Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Enjoying watching Edward & Bella get to know each other & perform the "dance of life & death" for 20' each morning & evening commute.


  1. 20'...

    Is that minutes?

    Are you sure???
    I don't think that's the right symbol.

  2. It must be some commercial that plays on the train?

  3. Now i remember...

    the new book.

    Can't belive you didn't know, Steff...

    You and Shass seem like Twilight types to me ;-)

  4. Its funny but Im pretty sure that ' and " can be used for both minutes/feet seconds/inches respectively.

    And you are right, Jen. 40minutes of Twilight per day.

  5. Hmmm...
    You might be right...

    But i was too... NYAHHH!

    I'm so mature!

    hehehe...Love you, Mou!

  6. K...I envisioned a couple of old folks sliding down an icy hill to catch a train each morning to work.

    Cam, you're attention grabbing tactics are working, but I'm really 'confuuust!'

  7. OMG, y'all watch movies and stuff! OK, now I get's a Twilight thing. I haven't seen anything of Twilight and don't get's about vampires...I usually hide my face.

    I am going back to my cave-like mushroom land now, but not before I mention that the town of Forks, WA is a mess of tourism because of this Twilight show, movie, series, whatever. Forks Hoteliers are now doing hotel rooms with Twilight themes and they are selling out to crazy people willing to spend twice the nightly rate for red hand towels, a black bedspread and Twilight posters on the wall!

  8. I'm not into any of it, C.
    But if you're anywhere near a teenager or a TV you can't help but know all about it!

    Over-hyped so much that i'm probably missing something good (as with Harry Potter), but i just don't like doing the "everybody's doin it" thing!

  9. I hear ya, Jen. I poo-poo'd Lost and it ended up to be the best show I'd seen in years.

    I'm not stubborn. I'll give it a look-see...someday, but Julie and Julia will def come first!!!

  10. We are Twilight fans.. except the last book, it sucked. I haven't seen the most recent movie yet.. although Shasta has... and keeps talking about how hot Jacob is. *rolling my eyes*

    I'm just like you too, Jen and Celestep.. I poo poo'd Lost too... and agree.. it's the BEST show evah! That and Heroes. Love that show. "Save the Cheerleader. Save the world." My favorite character is Hiro Nakamura, the little time traveler from Japan.. he cracks me up. Although... Sylar comes in a close second place.... he's got that whole Bad Boy image, tall, dark and handsome thing working for him. ... mmmmhmmm

  11. Heros...another one I have to put on my list now :~)

  12. Heros looked really good the few episodes i saw of the first season. Then i kept missing episodes and ...ugh... i don't have time for serial.
    That's why when i do watch TV it's HGTV or one of the cop shows that wraps everything up by the end of the hour.
    I can't be bothered following a story line.
    I thought of getting the DVD... but when would i watch that?

    I need to be trapped indoors with nothing else to do, then i might be able to sit and watch TV.

    When i try now i just fall asleep.
    My body reads inaction as sleep time.
    Haven't read or watched anything of substance for ages...
    i think i'm missing a lot too... sigh...

  13. I just discovered Hulu. Kind of a pain in the ass to wait for it to buffer but I caught that 'Sing Off' show with the acapela performances. I'll Hulu again!

    Netflix was neat for service but we ended up not watching what arrived in the mail. Our own fault.

  14. Same here, Celest. Greg watches a lot of stuff on Hulu, and he did watch a lot on Netflix too (he has NO problem with lots of sitting...LOTS of it...sigh...LOL).
    I get movies from the library, or friends, then never get around to watching them. Or i start them then promptly fall asleep.

    This is why i'd prefer GOING to the theater for movies.
    Besides the ambiance, you can't get too comfy, all stretched out under a blanky in the theater. LOL!

    Wish they'd air tv shows in the theater...LMAO!!!

  15. Oooh, good idea...never thought of dragging a blankey to the theater before!

    We made a media room in the family room complete with reclining sofa, large flat screen, surround sound and black, black-out curtains. It's my fave room in the house...kinda cave-y. We thought we'd watch more movies and enjoy tv more, but we haven't and don't. When we do sit down to watch a show it's really mindblowing...great pic and sound, but a 2.5-hr stint of that holds us over for a month. I guess we'd rather interact than be entertained which is why the office (computers) get the most use of anything in the house. There are worse things, right?
