Wednesday, June 6, 2012

6/06: geobistekka!

This morning Hiroko and I had a latish breakfast and then started
walking the city. As "mottainai" as you may think, neither of us are
really interested in going to see the Uffici Gallery or any other
museums in Firenze. Instead, we are using geocaching to find the most
amazing buildings and historical things that most people miss entirely
because... They spend all their time in lines for the art galleries!

We have seen churches built in the 5th century, bodiless heads high up
on a church wall looking down at all the unsuspecting Florentinos,
ancient roman baths that no longer exist, churches that are no longer
there and more! The list goes on but we are doing so much walking and
learning that for us this beats Michelangelo any old day!

Now we are almost at Ponte Vecchio and from a distance it looks
fantastic. During our walk we have already found nine geocaches today
and it isn't even 15:30!! We decided to stop for lunch and are having
a bistekka fiorentina and it is delicious! With more wine of course
(our second wine stop along the way... Chianti of course).

Back to devouring this lovely dish.... Mmmmmm.....

I love you!

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