how this could help others in that kind of situation. Thank you for writing it.

    Linda - I understand your comment. I love you.

  14. I love you too Cam.


  15. Thanks, Linda. And good morning. I love you. Have a wonderful day.
