Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year to My Goddesses!


Cam and the Ebony Goddess in PR






On the train 070713



Kam and Kayak in PR


Thank you for making 2009
such an amazing year!
See you in the new decade!!!

I love you all!


Happy New Year!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tickling Two Sets of Parents with One Magical Potato

Wow... two parcels just arrived.

1) From Max & Co. - My 2010 Tiger Eto!! Yaaay! Now I have collected an entire 12 years (one full set) of eto from Max. It's kinda sad, though, because this is the LAST one... Boo hoo hoo!!!

His mom also sent me a jar of umeboshi, and a jar of rakkyo. She makes the best rakkyo in the multiverse, bar none!

2) 10 lbs (2X5 lbs) of special Kamisho Sato Imo potatoes

I ordered these on the net two days ago ($65 total). They are special potatoes from Ono City, Fukui where I used to live.

The timing is perfect because I planned to take them when I go and visit one of my coworker's homes during the New Year. Her parents are both originally from Fukui so when she told them about ME working in the same company they got excited (home town ties are strong...) Since she recently bought the condo for her and her parents to live in, I asked if I could get a "house tour" some time and she invited to come during the new year holiday.

So... I thought to myself that I just have to get a box of Kamisho Sato Imo potatoes and I am SURE that her parents will love me! How many foreigners would even KNOW to bring such a special gift as something famous from their home prefecture (that they left decades ago) that fits perfectly into the New Year.

Besides, Miyuki told me that her mom's New Year cooking is absolutely fabulous. I asked her how her mom makes ozoni (new year soup) and it is just like the way Mayu's mom makes it (with lots of vegetables). When I heard that, I just KNEW that I HAD to bring the sato imo for them for the new year.

Then Miyuki sent me a kmail and told me to come on January FIRST! Holy shit! I was thinking maybe the 2nd, or 3rd... but nope; she needs me there on the 1st as she is busy during the rest of the holiday. I was worried because the website said the earliest they could deliver was January 3rd...

Luckily, when I ordered online I wrote an impassioned memo, telling them of my life in Fukui, and Ono, and how much I love it, and miss it all... how special Ono is to me, how I grew up there, and visited dozens of times a year my old (and young) friends in Ono... how the food is delicious, the famous water delectable, the scenery unforgettable, the air pure and perfect...

And guess what?

They arrived!


So I'm off to deliver a box to Mayu today (unbeknownst to her) so that she can give them to her parents. Then tomorrow I'll take another box and wish Miyuki and her parents a shin nen aisatsu (new year greeting)!

And I have my 2010 Eto Tiger from Max! Yaaay yaaaay!!!

I get to make a whole bunch of people really really happy (yes, I know it sounds crazy, but here in Japan getting these potatoes will make them ecstatic... potatoes... I know.... but they are special, almost magical potatoes [the size of a ping pong ball])


What a fantastic way to end the year.

I love you!


Serenity Rising III: It's what you make of it! (Now up and running on YouTube @

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Morning Glory

This morning as I was wandering around in my Fabric Goddess pjs, wrapped in my gold blanket, planning my breakfast and my day, suddenly the living room turned this beautiful orange...

I realized that something was up outside, so I grabbed my camera, went out on the balcony and saw ... this!


Ohayo 091229

Pretty awesome, don't you think?

I give thanks to the Universe no matter how sunny or rainy it may be. But this morning I was filled with even more gratitude and appreciation than ever! I happened to be in just the right place, at just the right time.

May the sun rise on you in 2010.

I love you!


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Traditions

Tug and I went for a long walk tonight just before midnight, looking for a jinja (shrine) to celebrate our traditional Christmas Eve together, again. We found just the right one after midnight on Christmas, Dec 25th, 2009.

I set up my usual mikan (mandarin orange), osake, candle and I placed Tug's ashes next to it all. I then took time to silently pray thanks to The Universe, to God, to The Energy that gives us Life, to The Mother.

I shared the mikan and the sake with kami-sama (the god). I bowed again, I cleaned up, and I left.

On my way out I read a sign at the entrance explaining the history of this jinja. Apparently the original site was dedicated to the gods in 932. That is almost 1,100 years ago.

It was a beautiful, and peaceful location about 15 minutes walk directly down my street straight to the river.

Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Red-Nosed Delight

It's 18:31. I am just locking my bike up. I decided to play with my bikenavi today and adventured out into the world. I rode an entire three stations away to sit at MisDo and have three cups of coffee while writing a blog on my keitai and then reading my newspaper. Wow! Three stations!!! I'm so adventuresome!!! *voice drips with self-deprecating sarcasm...

And now I'm home.

The problem with the navi is it keeps taking me to major highways and I want to ride on back roads to get to the same place! That is frustrating... and it wont listen to me! The voice is female...Hmmmm...

Wow... it's a beautiful night out tonight! Im not cold at all!

