Saturday, September 18, 2010

Can't Get This Much Delicious Food for 1900yen in Tokyo!

Ahhhhh... Great weather in Kanazawa! Great bus ride (read a map and got bussick). Great time in Kenroku-en Park. Great visit to a very weird art show by a Swede. Great lunch (see photo). Great walking and window shopping and people watching (was busy for Kanazawa but empty compared to Tokyo).

And now to head up to the 14th floor to the onsen for a long soak then head back out again in the much higher humidity than Tokyo evening for dinner somewhere.

Tomorrow I rent a car and head to Fukui to visit all my old haunts and enjoy the slow country life.

I love you!


  1. $22 for that? There is $2 worth of food there. LOL

  2. That looks fresh and tasty but it is a bit pricey for a salad, but I suppose it is the way of things these days. Did it come with miso, etc as well?

  3. Oh it's anything but salad, Sis. I just put a little salad on top because I had run out of space. The plate was the size of a McDonald's plastic tray.

    I think I had eight or nine varieties of MEAT!!!!!!! on that tray along with a big heaping of fresh camembert cheese.

    I didn't need to eat anything again for the next five hours. Freedom from food slavery!

  4. Is that fish I see there as well? :~/

  5. Have a great time visiting your old haunts and which do you prefer now ? Fukui or Tokyo ?

  6. Oh Cambert is one of my favorites! I love to eat it with small pickling type cucumbers mostly, or on its own... we have a variety here from Germany that has a bit of blue cheese in it, it smells something fierce but tastes oh so wonderful! I always gross out my classmates when I just eat a chunk with nothing else. LOL

    They are getting used to my strange eating habits.
