Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Nectar Fit for the Goddess in You

Here is a very special tea that Mayu's friend found on her travels through the tea regions of Malaysia.

"At the Boh Gardens, 5000 feet above sea level, time-honoured methods and innovation are combined to yield fine teas. Founded in 1929 by J.A. Russell, the pioneer of Malaysia's tea industry, Boh teas are today renowned for their freshness and distinctive flavour."

I love you!


  1. WHAT THE???????

    Oh my GOD!!!!!

    You are such a nutjob!!!!

    Is that the tea you were drinking the other night?

    Have a great evening, Sweety.

    Oh and next time.....

    Loose the towel, hehehehehehehe..

  2. *giggle*

    what I love about this... is that you were sitting in there with no water.

    are you getting harrier? Your arms look so dark...

    gah. I can't believe I just saw you nekkid.


  3. Stefnee - No. It's my winter pale skin combined with the fact that in the summer sun my hair on my arms bleaches very light.

    You didn't see me nekkid! Though I DO know you paused it several times in several places to see if my towel was inappropriately draped....

    Jen - I will! It was fun sitting in the waterless tub. But the real fun was trying to warm up the icy tub with my back! OMG that was cold!

  4. & Water? Who said anything about Water?

    I was advertising me!

    I mean TEA!

  5. You are so funny!

    Next time.... use water....

    and bubbles.

    I love you!!

  6. Funny... and cute.

    Yeah , water, bubbles, the tea....

    But remember....


    Lose the towel.....

  7. What were you giving yourself a sponge bath? Where was the water??? Is the tea good for skin too? Or are you just playing with us, teasing....Stefnee and JJ??

  8. I'd take a nice tall glass of Cameronian any day....

    Warm me on those chilly nights....

  9. Scooter says "He's always looking for an excuse to be naked. 'Oh, I have a new tea... let's get naked' "


  10. Paula, you know he's being a big fat..rr... skinny lil tease.

    He's such a brat.

    So now we have Cameroni tea....

    Wonder if there's a Goddess tea...

    I'm sure there must be...

    I'm on it.

  11. Gimmie a break.... you exhibitionist pig!!. This is gotta be one og the most repulsive things I've ever seen. Put some meat on those bones pal!

  12. Scooter's always looking for an excuse to get naked???

    Must be fun at your house... hehehe...


    Hey Guapo, lighten up.

    Let's see your nekky video!

  13. At loeast you managed to keep it short!!!. Thank God for that!!

  14. I've got better things to do with my time than make naked videos of myself. Some of us have to work for a living.

  15. Come on Jose.

    You can make yours in the shower.

    And someone else can make one in the hot tub.

    Then someone else can do one at the pool... or the beach.

    Oooo i know a clothing optional beach near here.... but i think they frown on cameras.

    I'll work on it.

    Anybody else?

    Who's game?

  16. So ...

    Do it at work.

    Plenty of video equipment there!


  17. No...that's OK....I'll spare you the horrible views....


    Why don't you make us a video showing us how you and Paula figured out how to reduce her stocking coefficient of friction down to near zero where she claims that the biggest problem around you is that her stockings just keep coming off!

  19. Ahhhhh....well. NO!.......I'll keep that private, besides, I don't have any free hands when I'm with Paula because they are all over her. I don't want to take them off her just to make a stupid video.

  20. Horrible views???

    Baby why do you think i call you Guapo?

    don't be puttin yourself down, ya hear?

    Not allowed amongst our group, get it, buddy?

  21. I've gotta go...I've got an assignment. I have to make a REAL video..of REAL PEOPLE doing things here in South Florida. People here on Multiply would rather see these exhibitionist displays instead of other INTERESTING things. I hardly get any hits on my videos. I am NOT going to start shooting NONSENSE just to show off....LIKE this Skinny ASSED Canuck....Get a real job PAL!

  22. Umm.... JI... there is a little thread under the video camera.... and you screw a tripod into it, remember, mr. photography/video pro?

