Thursday, September 2, 2010

HPV Vaccination in Japanese Schools

I have written about the HPV "mandatory" vaccination to "prevent cancer" in the past several times. It is wrong wrong wrong! for schools to be putting this on the list of mandatory vaccinations for school girls for one very big reason: the Human Pappiloma Virus is NOT a cause of cervical cancer! This has been shown over and over. One of the biggest proofs is that most people who have cervical HPV do NOT get cancer. Therefore the HPV CANNOT be a cause of cancer. If it was a cause of cancer, then most people would have to get cervical cancer if they had cervical HPV. But why don't people (doctors, etc.) understand this?!?!?!?!? It is so simple a truth.

Well, here is an article on the Japanese news today talking about how school nurses (not really nurses) don't favour innoculating their girls with the HPV vaccine. The only problem is that the reasons they cite are not reasonable. One reason is the concern of the side effects. That is reasonable. But the other one is that they are not comfortable talking to the girls and their parents about cervical cancer, etc. etc. ! How can school nurses be afraid to talk about this stuff?"!!?!?!?

Unfortunately, most of them AGREE that innoculation to "prevent cervical cancer caused by the HPV virus" is a "good thing". Unfortunately they don't understand (and nobody I talk to in Japan knows either) that the HPV does NOT CAUSE CERVICAL CANCER. There are other underlying factors.

Here is the link to the article:

I am going to include my comment I wrote there in case it gets deleted (one comment in the past on another news article was deleted by the admin). I guess they don't like me rocking the boat, while the other comments people leave are pretty much just plain silly on most news items.

I love you!

Everyone: Please do some research on Gardasil, and HPV. You will find that the belief that cervical cancer is caused by the HPV is ENTIRELY FALSE and WITHOUT ANY SUBSTANTIATION. The side effects of Gardasil are quite dangerous and damaging to the young women who are being forced by schools in N.A. to receive it as a preventative measure. The second worst thing you can do is to parrot this false information and spread it out further in your network. The worst thing you can do is follow the "advice" (or law in the USA) of the government and "health specialists" and have your daughters vaccinated to "prevent cancer".

This is another example of how Big Pharma is profiting at our expense.

85% of all people have the HPV. It is the #1 sexually transmitted illness of all. Men cannot be "vaccinated" against it and using condoms does not prevent the transfer, either. Therefore it can't be prevented. If men have it (and most do, apparently), it is transferred from the scrotal sac and the base of the penis as warts (that is what the pappiloma viruses are - warts). There is no current preventative measure that will cover the entire penis and testicular sac therefore it cannot be prevented except through complete abstinence (and with the decreased birthrate in the developed worlds, governments are pushing for us to have more babies therefore an entire population of abstaining people would wipe themselves out of existence faster than any cancer would.

The FDA has known about this for years. But we know we can't trust the FDA to look our for our interests.

Here is some information on YouTube that you may want to watch to further educate yourself on Gardasil, HPV and the entire false information we have been fed regarding this:

Here is a little information that I HOPE will get you out looking on the net about the HPV and to better understand that the belief that this injection "prevents" cancer is just one more incorrect brainwashing technique that we are all exposed to:

The Gardasil vaccine has never been proven to decrease the actual incidence of cervical cancer."...In fact, according to the text Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology, "In most studies, HPV status was not a strong independent prognosticator of outcome in cervical cancer patients; however there appears to be a trend for HPV-negative tumors to do worse …those tumors containing HPV DNA tend to be of an early stage and low grade."4 This suggests that if the goal is to reduce deaths from cervical cancer the target should not be HPV at all because the tumors without HPV actually "do worse." ---- Gardasil - the Cervical Cancer Vaccine? April 18, 2007


  1. This vaccine has been created to cause sterilization. Enforced population control. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. The flu vaccine last year has been found to have had mercury in it. Highly toxic! Other vaccines that we give our children because they are "manditory" (they can't be admitting to school without them) have been found to cause autism.

  2. I agree Sheila. It is scary out there. There are a lot of good drugs on the market but ones like these are life threatening. All we can do is educate ourselves and make educated choices.

  3. She... we CAN get our kids to school without them... you just have to sign a waiver. I have to sign one every year for all four of my kids because I refused to vaccinate them with the Vericilla vaccine (chicken pox)

    Did you know that the vaccine is only effective for about 10 years and then you need a booster? They don't tell you that... so all of these young men in thier early 20's who were vaccinated as children are likely to come down with chicken pox... which causes sterilization in adult males.

    My kids all had chicken pox. But because I don't have "proof" (I didn't take them into the Dr's office to have it verified because I'm not a freaking moron and I know what chicken pox are) they tried to force me to get them vaccinated. I refused. Fought them for three years.. and now, I simply have to sign a waiver every fall when I enroll them that states if my kids contract chicken pox I won't sue the school.

    This year, they tried to make me get shasta vaccinated with the HPV...

    I refused.

    I signed another waiver.
