Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Red-Nosed Delight

It's 18:31. I am just locking my bike up. I decided to play with my bikenavi today and adventured out into the world. I rode an entire three stations away to sit at MisDo and have three cups of coffee while writing a blog on my keitai and then reading my newspaper. Wow! Three stations!!! I'm so adventuresome!!! *voice drips with self-deprecating sarcasm...

And now I'm home.

The problem with the navi is it keeps taking me to major highways and I want to ride on back roads to get to the same place! That is frustrating... and it wont listen to me! The voice is female...Hmmmm...

Wow... it's a beautiful night out tonight! Im not cold at all!

Ooh! The owner of the bike next to me just came back... she's hot! (in more ways than one)

Wait! Could it be??? Yes I think it is! I think I can see Rudolph 's nose blinking up there!!!

Perhaps Santa is on his way ... to the coffee shop? Surely it wouldn't be the pub... I'm sure the Intergalactic Cops are always keeping an eye on the curvature of his jet stream and pull him over at the slightest erratic movement...

OK... now it's cooling down out here.Or rather my body has cooled down and feels the near zero temps...

My laundry is still hanging outside! Gotta go!!!


  1. i think it's your nose that's red after pedaling yer ass around in the cold... with a cold.

    How's yours, by the way?

  2. Women not listening??? Really CAM... I know a few MEN who fail to listen too...that is a problem that's not gender specific, but more along the lines of testa duro!

    Glad you ventured out a little bit... I have been out of the loop for a few days so have not done much in the way of any exercise because I got hit hard on Sunday with a bad cold/flu... better now... but that wonderful "gift" from mother nature has sprung herself on me just in time for still feeling like poo poo.....

    But was still productive the past two days, and got Amanda enrolled to start College full time starting in January... now we have to just figure out how to pay for it.....?? But I told her not to worry because where there is a will there is a way....

  3. What? What did you say? Sorry, I wasn't listening....

    (been sick myself for two weeks.... finally not hacking up pieces of lung anymore).

    Get well. I miss you.
    Merry Christmas, Sis.


  4. Oh so you sent me your cold for Christmas! Thank you very much!!! LOL You can have it back now.... LOL

    Merry Christmas to you as well, will you be getting to take that day off so you can go buy a pastry and sit at a temple somewhere and contemplate...... that's a lovely tradition I think.

    xoxo P

  5. You guys make me smile.
    I love you P. Merry Christmas!

    I love you CammyMou.
    Merry Christmas!

  6. Paula - I am indeed my dear dear friend. Than you. But I must apologize for I am not an indian giver. That cold is all yours unless you choose to give it away. I love you.

    Jen - That makes ME smile!

  7. >>> That cold is all yours unless you choose to give it away. I love you. <<<

    Don't be lookin at me, Ms Pilldilly...

    Already had one of my own. In fact it's still hanin in there even after foor days on anti-Bs.

    Yuchh... my throat...
