Saturday, June 9, 2012

6/09: 12 Geocaches, 12 hours walking, 25 centuries of history: *blam!*

Everywhere you walk you can easily fill up a roll of film or your
digital camera memory. It's amazing!

Today we walked for 12 hours.... And kept finding stuff.
And we found 12 geocaches today and the mind boggling history attached to them.

We went to places that tourists never go and saw things that most
tourists never see. Sure we will eventually try to get to the Trevi
Fountain and the Vatican but if we can't we don't mind. Because we
have been seeing buildings that were made over 2400 years ago and that
in itself is mind blowing. Hiroko mentioned that 2000 years ago the
Japanese were living in straw while here in Rome they were using the
calcium they pulled from the hard water here to make concrete to hold
the bricks in place! Amazing!! I wonder how people in the Winnipeg
area were living 2000 years ago.... Probably swinging from trees!

I can't even begin to explain what we saw today...

Caesar was assassinated...
Romulus and Remus were suckled by a wolf at an ancient river...
Temples dedicated to Isis....
Drinking from ancient aqueducts that are still in operation...
Cliffs that were inhabited 2500 years ago and used to execute people
during the roman era by throwing them off...
The birth of the roman republic...
And so much more.

And more.

It is simply mind boggling....

I have dreams about this stuff every night because I can't wrap my
mind around it during the day.

2500 years of history right before my very eyes.

If you are from the west throw away your history books and come to
Rome. That's all I can say.

More photos to come.

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