Saturday, May 9, 2009

Japan Seaside Ride 090509

The weather was so amazing today that I just HAD to get out. And what better place to enjoy a relaxing ride (oh my knees!) than the Japan Seaside!

The wonderful thing about this ride is that it is pretty flat, and that there is a large variety of terrain to enjoy from concrete, to singletrack. It is a great place to ride if you ever want to go riding with me!

I love you!



  1. Actually, i would love to do that ride should i get the chance to come for a visit.
    Since it is pretty flat i think it would be a fantastic trip!

    Can't wait to see the sea from your side of the world!

    Seriously considering my options for vacation travel.... wish me luck!

  2. Ohhhh... awesome!

    Can we swim at this beach?

    Well... i'm not actually a swimmer.. but you know what i mean....

    I want to wade around in my bikini then stretch out on the sand and bask while listening to the waves.

  3. HEY!!!!

    That's NOT flat!

    Ok... jumping off halfway up to walk it the rest of the way... *huff huff puff*...

  4. Oh my.... GORGEOUS!

    Is that a lighthouse?

    I LOVE lighthouses!
    And it looks like a great place to find cool pieces of driftwood, yes?

  5. Ohhhhh....

    ....... *SWOON*.....

    You look so good, Mou!

  6. Those dimples... *pinch*... hee..

  7. Interesting sea wall.

    How... or where do the get those forms? Are they made just for this purpose?

  8. Rice?
    At seaside?

    Is it salt water?

  9. Love this!

    So green... getting that way here too... finally!

  10. Wow!

    See... something i CAN steal for a background!

    Love it, Mou.

    Love you too!

  11. This would be a lovely walk. My knees do not like the bike.

  12. Is there a way to get down to that little beach?

  13. Hey, I know him!


    *swooning beside Jen*

  14. Just wouldn't want to be stuck on that beach if the tide goes high !! It is a beautiful place !!

  15. Wow that really interests me , and Jen asked the questions that I want to know too !!

  16. Great place to walk along or just sit on the cement wall , must be so peaceful

  17. I said to Leo tonight as we were driving along , well actually I yelled it lol I said " OMG" he jumped and said "What?" (I know not a smart thing to do to someone who is driving) I said "Did you see that ?" and he said ......"What ?" I said "There are three kids playing outside" LOL You know it is a very rare thing, kids are never outside anymore . I see there are kids outside here in your photo YAY It's been raining here all week then there was winter before that and I tended to sit a lot in front of my computer, today it was at least not raining but hardly any sun and I went out to do some yard work , I swear I forgot how good it felt to be outside , now I want out everyday !!!

  18. Just noticed...
    You're getting tanned.


  19. Jacks for Giants. Where's the ball?

  20. I'm not getting any tan. It pisses me off. Damn PEOs....

    And the tetrapods are made in a variety of forms and shapes to be poured into moulds (giant steel mothers), then brought to the seaside and piled like jumping jacks.

    Not bamboo.... pine. And the tubes they are grown in keeps them straight. If they are let free to grow in the prevailing winds, they all grow at a weird angle.

    Lyvvie - I don't want to see Giants' balls, thankyouverymuch.