    Besides, we don't really need to see YOU. It's Paula we want to see. Why not do a bikini photo session for us?

    By the way....

    People see news, read news, hear news all day... when they finally log onto their blogs and social networks, why on earth would they want to visit people's PERSONAL BLOGS and watch more NEWS??? Stop complaining and post your news to MH, and your personal interesting videos to multiply! We LOVE the Ellie videos. We LOVE the "What are you drinking" videos! We love the PERSONAL stuff which involves YOU YOU YOU.

    So, get your head out of the sand, you cockamaimy rooster and START SHOOTING NONSENSE! You know how much people LOVE your sense of humour (well, I think it sucks, but then again I'm Canadian), and you KNOW how they love to see YOU and how they comment on YOU....

    In fact... I recall a certain photo session with your sportscoat and no socks on a barstool and you had a HUGE gathering of hits. And I recall how much YOU LOVED IT!

    You KNOW you are as much of an attention whore as me so just suck it up, eat crow, admit that what I am doing is providing ENTERTAINMENT and not NEWZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, and we'll forgive you and let you get back on the bandwagon and do something fun, crazy, and INTERESTING!

  23. OMG! I've got a frikkin SCIENTOLOGY ad running down the right hand side of my Multiply! NOOO!!!!! GO AWAY SCIENTOLOGY DEMONS! I EXORCISE THEE!!

  24. OMG< you're so funny...

    i don't see Scientology ads.

    Just those STUPID Zwinky thingies...

    What are we ... children?

  25. I don't get the Zwinky things. No idea what they are. We all get different stuff. Maybe they think I am a potential convert, and maybe they think you are a ... child?

  26. You just made me snort and sputter my kwoffee when you said the "what are you drinkin" thing.

    Jose cracks me up with that.

  27. Well, be careful. Coffee's not so good for ... children.

    I'm off to the shower, Baby so you have a good day playing with Baby the Dane (Related to Hamlet perchance? Or Omelette perhaps?) I love you! Ni ni.

  28. Ah, smileys. That stuff.. I clicked on those things once and immediately a trojan tried to take over my computer. Not clickn, sorry, baby. I learned my lesson with those bastard smileycentral guys a couple of years ago. nuh uh.

  29. Yup. going to play with Baby.

    She's a Great Dane and so big i don't have to bend down to hug her.

    And she's soooo huggable.

    I love Baby.

    And i love you!

    Later, Mou.

  30. Never get attacked on a MAC!

    you should get one...
    just sayin... they've come down in price... a lot!


  31. You know what? I just realized that Jose left SEVEN comments. No wonder my video hit count is so high! He keeps coming back to watch it! It's just like those hecklers on Youtube that watch my videos and then tell me I'm a jerk for using chopsticks and should just use a fork. They need an excuse but it's funny and I love it because I see through their veneer, and KNOW they are actually LOVING my videos but just trying to deny it. Kinda like Crabass there.

  32. Thanks JI for watching me over and over and over! I love you too, sweet baboo! *hugs, kissies and snuggies* just for you!!!

  33. *blinks* The Google Ads are for IQ tests.

    Cam... is your site trying to tell me something?


  34. I know. Everyone sees different ads. Now I'm getting here FOREX Online Currency Trading. I wonder if Scientology owns them?!

  35. I sense a conspiracy theory plot in the making....

  36. *whispers*

    Cam... there's an ad now saying it can make my monitor come alive! I think your conspiracy theory is dead on.

    *turns off monitor and flees!*

  37. I still got the stupid f'in Zwinkies!


  38. I got the zwinkies too... and as far as JI doing something I ask over and over, heck I almost fell over and fainted the first time I saw him sitting and eating brownies in a video....LOL

    Yes JI please....... do a video, do you have any of those brownies left that I just sent? Hmmmmm??

  39. Cameronian, huh? I'll try to resist the urge to sit in the (dry) tub and do a cam-mercial about a product that bears my name. Of course the only one that I can think of it toilet tissue....maybe that is part of the issue :)

  40. Scooter - Getting a 50cc honda scooter up the stairs and into the dry tub could be kinda dangerous. Either you'd have to get Stefnee to lift it in on top of you, or you would have to lean over and pick it up which can be VERRRRY dangerous for the back!

