Sunday, July 11, 2010

Theresh Alwayshroom for More, or...

Better & Better

... is how I would describe this day's progression.

I arrived at Kobuchizawa, enjoyed some sun and rain, caught the cab and had a good chat, arrived at work...

and one of the researchers gave me this delicious mushroom that she had just picked this morning in the surrounding area! She says it is like the italian portobello mushrooms.

I can hardly wait to cook up a great mushroom steak.

All the great things that happened today are a blessing. I am so grateful for each and every one of them!

I love You Universe!



  1. Been eating THEM mushrooms have ya, Mou?
    Next time pass it on,yo!
    Don't bogart that shroom, my friend......


  2. It's cukes you are not fond of, not shrooms, right? For some reason something keeps nagging me about my friend Jeanette not being fond of fungal foodstuffs...

  3. Yeah, but i'm interested in THOSE shrooms...
    the ones that get you all rosey , purpley, orangey-eyed.

    The mood/ conciousness changing shrooms is what i was getting at, Mou.
    As in, let's do some shrooms, man and grove out on the sunrise....


    Love you, Mou!

  4. Yes, we must be careful about what we say on public forums. I agree, Steve. *cough* Saying, and doing are two completely different things.

  5. Hey be careful this co worker might want your job.... and what better way than to give you a "mushroom" that could be a toad stool in disguise! Feed it to a mailman first, will ya. Just to be safe..

  6. BTW my family used to gather foods including mushrooms when I was a kid, and you already know the story of the day I was born...LOL So I won't repeat and bore you....

  7. I knew it...she wanted your job!! Should of had her over for dinner to "taste" it with you, and if she said no that would have been your clue...

    Silly man.... nice to have known you...

  8. LOL!!!

    Bye, Mou...

    Was great knowing you! ;-P

  9. Well... he fed a mail man dog cookies I sent him once... so I just figured, you know. Go with what you know...LOL

  10. LMAO!!!

    Paula! You're getting bad.
    Cam's a bad influence on you i think ;-P

  11. That's why I love my Sis so fucking much!
