Monday, September 13, 2010

You know what? I think that Florida "let's burn a Quran" bible thumper is a bona fide lunatic! Does he figure that since he "called off the Quran burning" that all is well, and he no longer has any responsibility for all the rioting the muslim world is doing now, and the ensuing deaths that are occuring over his "act", or "threat of act"? The thing is... in places like Afghanistan, one of the poorest countries in the world, where they don't get the latest news, the Taliban, and other groups who don't like America (*gasp*!) can use the "Quran burning" to fuel fire against the Christian world. I come home, look briefly at the news and see there is even more rioting and deaths occuring. This time, the news is about India (Kashmir) now, too! What a stupid stupid man that minister is. How could anybody with any intelligence continue to follow his religious mis-teachings?


  1. I hafta wonder... WHY did he get so much air time? His church has 50ish people... so why in the world would the news networks air this stuff? It's NOT news, it's NOT safe, it's NOT worth it, IMO. If the networks feel their coverage ratings are worth the vitriol, hatred, and deaths the coverage is causing, they deserve their own special bit of misery.

    Is the minister an idiot? Sure. The media gets my biggest blame though.

  2. I'd say they are tied for assholiness.
    And there are other right wing nut-jobs in the political arena who also stir the pot in order to keep their minions whipped up on hatred and fear so they vote for them.
    It's disgusting.

    I've been paying very little attention to it though. But it IS disturbing to know that rioting and other anti_American sentiments have increased.
    Makes it less safe to travel abroad as an American.... sad.

  3. I vote for shunning.

    If we don't give these people air time they will cease to be.

  4. Agreed, D!

    And our president is NOT a fuckhead!
    That title is reserved for the Haters and most Teabaggers.