    Oh, and if you do, don't get anything caught in the chain, OK?

    I love you!

  41. Scooter Revisited - In fact... I think that you and the kids doing a tribute to your Goddess in your tub... and then on video would be a fabulous idea! The way they did a tribute to my dancing while washing my bike, yanno? I think that would bring tears of... not sure what kind but tears of something to the Fabric Goddess' eyes, don't you think? And it would get all the fantastic friends out here in blogland to start paying more attention to YOU (exactly what you secretly desire, next to bacon of course...)

  42. Hey is Scooter indeed Stef's other half??

  43. Stefnee! Your other half is hawt!! *swoon*

  44. The Cat's outta the bag. Stefnee's got a hunk for a hubby, ladies! Forget THN, she's got The Real Scoot-toy!

  45. i saw cammy nekkid at the beach in puerto rico!
    **giggles and runs**

  46. Carrie - Did this video load for you? That would be cool if you got to see it. I'm really looking forward to the day when over in Oregon (why Oregon??? you could be a dominatrix in a Salt Lake City Compound!) you have real broad-band.

  47. no video
    but i have a good memory
    goooood memories

  48. i will get to see videos in about 6 - 7 weeks
    in the library
    in Oregon
    my daughter lives there and my ex hubby
    so that is why we are going there
    i have applied for many jobs there so cross your fingers, say your prayers, knock on wood, take your efa's and i will get a job

  49. HEY!!!

    Scooter's got a blog???

    Great scott!!!


    Stef, can i go look at him?

    Can i play with him?

    I'll be nice...honest.

  50. oh... jeezus you guys!! He's had a blog for eons... but he's shy. He just lurks and laughs and we talk about y'all late at night.

    He's quiet.

  51. Oh i went there already, but now i'm goin back and give him what fer for gigglin at me...

    So...does he know ....all about.... all of us?




  54. y'all are in trouble.. he's logging on now.

  55. Yaaayyyyy.

    Stef's hottie is comin on!

  56. QUICK HIDE!!
    dam I already took apart the bed
    cant hide under there

  57. I'm under my brother's table...DOH....

    Shhh... you never saw me.

  58. I didn't realize we were playing hide and seek. Does that mean I'm "it"?

  59. Uh oh....

    Ummm... hi, Scott!

    What's new?

  60. Nope, we can all just read your mind.

    ooohhhhh, nice...

    hey, shame on you....

    okay that's enough of that for now.

  61. Lemme tell you....

    he's fine.

    Since we went low carb... he's back to his highschool weight...

    and he's built.


  62. Oh yeah, Stef.

    Definite boytoy material.

    Have to tell Matt he's got company.

  63. send me the addy in a pm so i can see it i oregon
    cant see flicker here

  64. i still want to see all your rugs and purses

  65. Carrie... go in through her 360 page... right, Stef?

  66. I just posted a photo in my albums here.

  67. shit now i have to jump between 5 pages

  68. I'm just going to hang out on Scott's page and lurk longingly... hehehe...

  69. stefs gonna get some good luvin tonight
    we got scott going on his page

  70. I thought I wasn't allowed to go :)

  71. OMG... he's just too cute.

    I'm going to shower... no ... i only do hot. I don't need no stinkin cold shower.... nope, uh uh... not me

  72. Mebbe he can just hold the video camera?

  73. Nope sorry... no boyz... even cute adorable ones.

  74. Alas...

    I like boyz. S'ok - I'll prolly be coughin' up the $40 too *grins 'n' winks*

  75. Yeah, Jamie... aren't you coming?

  76. It's a Multiply gurlz thang!

    You gotta go.

  77. *blinks* I hafta start saving up now. *grins*

    Does that mean I can hold the camera?

