Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tickling Two Sets of Parents with One Magical Potato

Wow... two parcels just arrived.

1) From Max & Co. - My 2010 Tiger Eto!! Yaaay! Now I have collected an entire 12 years (one full set) of eto from Max. It's kinda sad, though, because this is the LAST one... Boo hoo hoo!!!

His mom also sent me a jar of umeboshi, and a jar of rakkyo. She makes the best rakkyo in the multiverse, bar none!

2) 10 lbs (2X5 lbs) of special Kamisho Sato Imo potatoes

I ordered these on the net two days ago ($65 total). They are special potatoes from Ono City, Fukui where I used to live.

The timing is perfect because I planned to take them when I go and visit one of my coworker's homes during the New Year. Her parents are both originally from Fukui so when she told them about ME working in the same company they got excited (home town ties are strong...) Since she recently bought the condo for her and her parents to live in, I asked if I could get a "house tour" some time and she invited to come during the new year holiday.

So... I thought to myself that I just have to get a box of Kamisho Sato Imo potatoes and I am SURE that her parents will love me! How many foreigners would even KNOW to bring such a special gift as something famous from their home prefecture (that they left decades ago) that fits perfectly into the New Year.

Besides, Miyuki told me that her mom's New Year cooking is absolutely fabulous. I asked her how her mom makes ozoni (new year soup) and it is just like the way Mayu's mom makes it (with lots of vegetables). When I heard that, I just KNEW that I HAD to bring the sato imo for them for the new year.

Then Miyuki sent me a kmail and told me to come on January FIRST! Holy shit! I was thinking maybe the 2nd, or 3rd... but nope; she needs me there on the 1st as she is busy during the rest of the holiday. I was worried because the website said the earliest they could deliver was January 3rd...

Luckily, when I ordered online I wrote an impassioned memo, telling them of my life in Fukui, and Ono, and how much I love it, and miss it all... how special Ono is to me, how I grew up there, and visited dozens of times a year my old (and young) friends in Ono... how the food is delicious, the famous water delectable, the scenery unforgettable, the air pure and perfect...

And guess what?

They arrived!


So I'm off to deliver a box to Mayu today (unbeknownst to her) so that she can give them to her parents. Then tomorrow I'll take another box and wish Miyuki and her parents a shin nen aisatsu (new year greeting)!

And I have my 2010 Eto Tiger from Max! Yaaay yaaaay!!!

I get to make a whole bunch of people really really happy (yes, I know it sounds crazy, but here in Japan getting these potatoes will make them ecstatic... potatoes... I know.... but they are special, almost magical potatoes [the size of a ping pong ball])


What a fantastic way to end the year.

I love you!



  1. Awww, how awesome! I'm so glad they got the magical potatoes to you on time and Max's work is incredible... I love the tiger!

  2. Thanks! Me too! I can hardly wait to see how my "magic potatoes" work on Miyuki's parents...

  3. *laughs* I can't wait to hear about it, myself... even if, uh, it does sound... interesting ;o)

  4. He's just weird...

    Good thing i love weird ;-)

  5. Hey!

    Shouldn't you be going?

    GIT, You!

  6. Sorry, not going. Mayu was home, but had her phone in her bag. She just called me back now. And it's too late because she has to leave in an hour and it takes me over an hour to get there. Oh well. I guess I'll just post them to her parents.

  7. No sorry needed .
    And that's a good idea, sending them to her parents.
    You're a sweety. They know it.
    Now Miyuki's parents will know too.

  8. *grin*

    OK, heading down to street level to see if I can find a place that will take the parcel for me for a kuroneko pickup...

    changed my mind.

    I called up Kuroneko and they'll be here to pick it up before 17:30.

  9. All that for potato soup? Kidding.

    Have a happy New Year, Cam.

  10. Oh this is very cool.... I miss Max and his family too. All their talent hidden away in the mountains of Japan...until, YOU brought them to this girl in AZ... and abroad to many many others. I love my little pig on a pumpkin.... and my wiener-san.... I still have them with me even though some of my things are packed up, and they make me smile.
