Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Morning Glory

This morning as I was wandering around in my Fabric Goddess pjs, wrapped in my gold blanket, planning my breakfast and my day, suddenly the living room turned this beautiful orange...

I realized that something was up outside, so I grabbed my camera, went out on the balcony and saw ... this!


Ohayo 091229

Pretty awesome, don't you think?

I give thanks to the Universe no matter how sunny or rainy it may be. But this morning I was filled with even more gratitude and appreciation than ever! I happened to be in just the right place, at just the right time.

May the sun rise on you in 2010.

I love you!



  1. They don't call it the land of the rising sun for nothing!

  2. China used to get pissed off because the Japanese envoys (hundreds of years ago) would refer to Japan as the land of the rising sun, and China as the land of the setting sun. Of course it was true in a geographical sense, but politically it really slammed China for referring to them as a "setting economy". Now things are a little bit different...

  3. That "ray" thing that looks like it's shooting out of it makes it look like a .... space ship... maybe scanning that building... or the freeway, beyond....

    I'd watch it if i were you, Mou.

    They might come take you.
    You might be gone with them for like... two years or ... more... hee.

    Ok... i need more coffee i think... or something...

  4. it's 2010 in Japan ALREADY?
    dayum u guys really ARE ahead of us

  5. Not yet, Duckie.

    But they have off the rest of the week so they partied (like it's 1999) last night.

    At 10 am on Thursday morning we can celebrate with Cammy!
    Then we can do it again at midnight.... Double celebrations...Awesome!

  6. OH!

    ORRR, we could also celebrate with Di, that batty Brit woman... what is she ... six hours ahead of me? but then that's nine ahead of you .. i think.... Caaammm!!!

    I know... let's just start partying when we get up on Thursday...

    Yup! That works...hic!

  7. You are right it is very beautiful , I like how you express emotion , it's lovely !!!

  8. WOW!
    This looks awesome even on my iTouch.



    Didn't even occur to me... but you may be right! No wonder there were helicopters all over the place last night... the defence force must have been assessing the situ-------------