  78. Stefnee - It was Scooter's calves that did you in, wasn't it?

  79. Actually, Cam... yes it was. But... you already knew that.

  80. Wow... the next time JI pops in here to admire my svelte body AGAIN he's going to flip at the number of visits to this video! Yaaaay! (I hope some of you are watching it....)

    Stefnee - Yes. I know. And I'm hoping to get a chance to worship at his calves WHEN I come and visit you.

  81. have you been to his page???

    Go see what our Goddesses have done to him!

  82. Been there three times today. Heading over to a 4th. Left a few comments on his book, too.

  83. Just left another comment. I hope he writes a blog or two now...

  84. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Thank you for this.

  85. RHG - My pleasure! Sometimes you just gotta have a little fun and throw life to the wind!

  86. Okay...I think it has calmed down now. You can have your blog back.

  87. As for JI I think he's sleeping... I tried calling him just now, he stood me up!! Can you believe it......

    Oh and Hi Scott!.... nice to see you come out from under the fog of a lurker and join in the fun.... don't worry, were all crazy!

  88. Paula...

    You in for Cancun... New Years?

  89. Maybe?? I would love to go, so I should try to start saving some $$ now.. if I make it to next year that is...LOL

  90. Hi Paula. Crazy is relative...if we are all crazy, then I guess we are all normal when compared to one another, right?

    That's what I tell myself anyway.

  91. Yep! Birds of a feather.... "squak squak"? Heck I was just outside at the pool here in the spa, and my only companion were two ducks who were floating around the pool....LOL so I suppose it would be "quack-quack"... not to be confused with "kayak-kayak".... or something like this??
    I always wondered why my father knick named me Duck when I was a child??? LOL

  92. Then again they do the Chicken Dance at weddings??? So..... its pretty certain were all damn loonie.

  93. Wedding? Is someone getting married? Noooo! Don't do it!

  94. no wedding? You'll have to come up with another excuse to do a chicken dance, then.

  95. Umm.... Scooter, I don't think I NEED an excuse to do a chicken dance. Come to think of it, I don't think any one of your children need one either, mister!

  96. Wedding!?!! HECK NO, still trying to shake off the last one.... hmmmm maybe I can "Chicken Dance" it off.... throwing myself a "divorce" party? LOL

  97. DO IT!! In Cancun, of course!!! It will be a rebachelorette party!!

  98. Cameron.....the videos I post on my sight allow people to get a glimpse at life in South Florida. It's not about ME. There's way too much junk on sights like this one and Facebook and My Space etc. etc. I am not interested in peeking into someone else's life. I've got one of my own, so I would much rather learn about where they live and what their ideas are.
    Making a "COMMERCIAL" for TEA naked in the bathtub does not give me any information that's going to allow me to grow as an individual. The only thing it does it's remind me of exactly how ugly and self absorbed you are.
    So, I want you to do the following.

    1- PUT SOME MEAT ON THOSE BONES. Go out to McDonalds and eat some real food.
    2- STOP TAKING THAT EFA STUFF. You want EFAs?. eat some pastelitos de guayava.
    3- GET A HAIRCUT. You look like a girl with that hair.
    4- OFF WITH THE JEWELRY. You look like a girl with all that jewelry on.
    5- STOP TAPING YOURSELF. Some of would rather not look at your ugly face.
    6- EDIT YOUR BLOGS. They are too damned long.
    7- GET A LIFE. You post too much.
    8- GET RID OF THE GODDESSES. That's just a harem and you know it.
    9 - GET A REAL JOB. you have too much time on your hands.
    10- STOP DRINKING TEA. have a beer. That's what real men drink

  99. Paula...Cancun?. Hmmmmm.......NOT IF I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY ABOUT IT!

  100. I see, still.........NO WAY JOSE!!

  101. Hmmmmm I don't think anyone asked for your permission! :P so there.... Mr. FlufferNutter.

  102. Better watch out.. I'm getting hostile and irrational.

  103. That's can get hostile...I'm used to it. As a member of THE EVIL MEDIA I have to face lots of hostile and irrational people everyday....I've been puched, kicked and evn shot at, so a little on-line hostility is not much to take.

