Sunday, April 20, 2008

Cooking with Cam: Simple Fare from a Simpleton

I enjoy cooking simple food. In fact I enjoy opening up the fridge and making dinner up on the spot with absolutely no planning whatsoever! It makes life, for me, and dinner, for us, always a surprise!

I love you!


  1. *blinks* Didn't I just comment here? Or did I leave it somewhere else?

    *wanders around... lost*

  2. I put a variety of things in my burgers, which some times makes them a bit sloppy and unwilling to hold their shape. The solution = add a raw egg into your mix before cooking. Eggs are excellent binders.

  3. Robin - Thank you!

    Jaime - No, it's double posting for some strange reason... You were on the blog side. I need to fix this.

  4. Transferring these comments over from that blog that popped up.... Gotta figure out what's going on...

    And no it is NOT me doing it to try to get more attention!

    camswitzer wrote today at 7:43 AM
    Hey gang... something strange is happening with my settings. I am only putting the video in the video setting, but it also seems to be making it into a blog. My apologies for this. I'll try to straighten it out. Double posting of the same thing is meaningless, and confusing.

    passionate4jc wrote today at 1:37 AM
    Only you could make pouring a glass of wine look yummy or sexy or well......both. *grinning*

    jadedtales wrote today at 12:56 AM
    And yup yup... I follow distinguishable types all the time!!!! *bats eyelashes... then smirks*

    jadedtales wrote today at 12:55 AM
    Oh wait... there's my comment... but it wasn't there a second ago?


    jiglesias56 wrote today at 12:42 AM
    You're following me around...I can tell...

    jadedtales wrote today at 12:42 AM
    Is Jose following me, or am I following Jose the Distinguished?

    jadedtales wrote today at 12:41 AM
    I can't fiiiiind it. I KNOW I left a comment... about knives and ....

    ...about a George Foreman Grill. I have one for you! I found it at the thrift store for like, $5. It works, it's clean, it's not gargantuan, but I can send it to you and you can see if it's something you'll use and we can get a more "fancy schmancy" model if you decide you want one. :o)

    jiglesias56 wrote today at 12:35 AM
    Yet another video of you doing too much talking....Don't you have anything better to do. Get a George Forman Grill!!

    jadedtales wrote today at 12:17 AM
    CAM! With the knife thing. Woosh!

    And hey! I have a Mr Foreman Grill for yoooooou! I got it at the thrift store on base cause I wasn't sure if you'd like it or not, so it's not an investment. Now I just gotta know where to seeeend it! YAY!

    (I also found a table top grill kinda thing... pics if you want 'em.)

  5. so.. I see you're double posting now.....hmmmmm

  6. No no no... I just saw that happened here. I set my settings so that whenever I upload a video here it puts a copy on my Blogger Video Life blog... but I'm wondering if "sharing" functions then take THAT video and put a copy of it back here. That's what I'm trying to figure out...

  7. HUH....I hope you figure it out...I certainly don't wanna see any more boring stuff than I have to...

  8. uhmmmmm that's good, yet I have to watch all the videos without soun as I am at work, but I promise I will rewatch this later... and btw, it looks great "literally"

  9. that "wine" looks a bit like......never mind....

  10. JI - I wanted to include this in the video for YOU because I had told you about yellow wine. Now you know. So when you are back livin' off the fat o' th' lan', see if you can find a bottle and give it a try.

  11. you naughty naughty naughty... lol
