Sunday, December 6, 2009

Serenity Rising

Ahhhhh... I had an absolutely fantastic day out all day today. The weather was warm and sunny so I just wore a t-shirt under my army jacket which was still too warm for most of the day.

First I went to Shibuya. Then I went to "Nikotama" and had lunch with a highball. After that it was back to Shibuya for coffee in Yoyogi park followed by a trip to the Ueno area where I visited one of the destinations on my "Serenity List".

After taking video the next stop was to a yakiniku restaurant for two icy cold draft beer and some delicious yakiniku (that was so fresh one could eat it uncooked - beef and pork. I did enjoy the yukke which is raw ground steak you mix with onions and a raw egg. Yum!)

Once that was done I searched for the straightest route home which involves two trains of seven and 17 minutes each.

I'm on my way home now.

The Kyu Iwasaki-tei gardens is a huge mansion built in 1896. Gorgeous! And the garden was also wonderful. At JPY400 to enter and see the luxury of the founder of the Mitsubishi conglomerate it was well worth the effort.

I am on my way home now to enjoy coffee a shower and the rest of the evening off. I'll be home soon.

Thank you Universe for this gorgeous weather and the chance to begin creating my "Serenity Collection" of videos.

I love you!



  1. Serenity now! hee...

    Little TV humor....

    I'm really glad you had a nice day. Really.

    I love you.

  2. "film at 11", i presume.

    I can't wait to see it all!
    Hurry up!

  3. I'm back in my apartment now and I am wearing:

    (socks,gotch,jeans of course), but "on top of that" (har)

    polar fleece
    gold blanket


    shearling slippers.

    Damn this coffee tastes good!

    Hey, it's early! Maybe I can "go soak my head" tonight in the bath....

  4. Meanwhile, ii woke up early with a sore throat so went dowstairs, made tea with lemon, honey, and Honey Jaeger.

    Sipping the HOT tea in my bed i'm so warm i'm peeling off the layers i went to sleep in...

    tank top & gotch

    turtleneck shirt

    heavy Yale sweatpants

    wool mens sweater...

    the sweater just came off...Whew!
    Hot in here .... hee...

    Go soak yer head, you!

    I love you!

  5. Was just about to drag myself out of bed when i noticed the video was up...

    Very nice.


    Now about that coffee....

  6. Not that it matters but still working on going to the gym but I am wearing VS gotch, Champion sports bra, light cotton yoga pants not (Old Navy), a Sideout wife beater, and a light cotton zip up Gap jacket, socks and Nike's... wow, its exciting.... I know.

    I will watch this video when I get home from the gym, have showered, and then... yes, I know its exciting but do try to be patient... I will give you a complete wardrobe update! LOL....

  7. Hey, Ms warm weather wear!

    We're talking cold weather layering here...

    So you just enjoy your warm AZ sunshine, while we in the winter climes adjust to this changing season.

    Somehow i don't theink the words VS and gotch were ever meant to be used together.... ever... LOL!

    Have a great workout, Sweety.
    Hope you get to meet Connor too!

  8. VS = Very Special? Vidal Sassoon? Ah! Victoria!

    I'm not wearing any gotch at the moment... (sleeping directly under those amazing Japanese blankets feels pretty darn good as I am learning). Yep. Time to get cooking! Off to Kobuchizawa today.

  9. Cameron.....

    I thought that was somewhat.... problematic for you?
    Have a great day!

  10. I consider myself a... (I used to say, "problem solver" but now prefer the more positive way of describing it...) solution seeker!

  11. I just keep at it until the job is done. Yep.

  12. Wow its beautiful its surprising to see such a European styled home in the middle of Tokyo!

    I find serenity in trees and the smells of earth as well..... its peaceful and reminds me of home. They don't have that kind of smell here in AZ... not at all!

    P.S. wearing fuzzy pink valour sweat suit, and slippers.... with the usual underneath accompaniments! LOL

  13. Um..not sure if I should first comment on the video or state what my currant attire is....
    Senational house! Wonderful blog.

    On to the other.

    Clad in men's 2 piece pj's (dark blue with polar bears) with thermal (green) pants underneath...and that is about it.

    OH.....I almost forgot.....socks. I have socks on too. Have to keep my feet warm.

  14. Wearing clothes I used to love: khaki pants and khaki Eddie Bauer shirt... but they look like shit and I feel like Im wearing clothes that I wore when I was 300lbs! Its all going in the trash tonight... *shakes head in embarrassment*
