Thursday, December 10, 2009

Please Become a Fan of Brian Peskin

We have been working hard to put together an online presence for Brian Peskin, my mentor, regarding all of that "health, EFA, PEO, carbohydrate, cancer, blahblahblah" stuff I have been "soapboxing" about for years. In fact, that is one of the main reasons why I began writing blogs on 360 at the end of 2005!

The Facebook, and Myspace, and Twitter, and LinkedIn, and Wordpress sites are up, and we are working hard adding information.

If you have ever been touched by any of the teachings of Professor Peskin (through me, or directly through him), would you do me (and him) a big favour and head over to your FaceBook (and MySpace and Twitter and LinkedIn) and connect with his site, please?

We really need to spread the word as much as possible.

As the days, weeks, months go buy we will continue to add info to Brian's Fan Page on Facebook. This is linked to other sites so it should hopefully be popping up here and there.

I would really appreciate if you would consider this!

Here is Brian Peskin's Fan Page on FaceBook (I hope this works...)

This information really CAN revolutionize your health and your life. All you need to do is read the science, understand it and put it to the test. You will see that everything Brian says comes true. Everything.

It blew my mind when I first read his book, Radiant Health: Beyond the Zone.

You can visit Brian's website at:

Must rush now and get to work.

I love you!



  1. Done on Facebook.
    Will check out Twitter later.

    Good work, Sweety!


    I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer, but when someone makes unsubstantiated medical claims regarding his products (among other things), I always have to raise an eyebrow.

    Other than some infrequent forays into what I would consider a bit of medical quackery, I do enjoy some of the updates and have actually perused your scribblings infrequently for a while now. Keep on with the updates (whether or not I would agree with them).


  3. Oh, guess what? The quackwatch news is completely old, and it has been refuted scientifically years ago. The author of that news has refused to acknowledge it, and retract it due to an inability to accept that he (or she was wrong).

    It's too bad because that person is doing all of us a great service in seeking out information that sheds light on different angles of things. A very good service indeed. However, as in all science, when you are found to be wrong (as Mr. QuackWatch has been) you MUST admit your mistake and reprint the truth.

    Brian has never once, not one single time been shown to be incorrect, and none of the research that his science is based upon has ever been proven wrong.

    Please be careful what you dig up, you may not be looking at current, correct information.

    Thanks for reading, for visiting, and for commenting.

    As Spock would say, "LiVe long and prosper."

  4. Hmmm... That was 2002... and i didn't see any RESEARCH disproving any of Brian's claims. Just a bunch of legal challenges to them (based on what i wonder... ) and challenges to his credentials.

    I don't get anything free yet i would gladly attest to the efficacy of the PEOs... as it pertains to MY personal health and nutritional issues.

    I've got almost three years of successful use of this valuable supplement under my substantially tighter belt;-)

  5. Jen - The company Brian owned he got a different businessman to CEO it. Things changed and they ousted Brian. Then they changed the formula to cut costs. It killed the viability of the PEOs because they increased the Omega3 and sent everything off-balance. We all suffered but didnt understand why.

    When Brian found out what they did he started looking into formulations and realized there is an optimum ratio of Omega 6:3 which is about 2-2.5:1. He tried to tell them but they distanced from him and tried to turn the company into an MLM profit monster.

    People started finding Brian again to ask why they werent getting results and wanted to know if he was just another unsustainable diet like Atkins. This drove him to create a new formulation and now YES Supplements handles it.

    But when customers started leaving the old company (renamed Best of Health USA) BoH got scared and went all litigal on Brian and Khanada to try to protect their failing business model. It wasnt pleasant. I was "there" thrugh it all (you didn't know me then as blogging did not exist at that time). In the end the courts dismissed the case and any lawsuits against hm which were designed to ruin his name were thrown out of court.

    The Quackwatch site was informed of these results but they refused to acknowledge the situation and would not delete, retract or amend. As any scientist knows if you get contradictory knowledge you MUST publish it and you cannot hide it or you will be discredited.

    So, in the spirit of science QuackWatch is no longer a site that can be truted because they refuse to print the truth and instead support the lies in spite of knowing the truth. How can you trust someone like that?

    Just my thumbs replying to your semi-rhetorical question regarding the legal quagmire.

    Thanks for your support.

    Power off. Love you!


  6. Any time, Sweety.
    I will vouch for the PEOs and what they've done for me any time.

    Have a good day!

    Love you too!
