Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Ideal Summer Fling according to Japanese Women...

Check out #4.
Remember, these are Japanese WOMEN offering their idea of the perfect summer fling...

What would be your ideal summer fling?

Magazine website Ozmall ( recently surveyed office ladies (OLs) on what sort of a fling they fantasize about.
Here are some of the top answers from the women who responded.
1. With a Latin guy while I’m traveling abroad! I think he would give me an incredibly passionate trip!
2. He invites me to go for a drive one day, and I find out he’s booked a room at a seaside hotel. That would be the best!
3. Like in “Roman Holiday,” but the opposite―I’d go on a fantastic date with a celebrity that I’d never get to meet otherwise.
4. We’re at a fireworks festival when he bumps into me and my yukata gets dirty. He’s so nice, and our love progresses very sweetly; but when the summer ends he’s killed in a motor-bike accident.
5. A younger local guy pursues me passionately while I’m studying abroad for the summer.
6. A celebrity. It has to be someone I would definitely never see again, otherwise things would just drag on.
7. Love at first sight at the library or a bookstore.
8. We’ve each got a significant other, but we get caught up in a fiery love that makes us forget that for a moment. If it was at an exotic resort, I could feel totally separated from reality.
9. I’m on a trip, and he saves me from almost drowning in the ocean. So I fall in love with him.
This story originally appeared in Metropolis magazine (


  1. Top answers? Does this mean favorite answers according to the authors, or is this like... a multiple choice thing where they ranked the prewritten text in order of preference?


  2. Been there.
    Done that.
    Even got the t-shirt.

    Just don't know when, if ever i will be able to disclose the details.... POOP!
    It was HOT mm mm mm mmmmmmm

    The ones in the survey are all pretty good ones too.

  3. I'd say number 1 is pretty accurate! 4 is rather tragic, but amusing....

  4. Um... interesting link, Mou.

    Or.... it would be... if i could find the button for an English translation!

  5. Saves me from drowning..... weird. #4 is the best.... I'd beware of that girl.

  6. Oh yeah... Dude better check the brake line on his bike after bein with that chic!

  7. Its her way of saying she is not into a long term relationship.... but that the pity she receives in the mourning process would be nicer than the usual break up drama... keep it simple, if they die there are no drunk dialing, no need to try to be nice saving their feelings....

    Wonder what a shrink would make of that one?? (#4)

  8. Commitment issues...

    with just a pinch of attention whore for good measure ;-)

  9. I'm surprised someone didn't say, "I'd love it like preying mantises. We fuck and then I kill you." I guess that wouldn't bee too popular in the presses...

  10. Cam, do you remember when the tour companies were offering "Ladies Adventure Vacations"?

    The idea being that you'd go someplace tropical, meet a dashing man, get your freak on for a weekend, and then return to your cubicle.... Ah the good old days!

    Also, did they interview my wife for #4?

  11. Rob - I think we should get Jen to have her son, Colin, repost this on his site that teaches young men how to date in high school. Far too many NA men have this unrealistic fantasy of finding a tiny, long straight black haired, subservient Japanese woman for a girlfriend (or a fling). If they only knew how different the species really is...
