Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Best Quote EVAR: "We don't have proper oil cleanup materials, so our workers are wearing rubber gloves and using chopsticks," an official with the Jinshitan Golden Beach Administration Committee told the Beijing Youth Daily newspaper in apparent exasperation. (this said regarding China's apparently worst reported oil spill in history - a mere drop in the bucket compared to BP...)


  1. REALLY???

    Worse than BP???

    I guess shoddy, stupid, neglectful business practices are pretty global!

  2. Do you have a link to this story, Mou?

    Sounds amazing.

  3. Jen - The spill is a mere drop in the bucket compared to BP. That means that BP is much much worse. I just found it on the Yahoo Newsline in our yahoo mail page.

  4. Oh... i see.
    I misread you.
    Couldn't imagine anything worse than the BP disaster.

    Thanks, Mou!

  5. At least the Chinamen have a sense of humor! (I hope they don't shoot him)

  6. Which, in turn, is a mere drop in the bucket compared to the Exxon Valdez, in terms of environmental disasters.

  7. Yeah, and my family and I have to live in/through this BP mess. *HMPH*

    Can you believe that they are cleaning up with rubber gloves and paper towels? We are so screwed.