  104. eh, the media can be evil all it wants. I choose not to watch. Bah on television.

  105. This is going to sound beyond the geeky... but my guard dog's name is FlufferNutters.

    How'd you know?

  106. Mr. FlufferNutter is my favorite name evah! I call my kids that when they're getting grouchy... always makes them smile.

  107. How can you not like FlufferNutter? It's fun to say!

    When Grouchiness invades, I usually start speaking Yoda-ese. It works wonders. FlufferNutter is probably more expedient though.

    The Goddess is Wise.

  108. Funny?? Don't see a ring on my finger???

  109. I work for a paper. I don't work for TV.

  110. OK, Paula, you go to Mejico if you want. I'll just go to Paris by myself since you'd rather be with the girlzzz. Have fun!. I'll toast you all with a bottle of Champagne in front of the Eiffel Tower!!!. Au Revoir!!

  111. YOU said Spain, and we were going this summer..... if you want to go to Paris with me for New Year then ask me... I didn't know this! And stop being such a grouch! If you READ up above I have not said anything except MAYBE... I was invited you need to invite me.

  112. OMG.... CAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    That WAS nekkid!!!!!!!!!!!! LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You are just toooooooo crazy!!!! Do you lay in bed awake late at night thinkin this stuff up???

  113. Paula... you're invited to Cancun for New Years!

  114. PC - Actually, no, but I do spend copious quantities of time during my waking hours trying to create stuff that allows Jose to vent that inner frustration. You see, because I love him I don't want him to internalize all that anger. It can do crazy things to people... like make their hair go thin and such, and make them think they can tell a Goddess she can or cannot go on a holiday without him.

  115. Grown women with lives and minds of their own are invited to enjoy each others' company for a few days in Cancun.

    Seeing as none of them no longer live with their parents NO PERMISSION is needed or sought after.

    Those of us who have significant others who respect us will explain the trip and get back together when it's over to plan a trip together... or not.

  116. Seriously... I can't imagine Scott telling me I "can't" do something. Of course.. I asked him if it was cool that I went... and I knew.. he'd be ok with it.. but I didn't ask because I was looking for his permission... I asked because.. I respect him and he respects me.

  117. I know. Mayu goes all over the country to concerts. And I love it when she does because she gets to enjoy the music, the artist, her friends and even though I'm not interested at all in her going, I can get enjoyment through her enjoyment of the event. She comes back refreshed, happy, glowing from doing the stuff she loves. And I must admit, I've always encouraged her to do as much of that as she possibly can. Whenever she thinks, "I don't have the money for it", I always help rationalize out how she DOES have it. Then she's happy, and she goes and enjoys it.

    I would never ever think anything different about this for any partner I have in my life.

  118. Scott is the same way, Cam... I've traveled all over the US.. on my own.. visiting friends and family, doing things that I love... exploring my heritage.. meeting people... and it's.... rejuvenating! With a young family, it's near impossible for both of us to go.... so he encourages me to get out and keep the bonds with my family and friends strong... and I love that about him. He encourages my independence, which makes me love him even more for respecting my individuality. A man who tried to control me..... would end up without me.

  119. That's great, Stefnee. I wonder how many partners are like that? How many seriously have no jealousy, or "covetousness???", or possessiveness regarding their partners (men and women alike). I hope there are lots, but I don't know. I live a rather isolated life, however a 60 divorce rate in NA leads me to believe there is a lot more of the angry-possessive types than there should be.

  120. I agree Cam. My friends are always surprised that Scott "lets" me travel.... why wouldn't he? I'm a PERSON capable of making my own choices. It just boggles me that women let men treat them like possessions... then are surprised when the men are 'done' with them and move on. Stop acting like a possession and start acting like a person. An equal. A partner. (and I'm not talking about Paula and Jose here, obviously.. I'm talking about all relationships.) I just see this a lot with my friends... women who let men control them and then can't understand why he doesn't respect them anymore.

