Friday, May 8, 2009

Listen to this De-Stress Kit for Changing Times

Well, once again the Global Coherence site sent me an interesting email in which they offer a free download of a pdf or mp3 version of The De-Stress Kit for Changing Times. Instead of reading the pdf (probably kind of boring), I downloaded the mp3 version (read by the CEO of HeartMath, one of the organizations working with the Global Coherence Unit) burned it to a CD and listened to it on the way to and from Max' today.

It is NOT meditation, just in case some of you really aren't into meditations. It is very different from the Processes that I talk about all the time, but a lot of the concepts are in there. I listened to it and found several aspects that when spoken to me, just helped to reinforce a lot of the stuff I am already learning and implementing in my meditations. I also got a different perspective on some aspects of de-stressing which was good.

The mp3 is 30MB zip file, and is 35 minutes of talking. The narrator simply reads the pdf that was written by the founder of HeartMath, Doc Childre (hmm... one of those "newage wackhead shit" names if you ask me). It was a good listen. Simple, straight forward and listenable. I did not, however like the last 5 minutes of the talk as it goes against a bit of what I believe, however that is fine. We can't all be on the same page all at the same time, right? The important thing is to take from it what works for me (or you), and use it to decrease your stress levels, and increase your wellness.

Here is a blurb from the site with the links that you can access and download on your own if you so desire. I recommend it. I love you! - Cam

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(doesn't that give the coolest illusion of an embossed parallelogram?)

We all know that millions of people are experiencing extra stress. Much outgoing care and compassion is needed to help ease the emotional pain that so many are increasingly experiencing. Doc Childre, founder of HeartMath, a leading stress research institute, has written a free booklet De-Stress Kit for the Changing Times that provides a few simple practices to help people intercept and manage stress during this period of challenge and uncertainty.

Click for free PDF Download  (English Version)
8.5" x 11" PDF (four-color)

Click for free Audio Program Download  (English Version)
MP3 Audio File (30.5 MB)


  1. You know you're in the 21st century when a booklet suggests that you can find help in blogs and on the internet.

    I've saved it and I'm currently reading it.

    Thanks Cam!

  2. Enjoy, Deb! And if you find even one thing that you hadn't thought of before, it was worth the time. I love you!

  3. 15 pages...not bad. Homework for this evening AFTER I finish my work.


    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Listen to it! Forget about reading it.

  5. Too many distractions here to listen.

    I enjoy reading. I have tried books on tape/cd...ICK! I need to read to soak it in.

  6. I will listen to it before bed...

    Or ... maybe Linda's right... something new to read might be nice.

    I'l check both out.

    Thank you, Sweet Mou!

    I love you!

  7. Just thought...

    Either way i'm likely to fall asleep within 3.5 minutes of getting still.
    Just came in from weeding the beds for all the veggie plants i picked up this afternoon... in between my job at the spa and the massage at MY place. Got home at 7:30, changed, and weeded til even the lights from the ball field weren't enough... not tired yet, but if i sit still for too long it'll hit me.

    So.... seeya!



  8. OOOO Jen...I can picture you weeding in your yard. :):)



    You have such a nice house. And your yard.......I could relax and LOVE it for hours on end.

    Sleep well.

  9. I was on the side by the driveway, Lin.
    That's where the veggies go.

    ANNND... i was right. Asleep five minutes into listening. Will try again tonight.

    Annnnnd... Was planning to get work done out there today... maybe even get some planted...

    It's raining..... sigh......

  10. It's good to listen to it in your car when you drive to work. It's only 35 minutes, and it is absolutely NOT sleep-inducing ... in a meditative sort of way.

  11. That would be great, Mou.
    I'll burn it onto a CD along with some other stuff.


    The CD player in my car isn't working.... sigh...

    Seems a lot of stuff is breaking down all around me.

    Including me... my back and shoulders are in P A I N this morning. Having some coffee then i'll try hZo for a bit.

    Always when i have stuff to do, yanno?
    Rain... back out...

    Maybe i should just go back to bed.

  12. Jenny!!

    I wish I lived close enough to drive over and have a cup o' something hot with you.

    Or water.

    Or to join you on finding something to do on a rainy Saturday morning.

    I was going to go for a 5 mile walk, but it looks like rain here soon as well.

    Maybe I'll get to reading this De-Stress Kit.

    Good idea.

  13. Starting to clear here, but it's kind of cold.

    Then i have to go give a massage... that'll be good.. cha ching!$$!

    Maybe i'll come home to some sun.
    Feeling a bit better.. back is OK now but shoulder pain is something i just work through... i'm used to it.

    Love you guys!

  14. I just finished reading this piece.

    As I do not think it will help me at this time in my life, it may help me in the future. I am doing surprisingly well....with everything in my life.

    Sherri just lost her dad, a little over a month ago. She is constantly stressed and cannot sleep. I am sharing this with her. I hope it helps. I can see it helping. Reducing the drama in life is a HUGE piece. Also, the piece about talking yourself through stress, she needs this.

    I truly hope this will help her.

    Keep your fingers crossed. She just went home again for the first time since the funeral. I hope she is doing well, in her dad's house, without him there, the strain of her relationship with her mom...please send her positive thoughts. She is a good person, and can use all the help anyone can lend her.


  15. I do hope that she gets through this with minimal emotional scarring. I love you. Keep up being a wonderful friend for her.
