Monday, June 29, 2009

What's Wrong With Fish Oil? by Brian Peskin

Please watch.
Please learn.
Please get healthier.
I love you!






  1. the medical establishment in this country {Britain] do not recommend supplements but recoomend healthy eating of a varied diet....they say here that pregnant women should never eat more than 2 portions of oily fish a week.

    as i take my blood sugars every day [ i am not on insulin] and keep a record of my food intake and eat probably oily fish every 10 days or so i will have a look at it and see if i can spot any correlations

  2. Di - If what the medical community is saying to her people in Britain is correct, then diabetes should be decreasing, not increasing. But guess what? The OPPOSITE is happening, which proves that just like in N.A, and Japan and each and every developed country (and developing for that matter) around the world "eating a healthy varied diet" is not going to solve the problem. Because the medical community does not know what "healthy" really is they mistakenly place grains, milk, fruit, many carby vegetables into that "pyramid" in the wrong portions, and recommend cutting back a lot of the stuff that the body critically requires for true physiological cellular growth: protein for amino acids, natural fats, essential oils.

    Here are some shocking facts for the USA:

    Prevalence of Diagnosed and Undiagnosed Diabetes among People Ages 20 Years or Older, United States, 2007:

    * Age 20 years or older: 23.5 million, or 10.7 percent, of all people in this age group have diabetes.
    * Age 60 years or older: 12.2 million, or 23.1 percent, of all people in this age group have diabetes.
    * Men: 12 million, or 11.2 percent, of all men ages 20 years or older have diabetes.
    * Women: 11.5 million, or 10.2 percent, of all women ages 20 years or older have diabetes.
    * Non-Hispanic whites: 14.9 million, or 9.8 percent, of all non-Hispanic whites ages 20 years or older have diabetes.
    * Non-Hispanic blacks: 3.7 million, or 14.7 percent, of all non-Hispanic blacks ages 20 years or older have diabetes.

    And it seems that the trends in the UK are just as bad: increasing dramatically in spite of "eating a varied diet". (stats below are 2004, the situation is even worse now.)

    "New statistics revealed today show that there are now 1.8 million people with diabetes in the UK representing three per cent of the population. This reflects an increase of 400,000 people in just eight years. The figures are part of a report by Diabetes UK which predicts that the number of people with the condition will continue to rise as the population ages and becomes more overweight.

    Douglas Smallwood, Chief Executive of Diabetes UK said, "The number of people with diabetes is increasing at an alarming rate. This will continue to place a growing strain on local NHS services. The challenge now is to ensure that all people with diabetes are diagnosed early and treated effectively. Many of the worst effects of diabetes can be avoided. We cannot afford to wait until people have heart attacks or have problems with their sight or kidneys before they get the care they need."

    Of the 1.8 million almost 250,000 people have Type 1 diabetes and just over 1.5 million have Type 2 diabetes. It is estimated that there are up to a million who have Type 2 diabetes but haven't been diagnosed yet. Five per cent of the NHS budget or around £10 million a day is currently spent on treating diabetes and its effects. NHS spending on the condition is predicted to rise to ten per cent by 2011."

  3. For anyone who doesn't want to read all that stat crap boring mumbo jumbo I just wrote, in the simplest form this is what I wanted to say:

    If something works, we MUST see an IMPROVEMENT.

    Across the board.

    "It works sometimes (for some people), and it doesn't work other times (for other people)" is not acceptable in scientific research. It has to always work to be a "law".

    Are we seeing a decrease in diabetes by following (religiously I might add) the "healthy eating guides" of Canada, USA, GB, Japan, Australia, etc. etc. etc?

    No, we are not.

    We are seeing the opposite of an improvement, people are getting SICKER.

    The only realistic conclusion that can be drawn from this is that the recommendations by the health community and the government are flawed. Wrong. Incorrect. Making us sicker.

  4. Good stuff!

    Can't wait to show this to Greg.

    Not that it'll do any good.

    Maybe i should show it to his brother the doctor.
    If Vin is convinced, then he'll tell Greg and Greg will be too, seeing how anything his brother says is gospel... don't get me started.

  5. *watches vids while munching on mcd's*

  6. Toss the buns, Deb. Stick with mine. Much tighter, and whiter than McDs. And I bet I have more than a double quarter pounder as well!

  7. Jen - Convince a doctor? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You might as well kill yourself first.

  8. I just giggled around my frozen coke!

  9. Yeah... even if he weren't a doctor he'd be a hard sell..

    He's an Adamo... AND a conservative....

    They believe whatever the prevailing thoughts are on most topics.
    It's easier that way... you don't have to think.