  121. I'm not sure if the divorce rate is angry-possessive induced so much as lack-of-communication induced.

    Our friends are planning on divorcing as soon as they get back to the US primarily due to HUGE changes in their relationship during an overseas seaduty tour. They were married about 2 months before coming to Japan and the sailor was away for training purposes for five weeks of those 2 months... then they moved to Japan, she was pregnant, and he deployed frequently. A LOT of changes and very little together time, along with stuffing/bottling unresolved issues so that the deployment would be "easier"

    *sigh* Self destruct mode.

    Jase and I did something similar and things were ... iffy at best. People change and they dont' always change at the same time or in the same ways. It's so hard and relationships can be complex.

    Maybe it's a bit of the my-way-right-away mindset too? Working things out can be really hard when there's very little patience involved and it's to the point where compromise isn't considered an option for either person...

  122. I don't believe any couple needs to be joined at the hip anyway.

    Each should have their own interests and friends they share that with, then the couple should have things they do together, then if there are kids there is family stuff.

    We are each individuals... not HALF of a couple... never bought into that BS.

  123. Nobody needs an excuse to do the chicken dance...

    I was talking to Adrian about Cancun and he said, "If you can do it, you should. Hell, it's not like it's an important holiday like Halloween"... Gotta love Handsome Honey. :)

    I promise if I have the financials and the time I will be there with bells on.

  124. Jaime - I believe that military deployment puts HUGE stresses on families, and I don't know if I would classify those relational divorces among the other civilian ones. You guys live stresses that we don't have.

    Jen - I like the 1+1=5.397 or something like that. Synergy! Having your own individualness, and combining it in couplehood to produce something .... like what Robin and Adrian have! And yet they have themselves, too!

    Robin - Don't forget your patch. If things go really wild you can wear it as a pastie.

  125. I have a feeling this discussion will go on for a while. And that's great. But for now I must go and get ready for the day. I'll be back later with coffee to catch up.

    I love my Goddesses, and I cherish each and every one of you! I respect you, I appreciate you, and I am so happy that we have come together through blogging to create a family. (I guess every family needs a cranky person, huh?)

  126. Jen - 1+1 = 2 for sure!!! Though Cammath has fascinating potential.

    Cam - I think the military just takes what happens to a lot of couples and condenses/intensifies it. So many people stuff things, dont' talk about things, or try to make marriage their "perfect ideal" without ever telling their spouse what that ideal even is.

    It kills me :o(

  127. LOL.. only one pastie?

    Jaime... Scott and I have been iffy at times too...I'm starting to think.. that's just relationships... ups and downs... Military life... is something else all together!!

  128. Robin.. A's response was just about identical to Scooter's...

    He said... Hmmm... well.. sure, I'll have to take one of the Bunco Babes to New Years Party though... hope that's ok.


    Maybe he'll get a kiss!

  129. I have always had monetary restraints on the things i want to do.
    Growing up poor, being poor in early marriage, and then being "house poor" i always felt ... restrained, stifled , frustrated.

    Then i allowed that and a silly sense of obligation and guilt prevent me STILL from enjoying MY self. It was always about the family first then my husband.

    No more.

    My husband has come to understand that i am an individual with my own interests and needs. And even if he didn't understand... oh well...

  130. My favorite piece regarding marriage was from The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran. A snippet:

    Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping.
    For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
    And stand together yet not too near together:
    For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
    And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.

  131. Jen.. money is always an issue for us too.. so I did something. I got my OWN credit card. I use it when I travel.. then I use my own money to pay it off... it works for us!

  132. Oh, Stef.

    Wish that could work for me.

    My husband puts credit cards in who ever's name the offer comes... usually MINE.

    So i kind of already have my own... actually two.

    I don't really want to get any more anyway. Trying ro reduce credit down to minimum, emergency only usage.

    I have my tip money which i save up and spend as i see fit most of the time.

    Just started a new envelope for Cancun.