Ooh! The owner of the bike next to me just came back... she's hot! (in more ways than one)

Wait! Could it be??? Yes I think it is! I think I can see Rudolph 's nose blinking up there!!!

Perhaps Santa is on his way ... to the coffee shop? Surely it wouldn't be the pub... I'm sure the Intergalactic Cops are always keeping an eye on the curvature of his jet stream and pull him over at the slightest erratic movement...

OK... now it's cooling down out here.Or rather my body has cooled down and feels the near zero temps...

My laundry is still hanging outside! Gotta go!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"Miss Doh"! *insert simpsonean forehead-slap soundtrack*

I decided to get out today so I rode a whopping 6km/3.5mi to Funabori Stn. It goes .hinozaki --> Mizue --> Ichinoe --> Funabori ... --> ... Shinjuku. I decided to be advebturesome and mess with my bikenavi's mind by NOT taking the routes she recommended. I made her work for her juice. (I just hope she doesn't rebel and power down before I get home!)

So I just rode. Khakis, walking desert boots, regular sweater, army jacket, gloves and helmet. I just don't like cycling without a helmet... it feels like driving with no seatbelt and the doors open if you can imagine the insecurity...

And here I sit at the Mister Donut (Misdo in abbreviated Japanese) having a coffee. There is nothing here to do but that's OK because the DO was to get out and ride (no spandex nothing neon anything). Then I get to ride back in the dark with a teeny blinker front and back ... (refill)... and unable to see my bikenavi (lucky she has a sexy voice for guidance).

It is dark here before 17:00 in the winter and that means the temperature will drop quickly but I'm prepared because I brought some other warm stuff in my pack. I may LOOK like I have no inkling about cycling by the way I dress... but looks can be deceiving. Ever seen those extreme skiing videos? Some of those guys look like they were just pulled out of a McDonalds!

I guess I will read my newspaper and then head home. It was a brief adventure but nice to do... I just wish there were more wild boars and real trees around...

This is my first XMas entirely alone in 44 years... wow... I hope you have a much more exciting Christmas than I'm having!

Merry Christmas, eh!

I love you!

"Infernal Affairs" (Movie Review)

I just finished watching (finally) "Infernal Affairs", an EXCELLENT detective film that would give Michael Mann a run for his money.

My friend Matt lent it to me a few months ago and I just haven't had the chance to watch it. Tonight I did, and I really am glad that I took the time to do so because it was superb. I really was pleasantly surprised because it was a "real movie" with plot, deep character development and more. The acting was excellent, there was very little "gun play" that can often kill the depth of movies, making them too "Hollywoodesque", and the characters were very deep (and troubled).

The film opens with a big boss named Sam sending off his youngest lieutenants to infiltrate the Hong Kong Police Academy. This is part of a long-term strategy aimed at keeping tabs on what the long arm of the law is up to. Ten years later, one of Sam's would-be spies, Ming, is now a sergeant in the Organized Crime and Triad Bureau and he is secretly undermining the efforts by Superintendent Wong to bring down Sam's crime empire. However, what Ming doesn't realize is that Wong has infiltrated Sam's organization with a mole of his own-- Yan, a cop who has spent the past decade working his way up to Sam's number-two man.

Events kick into high gear during a tense sequence in which the police try to thwart one of Sam's drug deals. As the deal goes down, Yan secretly transmits the details to Wong while Ming sends coded messages to his boss keeping him apprised of what the police are up to. Though the bust ends with a stalemate, both sides end up realizing that there is a mole in their respective organizations. Thus, the undercover cop and the undercover criminal become caught up in trying to identify each other while keeping their own identities secret.

Unlike most films in the Hong Kong cops-and-triads genre, "Infernal Affairs" is an intelligently plotted thriller oozing of subtlety. The two main characters, Ming and Yan, despite being on opposite sides of the law, are very similar in that they both find themselves trapped by their circumstances. While Yan wants out after having put ten years of his life on hold to infiltrate Sam's gang, Ming secretly wishes to become a real cop and leave his triad days behind him. In fact, Ming ends up being the most fascinating and complex character in the film, as his desire to turn over a new leaf compels him to commit new crimes in order to bury his past ones.

If you like these kinds of movies, and want to try a subtitled foreign film for a change to get away from the hollywood glitz and "over the top" pyrotechnics that usually go with gun-toting good-guy/bad-guy flicks, give this a try.

Thanks, Matt!

I love you!


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Squeaky Clean as a Baby's Bottom

I am sitting at the dentist awaiting my calling for the five pee em appointment. It is a tiny place with three chairs side by side and located under a hairstylist. At one minute from my place it is quite ... benri (convenient)

And now it is six ten pee em and I am done and walking back to my apartment. And in the length of these two sentences I have arrived!

And so has one of the two gift packs of osake that I ordered from Amazon!

