Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Double Fat? Double Heart Attack!

I was perusing my medical newslines for the day this morning on www.medscape.com and came across the results of a meta study of trials with total patients numbering almost one million. It was a big meta study looking at people with metabolic syndrome and CVD (cardiovascular disease).

In a nutshell the results showed that those "diagnosed" with metabolic syndrome (i.e. having two or more of a list of risks) have DOUBLE the rate of heart attacks than those ho do not have MetS.

The 2X was interesting to me but what is more interesting is that MetS is a result of the food we consume. Of course food was not mentioned because the medical industry doesn't seem to truly understand the relationship between food and health... Sure they talk about "fat" and "cholesterol" but they are way off mark. And then the parrots get hold of the misinformation and blab it all around the world. And people believe it as it gets further reinforced into their brains!

So double the heart attack risk (200%) is directly related to the food we consume which makes us overweight, obese and metabolic syndrome... ic? Ick!

You really ARE what you eat.

You can probably get the link to the abstract on Medscape's website by searching for some of the keywords I have mentioned. The full article requires free registration. I'm typing this on my keitai (cellphone) so I can't post the link for you.

Stay healthy!

I love you!


  1. you're welcome to pick thru the vegetable garden susan and i planted

  2. butternut squash,sweet potato,corn,8 different kinds of peppers ,tomatoes. ,basil,sage,rosemary,garlic,onions,beets,radish,watermelon,canteloupe,peas,cowpeas, brussel sprouts,potatoes(2 varieties)
    ....got any other suggestions?

  3. Hermit - Did you plant any sirloin steak bushes? Or rump roast vines?
