Thursday, July 8, 2010

I never thought I'd say this, but one of my seldom used accounts seems tp have been hacked & is being used by spammers to send korean junk spam. I don't use that address anymore so it's especially strange. Personal info has been deleted, name modified to something like, "'" & so forth. I will most likely try to delete the account in a little bit. Apologies go out to everyone who received or receives junk from that address!


  1. Funnily enough, I think I`ve had that problem with an old GMail account

  2. It's a mystery, Steve. It really is. I have NO idea how that happened... I just found out yesterday as a friend sent me an email asking if I knew this was happening. I checked...and sure enough, in the outbo there were two emails with about 20 people in my contact list listed. Which means it couldn't be a spoofed address, and could only have originated from that account. Then this morning, it sent out another one, as well. I even changed the password last night, but it didn't seem to have stopped it.... Today I deleted all data related to it, so I don't know if that will help. Very very strange.... I guess if the contact list got compromised, then those addresses could get used on a spoofed address... BUT there would not be the spam mail in my outbox!

    Life can be interesting, let me tell you.

    So two nights ago I spent several hours updating the virus signature files, the AV software and performing several independent checks on my notebooks here, just to make sure that THESE babies aren't infected. And they aren't. Somehow... only that email account on Yahoo has been compromised.

    An interesting mystery, indeed, Watson!

  3. I only found out when I tried to access the account and wasn`t allowed to. I had to email Google and ask why and they said that they`d detected `suspicious activity`. I hadn`t used the account for years, and when I managed to get in, I saw all these emails in my sent box. I hadn`t sent them. Luckily it was a fairly dormant account and I only had one or two contacts on there.

  4. Wondering if this would ever happen on a Mac.
    Not saying it couldn't, just never seen it.

  5. Stranger things have happened. It seems that if something exists, and somebody has it, then invariably somebody else wants it for some reason or another.

  6. I wish I could write to Yahoo and inform them... but I have never gotten a response from them (I'm a freeloader so not worthy of getting support, you see) In fact, I don't know if Yahoo really has any real live human employees or not! Maybe Jerry Yang is sitting in his penthouse suite in NYC and laughing at us all as he runs a one-man shop from heaven...

  7. * shrug * I thought I was pretty well secured up; the techie guys at work set me up. I can`t even access porn! :~P

  8. Want me to embed some porn videos in a PM for you?

  9. Jen - It didn't come from my computer. It came through Yahoo's Account so it's not related to Mac or PC or Linux or iPad or ... in THIS instance. If my system here was compromised and a trojan stole my account info, etc. then I would agree with you that likely that wouldn't happen to Mac users as very very few trojans and viruses seem to be written for the beloved MacUnderdog (lucky you!). Somehow the miscreants got into the Yahoo system and got that account. Very very strange.... Anywhoo, I'm off to work.

    Steve - I'm sorry! I can't even access from work! My company figures that domain should not be accessed. Talk about draconian! A little porn now and then ain't gonna hurt a guy (or girl)... BTW, take up Jen's offer. She has a GREAT collection of porn videos that she loves to embed in PMs for people...

  10. I do NOT, Cam!!!

    I was offering to search out and get info for him.
    He might appriciate it... Yanno?

  11. No, no. I can`t access anything from work either; I took my laptop into work for them to put their own spin on a security system, and the funny geezers have set it up so I can`t access anything THEY think is dodgy, or they know I`d like to access {porn}

  12. Don`t think I`d be able to play `em! :~{

  13. Thanks for the heads up Cam,... and sorry you're having to deal with that. (That sheds a little light on some other yahoo strangeness)

    Hope everything is going great for you and yours in Japan!!! That open cattle crossing gates back here in Texas are still working great!!!!

    John F. Palermo
    09 July 2010

  14. Respectfully John! Holy Mother of Cattle Gods! It's you!!!!!! (are you still 45?)

    I don't know if you'll run into anything like this, but it's weird... and nothing I think I could have done because my computer has a clean bill of health. I wear a condom.

    Glad to know the Texas Gates are doing well!

    I love you, Secret Man!

  15. I ran into it yesterday, I was checking my old yahoo account, that I had with Mark when we were married. I still keep it because it was also associated with our old business, my surrogacies, and my old 360 blog was started there. So I have that old blog, and lots of albums of photos and letters archived there.

    Anyway... I was cleaning out the mail (all junk) and I saw 3 emails from old acquaintance that I lost touch with when moving to AZ. It was odd because they were all together. They were each links to Viagra type adds. Each different but more or less the same. I clicked on one (stupid) but I had not realized it was spam yet. Hopefully that old email won't get hacked.

    So that sucks... people who hack others accounts (or send out virus') for any reason should be splayed in public... stoned to death or even worse they should be subjected to their own antics, and forced to have hacked computers, that never work right again..... and cause them hours and hours of grief and aggravation....yea that is a punishment far worse than death.

  16. That's a relief.
    I was a little worried about your new interest in the size of my member, and in the erectile capacities thereof.....

  17. Oh my!

    I'm guessing this only went out to the male contacts?

    I have no member issues either, BTW...
    Just sos ya know!

  18. Rob - That's not a new interest. I've always been interested since we first had that tryste in the onsen in Kakogawa.... You should think of it as a "renewed" interest....

    Jen - I'm not interested in your member-ship. It's your mastiffs I have a keen yearning for!

  19. Cam!! Holy Mother of Fat Cattle Guards!!! Yes!!! It's me!!!!

    I finally turned 46 for real this time!!!

    Just a quick fyi, concerning the hacking of one's account information these days, there are a number of other techniques that don't involve actually being all that invasive on a personal computer.

    The the most common techniques involve embedded scripts inside of web pages with elude most anti-virus tools but collect information while th page is open, SQL injection which takes advantage of un-applied hashes on web servers in order to gain access to Db servers, and the list goes on.

    Those are just a couple of well known variants. The list goes on.

    Another are of vulnerability that folks are just now getting around to doing something about are smart phone apps,... although ironically there are a series of free tools to help.

    It's not pretty.

    Hope this helps

    It's great hearing from you!!!!

    Have a great day and a great weekend!!!

    John F. Palermo
    09 July 2010

  20. Thanks, Respectfully John!

    You know, years ago I would have panicked about this problem. I recall my first virus.... Mayu and I almost got divorced over the stress it caused me. And then all the other ones that came and went before AV software was "perfected". Then came the trojans. Then came the links in the emails. Then came the scripts in websites. Then the scripts embedded in HTML emails....

    and well.... it just kind of numbed me to all of the disarray.

    And these days, if a virus happens to slip by the guards I have, I say, "well, nothing is 100% effective". Nothing. Does it destroy my health, or my life? No. So... why worry about it? Why lose sleep? Why panic? Why? And the answer is... no worries. It's no different than say cutting to the bone of my thumb, or cutting off my fingertip, or getting a skin rash from "caterpillar dust", or getting shingles on my face, or having my piercings get infected, or a hangnail, or no lettuce in the fridge to make salad....

    And I just let it pass by, like water under the bridge passes by.

    Thanks for the weekend wish, and please have a nice juicy steak, grilled outside on the BBQ for me! (something I can't do here).

    I love you!

