Sunday, May 10, 2009

Let the Chocolate Games Begin!

OK OK OK... I have a part time job catering a chocolate fountain to wedding receptions. And you know what? I LOVE IT!

I also have an MBA... and you know what? Aside from learning a lot, it hasn't done shit for me since I graduated March 2007.

I sent my friend/mentor in Asheville my resume (looking for new work) and he helped me tweak it for his market. He told me to take the chocolate fountain work off the resume because... and I quote... "It's not something someone with an MBA would do." Screw that.

Several years ago I helped a restauranteur here import a chocolate fountain. Then we imported a different one. Then he did two more by himself. He keeps one in his restaurant flowing all the time as one menu on the dessert chart. The others he uses for catering to weddings and events.

In March I visited my friend and had some food there after a workout. It was just on a whim as I hadn't been there for probably six or more months. I told him how my business has basically shut down (i.e. almost no income). I tried to explain to him that it was my request to the Universe coming true. You see, I want to close my business down, and leave Japan. And the Universe is giving that HALF of my request to me. I still can't find work in N.A. but keep looking. I WILL find something, it is in the channels and the Universe will deliver it when the timing is right. But I still live on "borrowed yen" until that day comes.

My friend Kotaro told me that he could really use my help because he is the only one doing the fountain catering now and he is very busy with his restaurant (it's a second business for him). The stuff is heavy and the female servers really have trouble moving it all around. The male servers are also just as busy at the restaurant so he is short (they are all short compared to me) and needed help. So I came to him at just the right time.

What I do is take the fountain, melted chocolate, dishes and fruit to a wedding reception, set it up, get it going, and keep the food dishes full. When the reception is done, I break it down, clean it all up and take it back to the restaurant. It is usually an 8 hour day.

And I love it!

I love it because there is so much positive, loving, happy energy flowing at wedding receptions that I can't help but feel really good when I'm there. I'm also a people person to the nth degree and working alone in my house here for over five years has made me crazy. I need to get out, to see people, to interact, to share, to give, to love, to support, to talk, laugh, cry, converse, and just... BE.

So this is great for me.

It seems that there have been only one or two jobs a month (usually on Sundays). It isn't a lot of money, but I'm not doing it for the yen. I'm doing it for the Love.

Love of people.

Love of life.

Today there was a really drunk guest who tried to stuff chocolate-covered fruit down my throat. He also put his dirty fingers into the fountain, sucked them off and did it again. I ended up getting lots of chocolate all over my lovely white dress shirt. Oh well... that's all part of professionalism, I guess.

Another day at the chocolate factory.
Did I make people happy?

You bet I did!


Mission Accomplished!

I love you!

Cammy Wonka

P.S. See the guy in the mirror in the background? He's kinda cute, don'tcha think? I do!

P.P.S. They were ALL animals today! There was chocolate everywhere!


  1. Not cute...


    So a guy attacked you?????



    Well i'm glad you're fine...( yes... you are fiiiiiine, yo!) and that you didn't let it ruin your day.

    But then, that wouldn't be my Mou, now would it?

    I love you, ya chocolate stringbean!

  2. I'd leave the chocolate fountain worker on the resume.

    It shows you're entrepreneurial and ready for anything life throws you.

    It will also make you more popular with the ladies...

  3. He was getting a little bit frisky with his hips when he was grappling me from behind. Not my type though. It must have been the apron that got him all excited or something... Can't for the life of me figure out what else would have done it. And his group of drunk buddies took three or four photos all glomming onto me... yeah, one of those kinds of days.

    Must not be nearly as bad as massaging a male client and having them pop a tent, though.

  4. You got mauled by a drunken dude?


    Very cute photo. In its entirety.Can you turn on the chocolate fountain next time? I have yet to see one of these in motion.


  5. And I too would leave the catering piece on your resume. It is something you can do...shows you can learn new things as well.

  6. Deb - I also applied for a civilian position in the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police). I can't remember if I left that on, or took it off. And heck, yeah! These days... I'll do anything. I'll even shovel cow shit if it pays the bills.

    Thanks, Linda. You can see one moving I think in the Japan video Stefnee and I made at Zeniya, I think.... didn't we shoot some coverage getting all covered in chocolate? I mean, our fruits?

    Yeah, well, Bob is Bob and anyone who has been with me long enough understands what that means....

    It's fun! In fact, i would love to move to customer service, and that kind of stuff. And what better way to show I can "service customers" than by servicing them chocolate from a fountain!

  7. "Must not be nearly as bad as massaging a male client and having them pop a tent, though."

    hehehe... it's not always a bad thing...shhh...

    Anyway, i was just thinking of the guy i got to know at my daughter's wedding in Jamaica.
    He was the food and beverage service director and he was everywhere all the time that's how and why i started talking to him. I'd see him when i went for kwoffee alone at 7am then again after dinner and at most of the events.

    He was tall, handsome and gregarious... remind you of anyone we know? *wink*

    And although the hours seem grueling, it seems like something you'd be suited to, Mou. Overseeing the smooth running of the restaurants and bars...
    Making guests feel welcome and important (although that guy teased me unmercifully for being from New Jersey... brat!) and just looking like you enjoy what you do and enjoy the people around you.

    That's it... you need to become one of those guys... at an awesome resort...

    Think of all the babes you'd meet!

    I think we've hit on somethin, yo!

  8. I have no idea what you are talking about!


    Mr. "Smooth" Opera Tor

  9. Cam, you're wonderful. MWAH Chocolatier, at your service!

  10. how much chocolate does the fountain hold? how do you add you have to melt it first? what do you do when people lose chunks of cake and fruit in the fountain?

    so many questions...i always wondered about those things.

    the right job will materialize at just the right time. your patience is admirable!

  11. I can't think of anyone SWEETER to serve chocolate!!

  12. OH






  13. WHY cant you work in NA???
    you have skills that TONS of companies would love here
    we have this large japanese community

  14. I don't think it's his skill set that's the issue - it's the lack of job opportunities so far. Alas.

  15. I think what's really holding me back is the opportunity that one day I'll get to hug George Forman!

  16. I did reply to a couple of recruiters in the USA and they told me that their customers all want "only locals for the positions". Well... their loss I guess. These days you really DO need to "think globally, act ... accordingly."

  17. Dude,
    If you really want to use your MBA you're going to have to be much, much more of a douchebag.
    Try acting like Donald Trump or Dick Cheney and you'll go far....

  18. The channel already exists: Can you say about 394 videos on Youtube?

  19. Now you just have to figure out how to make money on them. =>

  20. I tried revenue sharing on them... nothing. The problem is that I don't get a bazillion viral views like some do. I get... 354. That's like trying to sell one peanut at a time.

  21. i have heard that elephants like peanuts

  22. I'm hysterically laughing here at Jen calling you a "Chocolate Stringbean"
