Monday, June 29, 2009

Cameron is singing in the rain! Got 2 giant cabbage, 17 onions, 2heads of lettuce (my friend wanted to give me 5 but I explained that one person cannot eat five heads of lettuce), a big box of potatoes, and a bag of about a dozen monster cucumbers (leave them 1 day too long on the vine and they turn into abominations). Now all I need is tomatoes and I'm set for a couple weeks of salads!!


  1. I cant eat potatos can never have enough onions....glad to c you are still the healthy is it summer in japan?....guess so

  2. Di - I stopped eating potatoes about 10 years ago. They knock me out within 15 minutes and bloat me something fierce. So... I put them in a box and send them off to Mayu's mom in Tokyo! And she loves me for it!!!!! And yes, it is the rainy season that rolls in the stinking hot and steamy July and August. I'm excited to see if my chilblaines FINALLY go away (first time to have them this long ever).

    Jen - It certainly was! Morning, you!

  3. Knock off it's horns, wipe it's ass, and plop it on a plate for me, please.
    And please don't give me one of those gamey weed-fed range things you guys in Australia call "meat", will you? I need marble in the beef in order for it not to taste like shoeleather!

  4. You just don't know how to cook a steak if it resembles shoe leather =P

  5. That's cuz he doesn't have a grill, Deb.

    He actually cooks steak in a fry pan...*shudder*.

    He calls it cowboy style... yup... them cowboys know a thing or two about leather ;-)

  6. There is another way to eat steak than on the grill? I would call that I dumb Idea.

  7. Talk to the LankyOne, Rach.

    I'm wondering if they have those little portable hibachi grills there... it IS Japan, after all

    Of course, he IS supposed to get a Gorge Forman grill "soon" ;-)

    I think that would be ok for grilling steaks... probably a lot faster than an outdoor one even. I've done steak on mine and it's done quite well actually.

    Just teasing you lovingly, Mou.

  8. Then what's the hibachi for... didn't they invent it?

    You ain't livin if you ain't grillin. It's even common to grill veggies now.

  9. They in fact did. But the hibachi is used to grill teeny pieces of meat here. Remember the Stefnee Vs. Japan video where we took her to yakiniku with Matt? That was a "hibachi" and that is how it is used. What you know as hibachi is the Americanized version, to fit ginormous steaks and burgers that would feed an entire village here in Japan.

  10. Meh... throw it on there anyway...

    those teeny steaks you get would fit.

  11. Excuse me while I continue overdosing on cabbage soup....

  12. Yuck!

    I need meat!

    going foraging in the fridge... seeya!
