Tuesday, June 5, 2012

6/05: Flying Madonna!

Well, we made it to Florence, but the train was totally packed and everything was very crowded. It was quite hot so the 20 minute walk pulling our luggage over rough flagstone was fairly difficult and we arrived quite tired after hauling them up three flights of stairs.

We cracked open our lunch that we had brought from Belluno, which consisted of the most amazing salami in the multiverse, vegetables, cheese and a delicious bottle of prosecco sparkling without gas wine. 

Then we just relaxed for a little bit on the bed and I fell asleep for two hours with my head on Hiroko's lap.

After waking up we decided to go for a little bit of a walk and with a still bright sky we went out and we found three geocaches. The first was the river, the second one was at at very old church near a grill where people used to abandon Babies. The third one was at a music school.

The fourth one that we did not find had some extremely interesting history. Inside a bricked up building that was built in the 1300s there is a painting of the Madonna holding Christ but in the background there is a man and his dog looking up at a flying object in the sky. 

Let me share the story attached to the cache. It was very interesting!!


 Madonna of UFO

Not many persons know that in Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, in the Ercole Hall, is exhibited a mysterious picture: The Madonna with the Child and Little Saint John. The picture is mysterious for several reasons, first of all the author is unknown, for someone is Sebastiano Mainardi, for others Jacopo del Sellaio, or the Master of Tondo Miller, or maybe Filippino Lippi, we don’t know how the picture arrived in Palazzo Vecchio, is known that before it was in the Convent of Sant’Orsola, now closed, but mainly in the picture is represented a MYSTERIOUS FLYING OBJECT.

Behind the shoulders of Madonna you can see in the sky a strange elliptic object, on the ground there are a man and his dog looking at the object emitting beams. What did the author mean by that object?

If you go where there was the Convent of Sant’Orsola the mystery increases. The nunnery was established from 1309, closed in 1810 and tranformed into a tobacco manufacture, closed in 1940. From then it is in a deprecable neglect and is still waiting for a final destination, all the windows and the door are sealed to stop the entrance to everybody.

What could you find inside? In 2007 an important discovery had been made: according to the study of Prof. Giuseppe Pallanti in Sant’Orsola there is the grave of Lisa Gherardini, Monna Lisa, La Gioconda! In the period in which the Madonna of UFO was painted, Leonardo was in Florence and at that time he painted La Gioconda. But at that time he studied also flying machines. Is there a thread among all this? 


Via iPhone (please excuse any bizarre autocorrections)

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