Monday, June 15, 2009

Say YES to Love

When somebody who loves you asks you for a favour, just say YES.

They ask because they need your help, because they cannot do it on their own, because they trust you and believe in your abilities. They wouldn't ask you otherwise.

Mayu's boss asked her if she would help him re-writing an english translation of a company brochure for a business associate. She is the only one in the company who speaks English. Perfectly of course. Some of you have spoken with her on the phone and have told me afterward that you would never even know she was Japanese just by her English.

It turns out that the translation is 16 handwritten pages of the worst "Janglish" or "Japlish" I have ever seen. Even a business associate/friend of mine who has worked in a Japanese translation company for seven years has never seen anything this bad.

But Mayu trusts me enough to ask because she believes in me. For her to do this project would take probably 5X the amount of time compared to me doing it.

So I said YES.

What I need to do is type it all into the computer (as is), and then go through it all and correct the English so it makes sense. It is a ginormous project that I would normally charge a company about $800 for. So far it has taken me about 10hrs of work and I have more to do. I'm not enjoying it, to tell the truth, but I do appreciate that Mayu asked me. It shows me that she loves me, and believes in me.

And you know... that makes it all worth while.

So unless of course logistics or the situation prevents you from absolutely lending a helping hand, why not make the world a happier place by offering to help someone out who cannot do it on their own?

At least that's what I think.

And of course if you absolutely can't for whatever reason, because you love and are loved, the person who asked will totally understand. That's what unconditional love is all about.

So, just say YES to love.

I love you.



P.S. Time to go "practice for the Iditarod" (i.e. turn my brain to MUSH! MUSH! MUSH!!) xo


  1. I don't think I've ever said no to a favour, because I know how much it takes me to ask someone for help.

    I figure no one likes help unless they ask for it, so when they ask, I'm the yes person.

    Good luck with that Cam and YES!!! I love you!!!

  2. I woke up a little while ago and started reading the updates in my inbox. i read in the order they appeared so this is the last(?) of three (or is it four) blogs you posted today.
    And now i understand why. And this is all i have to say to you, Cameron...
    Dear, sweet CammyMou...






  3. Brain worky good now. Yoda speak like are you doing? To the rock place of thinking go you should soon, think I.

    Love you!

  4. I've just got done watching Star Wars II so I was able to read this really quickly AND understand it.

  5. Deb - If you can read and understand Jaime's comment, then you can communicate in Japanese. That is how the sentence structure works - just like Yoda's grammar.

    Yoda's Grammar..... hell, she must be one ancient soul....!