  133. The best bit from the whole book was the part about marriage, IMO. *grins*

  134. We don't use credit cards for credit. We use them only when we know we have the cash to pay them off. If we don't have the cash, we don't use them. Using CCs for credit is dangerous as the over-credited N.A. market has found out. We use them for insurance when traveling, we use them to collect points that go to decreasing our gasoline price. But the trick about CCs is to NEVER EVER EVER use them in place of cash when you don't have the cash. Also, (and once you are above the limit you can pay back in one shot it becomes a problem of course) but it's essential to always pay the entire bill when it comes in. Without fail. Otherwise, the compounding interest is hell!

    Oh yeah, one more... we use credit cards to get cash out of ATMs in foreign countries in small amounts so we don't have to pay bank fees to buy foreign currency, we don't have to buy too much foreign currency, and we don't have to carry around tons of foreign currency or travellers checques. If you do this, you end up paying less exchange fees than you would at a bank buying money. It works out really well.

    We also use the card when traveling in foreign countries to pay the bills rather than using cash there. But we always come home and pay it off immediately.

  135. Cam, that's a great way to be and what we should all strive for but, alas in America credit is abused to some extent.
    But i'm afraid that without credit some of us would have nothing at all.

    It's a good idea to charge no more than you could pay off completely but in that case i don't really need or use it that way anymore. I always have some cash or can write a check for those kind of reasonable amounts.

    What i now use or intend to use credit for is emergencies.
    My house is getting older. We've replaced many of the appliances already, but if the washer or drier goes we will have to use credit. And at today's prices we will NOT have the entire amount ready to pay it off when the bill comes.

    So we use credit wisely but we aren't quite ready to go totally credit free.
    Everything here is too expensive and many of us make too little money to have disposable income.

  136. you know...I am amazed at how perfect you all are!!.

    When I grow up I wanna be just like you guys...LOL

  137. Yankin' you chains is just too damned easy!. It's so easy infact that it's not fun anymore. I'm going to the bar for a few beers...perhaps someone there will prove to be more challenging

  138. Aha! So you go about yanking chains because you have so much crap to dump that you need to keep flushing it in order to prevent it from backing up the system. Now I understand why you do it..... Maybe the beers will help you to get it all out in one shot so you can start sharing some of that Globalized Love we all love to give and receive.

  139. LOL..Listen Cam, if you really think I'm such a bitter old grouch, you'd better think again because that is simply not the case. I thought you would know that by now since you and I had a couple of face to face conversations, but, maybe not.

  140. As for the trip...well..the fact is that I do not control or want to control Paula. I am amazed that some of you actually thought that I would actually try to do that.
    I guess I can't escape the old MACHO CONTROLER stereotype since my name is Jose.
    I've been around long enough to know that the sooner one realizes that one can't control what other people do is perhaps one of the quickest ways to be happy.
    Well...nough said......I'm gettin' outta here...Have fun in Mejico.,..DON'T DRINK THE WATER.

  141. I guess I'm the only one here that enjoyed Don Rickles...If you don'y know who he was, do a GOOGLE search.....and by the way lighten's too short..laugh at's good for you...

  142. Damn it sure is easy to yank your chain, JI. HAHAHAHA. You just got sucked right in with your own game, buddy!

  143. I do! And I sure am glad I DID have those face to faces because without them, I would never have been able to take this crap!

  144. Now I just take absolutely NOTHING you say seriously, and I know that everything you say is a joke, nothing at all is EVER serious. Ever. You are one great big joke! And that's what I love about you! Now go and shoot some news, will you?

  145. Yeah..Lemme get out of here and leave some room for your godesses and all your Cammy groupies to tell you how wonderful you are. PLEASE.....PLEASE!!!.

    I just love to come here and read all your fan mail

  146. I'd love to go to your site and read YOUR fan mail.... problem is you gots no fans!

  147. I'm off today you fool!.

    I am not looking for fans...I'm not an attention whore..

