Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Dragon Ball

I'm reading the comic book series, "Dragon Ball" (in Japanese). It is ... simply said... incomparably awesome. The art, the characters, the development, the storyline... everything. It is absolutely incredible. The series follows the concept that if you want to be the best at something, you can achieve this by constantly challenging yourself. It also focuses on the concepts of "friendship, struggle and victory".

Here is what Wikipedia says:

Since its release, Dragon Ball has become one of the most popular manga series of its time in both Japan and North America. It enjoys a high readership, with over 150 million volumes of the series sold by 2007. Reviewers have praised the art, characterization, and humor of the story. Several manga artists have noted that the manga series was the inspiration for their own now popular works, including Naruto and One Piece (Cam: which is amazingly popular right now... the "new" DragonBall for the new generation). The anime is also highly popular, ranking number three among the best anime series of all time in 2006.

You can read more on DragonBall here (and you should because if I cut and paste here to tell you the interesting story, you'd be reading this blog forever!)

I bought the first one 20 years ago when I first came here. I tried to use it to study, but I gave up. I ended up buying 1-15, 21-25, 30. Currently I have filled in the blanks to 26. I need to find 27-29 and then I can decide if I want to continue or not. The series actually goes to 43, but I may stop at 30. That was my original goal. It was originally begun about 25 years ago by Akira Toriyama. It is a classic here in Japan. EVERYBODY knows Dragonball.

When I moved to Tokyo, one of my goals was to read all of my unread books and then put them away. So I am working my way through this series. I really am enjoying it, especially because now I can read them! I couldn't read them, so they just sat there looking pretty on the shelf. Sure, I thumbed through them, and used some to try and read, searching the meaning of every kanji character and writing it in pencil in the series (to about #10). But it didn't help, and I eventually gave up.

Two nights ago I was checking on Yahoo Japan Auction to see if I could find some more to buy. I didn't find what I wanted, but instead I found this set of toys! I ended up buying them for JPY 2400 + 650 shipping, and a grand total of JPY 3050 which is a great deal.

So I won the auction, and now I have them. They are all hanging on the washi bonsai made for me by Max' dad several years ago. Sacriligious, I know... but it looks great! It's my DragonBall Bonsai!

I still haven't opened up any of the balls that came with it (see the photo). I imagine there are more figures and stuff in there. Pretty cool. I'm looking forward to hanging anything I can on my bonsai.

And I am also looking forward to finding #27-29 so I can keep reading the series!

Have a great day!

I love you!


  1. Awesome, Mou!

    And see???
    "Boyz and their toyz" applies for REAL this time, so don't you be pooh pooh-ing me when i say it.

    Want to see how the bonsai looks though yes, i'm inclined to think it a bit incongruous, if not sacriligious (not BEING religious).
    I'm thinking you made that stately Bonsai look like a Christmas or Easter egg tree ;-P

  2. My kids were/ are into those comic's still. They are into a couple of other series too but I can't think of them off the top of my head.

  3. You should take a look at them, if you can get your hands on them, Paula. These stories aren't just for kids. I'm a 45 year old kid... and they are amazing!

  4. Colin is turning his book into one of those graphic novels (along with the website) in order to attract kids.
    He's even found an artist to work with on illustrations. Don't think it will be in the Hentai(sp?) style the Japanese ones are though.

    Hope you're enjoying all you missed out on before you "turned Japanese" ;-P

  5. GOOD GAWD! Little man is driving me CRAZY with all his Dragon Ball knowledge! lol

  6. My boys have recently become hooked on Avitar... (I'm told it's the ORIGINAL air bender story, not the other air bender story .... honestly I have no idea what it is... ) and I watched a couple of episodes with them the other day.. Japanese Animation... and it's pretty clever. These four countries are at war, they each possess the power to control one of the four elements (air, fire, water and earth) and only thr last Airbender (the guy who can control all four elements) can end the war.

    it's good. Me likey.

    it's ALL T1 and T2 talk about.

  7. lil man discusses this in his sleep!

  8. Carrie - Show him the pictures. Make him drool...

    Stefnee - Cool!

    Jen - I can hardly wait to see it.

  9. Jen's got unprintable pics from NYC, THOSE I want LOL

  10. And if you get The X-Album from your NYC escapades (X-capades)... forward me a copy! Ill treat you with the utmost... mmmm mm mmmm mmmmm mmmmmmm respect!

  11. When Margherita saw your Dragon ball collection, she said: WOW! She watched this cartoon very much, but the Pokemon are still here absolutely favourite. She is so proud of all Pokemon stuffs she has got and conserve them in her bed room...with lipsticks, parfumes and posters of her favourite actors and singers......
