Monday, July 26, 2010

Get off your big, fat, cancerous ass!

I just read a medical report on "the increased risks of death by sitting" and thought I would share my thoughts.

Here is the link to my posterous posting, "Get off your big, fat, cancerous ass!" if you want to read what may just possibly be one of the dumbest studies I have ever read....

I can't access Multiply from work, so I uploaded it to my Posterous domain which then transfers it to other locations (how I upload from my keitai when I write blog thoughts). Unfortunately, Multiply is not supported so I always have to repost to Multiply.

I love you!

P.S. I never use Posterous for anything other than broadcasting postings, so there is no need to comment over there.

1 comment:

  1. Your take on the study was interesting, Sweety, but i think you give Americans way too much credit for taking health studies seriously .

    There'll probably be more emphasis on diet (low fat, of course) and exercise.
    And some will get involved... for a while.. and treat their health better.
    But... come on... look at us!

    I would venture to say that 90% of adult human beings know that eating poorly and being sedentary are bad for you....
    Yeah... and?

    This is but another study among those that are thrown at us all the time.
    Maybe doctors will get excited and hound us to get active... and we'll nod obediently... then ignore them as we sit in front of ... some screen or another: TV, computer, movie, video game.

    We have become way too complacent here. We take anything, anyone says with, at best, a grain of salt. Or even if we believe it, most of us can't get or stay motivated long enough for any sweeping changes in our behaviour.