Time to do a quick change then out to meet Mayu in Shinjuku to give her the Xmas present my mom and dad sent her.

Have a great day.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Please Become a Fan of Brian Peskin

We have been working hard to put together an online presence for Brian Peskin, my mentor, regarding all of that "health, EFA, PEO, carbohydrate, cancer, blahblahblah" stuff I have been "soapboxing" about for years. In fact, that is one of the main reasons why I began writing blogs on 360 at the end of 2005!

The Facebook, and Myspace, and Twitter, and LinkedIn, and Wordpress sites are up, and we are working hard adding information.

If you have ever been touched by any of the teachings of Professor Peskin (through me, or directly through him), would you do me (and him) a big favour and head over to your FaceBook (and MySpace and Twitter and LinkedIn) and connect with his site, please?

We really need to spread the word as much as possible.

As the days, weeks, months go buy we will continue to add info to Brian's Fan Page on Facebook. This is linked to other sites so it should hopefully be popping up here and there.

I would really appreciate if you would consider this!

Here is Brian Peskin's Fan Page on FaceBook (I hope this works...)

This information really CAN revolutionize your health and your life. All you need to do is read the science, understand it and put it to the test. You will see that everything Brian says comes true. Everything.

It blew my mind when I first read his book, Radiant Health: Beyond the Zone.

You can visit Brian's website at:

Must rush now and get to work.

I love you!


"Life isn't supposed to be all "cakewalk" and no "baking." Especially not for those who like to experiment, take risks, and be surprised." - The Universe That is MEE to a TEE!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Serenity Rising

Ahhhhh... I had an absolutely fantastic day out all day today. The weather was warm and sunny so I just wore a t-shirt under my army jacket which was still too warm for most of the day.

First I went to Shibuya. Then I went to "Nikotama" and had lunch with a highball. After that it was back to Shibuya for coffee in Yoyogi park followed by a trip to the Ueno area where I visited one of the destinations on my "Serenity List".

After taking video the next stop was to a yakiniku restaurant for two icy cold draft beer and some delicious yakiniku (that was so fresh one could eat it uncooked - beef and pork. I did enjoy the yukke which is raw ground steak you mix with onions and a raw egg. Yum!)

Once that was done I searched for the straightest route home which involves two trains of seven and 17 minutes each.

I'm on my way home now.

The Kyu Iwasaki-tei gardens is a huge mansion built in 1896. Gorgeous! And the garden was also wonderful. At JPY400 to enter and see the luxury of the founder of the Mitsubishi conglomerate it was well worth the effort.

I am on my way home now to enjoy coffee a shower and the rest of the evening off. I'll be home soon.

Thank you Universe for this gorgeous weather and the chance to begin creating my "Serenity Collection" of videos.

I love you!


Friday, December 4, 2009

I am listening to "Bear Radio Network" (Eclectic) on iTunes. It's touted as being "random gay radio featuring some of the best independent GLBTI and gay friendly artists" and is probably one of the better stations I have found to date! Give it a try and let me know what you think. Running back out to the tailor/cleaner to take my other sportscoats in for "redefinition" (


Had to go all the way back to my office to catch my line after a night out meeting my MBAnuses. The JR line had an accident so all was delayed and therefore several transfers were required. But I can catch the second last train home.

The thing is....

I had to walk past this guy vomiting tons of alcohol and half-digested food all over the platform. I have a really weak tummy for that so Im holding back my own spew right now.

I need fresh air...


Got called at 2pm from a former MBA cronie in Tokyo. He wanted to know if I was able to meet the guys this weekend. He didnt know I live in Tokyo. I asked when? He said tonight. I asked the time. He said 7:30. I said OK! He said great! I love being spontaneous. So Im here in Ebisu tonight. And they should be here momentarily. Kampai and Merii Kurisumasu!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hmmmmm... Habits... Hmmmmm...


I really hate lecturing in front of a bunch of people, moving around, being very dynamic... laughing... gesturing... standing and sitting...

and then...

finding out after they have all gone...

that my zipper was wide open the entire time!

*shakes head*

Where's MyStefnee when I need her?***


*** Years ago when my best friend Stefnee was still wondering whether I was... safe? worthy of? being her contact on 360, the first comment she made ... was to publicly mention that ... in a photo I had posted... my fly was wide open. On Flickr!

I guess if you have to have a bad habit, as habits go this one at least offers a degree of entertainment for the viewers...


I had just finished my english class at work when I discovered this bad habit rearing its head again. (no pun intended)

Today's lesson was learning "Hmmmm... let me see..." and other derivatives.


P.S. I vaguely recall her telling me that before she let me know she wanted to make absolutely certain it wasn't just her imagination going wild... so she zoomed in. For confirmation of course. Because my best friend Stefnee hates making mistakes... Least that's what she told me on that fateful day.

P.P.S. We connected on the blogs soon after that.