Sunday, July 11, 2010

Another Fantastic McUniversal Adventure

I KNEW there was a reason why I wanted to take lunch at McDonalds today! The reason eluded me but ithad to be there since only amazing things happen in my life on a daily basis.

As I was sitting and enjoying a half hour of A/C I saw a woman with her crying infant putting her finished tray of food in the appropriate place.

I knew she was going to have to carry her infant, and her bag and the child stroller down the stairs to leave... because she had to carry them up to find a place to eat (no tables or chairs on the main floor, no escalator nor elevator).

As soon as I saw the wheels of the stroller begin to move I jumped up, went over to her and offered to carry her stroller down to the exit for her.

She accepted with gratitude and appreciation. So I carried it down for her, made sure that she came down the stairs safely, and wished her a wonderful afternoon in the rain.

And then I went back and continued eating.

It was raining as I walked to the statioin entrance and I got wet but it sure felt good! I am so glad it is raining.

Off to Kobuchizawa so have a glorious day.

I love you!


  1. Ha Ha Ha! You're not going to believe this, Jen, but a very attractive Japanese woman with long, shapely, tanned legs wearing very short shorts and really high booty sandals just walked by as I was finishing this blog and sending it up to The Universe for publication.

    How's THAT for proof positive that your thoughts, your desires and your dreams really DO become things!

    Ha Ha Ha... I'm still grinning!

    I love you!

    P.S. For those of you who do not know what this refers to, please visit Jen's latest "MyAwesomeBabyColinBlog" (not the title), read it through, and then read the comments. All will become clairvoyantly clear!

  2. You live in a city of a bazillion people!

    Sure i believe it!

  3. Now if she'd turned around and asked you to take her home and do the nasty with her...

    THAT would be impressive ;-)

  4. We apologize for any inconvenience it may cause but Cameron will not be available to reply to this thread tonight as he has a date with da nasty...

  5. I'm sure you made her day considering how amazingly inconsiderate Japanese men are! Proud of you, Wouk!

  6. THERE'S Stefnee!

    Where you been, Woman???

    I miss you!

  7. My puter is sick. Needs a new motherboard. ... gonna have to wait. Sucks.

  8. Yeah... big time!

    Hang in there, Sweety!