  148. I'd better leave because I know that Stefnee is waiting for me to leave so she can come on here

  149. You're a closet attention whore, and we all know it. That's OK. You can stay in the closet.

  150. BTW, my next video is going to be LONG. I've actually got a purpose. I can't do it in 1-3minutes, sorry to say. So feel free to pass it by. It won't be me pimping me, or anything like that, and I'm hoping that it will garner a few, a lot? of video responses. That's all I'm saying for now as I'm not finished shooting the footage. I need a few weeks to gather it all, then time to do major editing. I know YOU won't be impressed of course, because nothing impresses street-hardened bozos like you, but I'm looking for ... you'll see. Or maybe not.

  151. Jose... I don't think your name implies that you're controlling....??? is there a sterotype I'm missing out on?

  152. Stefnee - I think he's just bitter that he wasn't named Don Juan Diego or something like that. Then everyone would think of him as a stereotypical latin lover. It's one of those things that goes back to childhood. Apparently everything we think or do, every little hangup we have is always the fault of our parents. Somehow... Or so the "grows" like to tell us.

  153. I really don't know any sterotypes... and quite frankly.. I have absolutely no idea what... ethinicity Jose is??? Spanish? Mexican? Cuban?? ...... no clue. He just looks like a dude to me.

  154. Of course.. what do I know.. I'm just a middle-class-white-bread-snobby-white-girl

  155. JI - BTW, looking at all the "glasnost" that seems to be going on (the surface) with Raul down in Cuba, maybe you'd be happier back there. You could still own a cell phone, and since you're happy these days with the $10 bottles of wine, you can live off the fat 'o the land.

    Jose's ethnicity is.... "male". You know... the kind that goes around pissing on everything to mark the territory? Yep. That's our Jose.

  156. Stefnee - And I'm a white collar criminal (according to JI) who has absconded with millions (of what? smiles? hugs?) to Japan to live a quiet (but hidden - hahahah!) life in the mountains of Japan. You want to know something that shocked me? When I became good friends with Jen, I thought back, and I realized that I don't even remember seeing any black kids in school when I grew up!

  157. *wiping (while gagging) the snot off your bread*

  158. We had one. His name was Mark and he was two years older than me. That's it. As a matter of fact.... I don't even know one black person at all..... besides Jenny.

    snoBBy... not snoTTy.

  159. I dont' know any Latino people.

    Or Jewish.

    Or .... muslum.

    I'm an equal opportunity biggot.

  160. I'm sorry... I don't think you can pull a "typo" on that one, Baby! The B and the T, although the same finger, are just too far away to claim immunity from that one! You'd be better of to try to cry "freudian slip!" than "el typo".

  161. Cam.. refresh your page.. and read my comment.. it says snobby.

  162. Nope. I am NOT refreshing until I turn this page into a PDF for PROOF!

  163. lol... I edited it... I did write snotty... but I changed it.. because... snotty and snobby mean the same thing.. but next to white bread.. I had the same thoughts you did.. so I changed it.

  164. so.. I'm still missing why Jose thinks his name implies that he's controlling.

    Does Jose mean Asshat in english??

  165. Did you do another typo? Did you type Asshat and mean to type "I shat" instead?

  166. As in, "Does Jose mean I shat" in English?

  167. no... Ass Hat... it's not as bad as being an asshole...but.. worse than being an ass

  168. But naaaah, apparently, and since JI is the only one I know, I have heard that "all latin men" are controllers. But the funny thing is we also here that all latin women are the ones that really control their men, so who's really controlling?

  169. I've never heard that.

    Around here... Latin men are hard workers, honest, great with kids, good people. Just regular folks. Maybe it's different in Miami.. the land of No Socks.

  170. Maybe it's the socks, or lack thereof that turns them into that. Maybe if we could get socks onto JI he'd turn into a "kinder, gentler...." naaaaah. I'm dreaming!

  171. I'll be back. I need to go and send some info to a person on Yahoo Auctions who's product I just bought last night. Need to let him know that I'm a genuine purchaser (even though I just called him and talked to him on the phone).

  172. Bye!

    *sits quietly and submissively in the yard next to her picket fence*

    Maybe I should go and busy myself in the kitchen like a good little white girl.
