Friday, September 10, 2010

Global Blah Blah Blah...

The jury is still out* on whether or not I want to keep reading this stuff. It seems like a blend of both liberal and conservative propaganda "news", and I'm not too fond of "conspiracy theory" conjecturs myself.

Here are a few that I culled from today's (the rest I deleted):


Nutritional cures exist for nearly every major disease, but the FDA doesn't want you to know about them. So it has censored truthful, scientifically-proven information about these substances in order to keep you ignorant about nutritional cures. At the same time the FDA is attacking health foods, it openly allows ridiculous health claims on processed dead junk foods. Frito-Lay potato chips, for example, are allowed to carry claims that they are "heart healthy."

FIDEL CASTRO SAYS CUBAN ECONOMIC MODEL NO LONGER WORKS <-- Castro (and Chavez, too) is well-known for his (very very) long-winded speeches. This is priceless!

Fidel Castro said Cuba's economic model no longer works, a U.S.-based journalist reported on Wednesday following interviews with the former president last week. Jeffrey Goldberg, a writer for the Atlantic Monthly magazine, wrote in a blog that he asked Castro, 84, if Cuba's model -- Soviet-style communism -- was still worth exporting to other countries and he replied, "The Cuban model doesn't even work for us anymore."

TRANSOCEAN, HALLIBURTON BLAST BP REPORT ON CAUSE OF BLOWOUT, OIL SPILL <-- Pass the buck BP & Halliburton, you motherfuckers...

Transocean and Halliburtion, BP's partners on the blown-out well that led to the massive Gulf oil spill, reject findings in a new BP report that finds their workers partly to blame for the rig accident. Former partners with BP in the drilling operation that led to a blowout aboard the Deepwater Horizon drill rig – and a massive oil spill – are striking back at a report they say unfairly paints them as equally responsible for the disaster. In its four-month study by 50 analysts, BP details "a complex and interlinked series of mechanical failures, human judgments, engineering design, operational implementation and team interfaces."


* "The Jury is out"... This is a new phrase I am teaching my managers here at work. It is a foreign concept to Japanese in general because until just very recently there was no jury system in Japan. When I say "very recently" I mean one or two years.

I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting...

    And I agree about the FDA... not looking out for us at all.
