Monday, April 14, 2008

More Axe Murderer Conventions & Shifting Energy

I'm off tomorrow to Kyoto for another Internet Axe Murderer's (IAM) convention. It should be good. Pandasu from the USA is coming with four of her coworkers for a 10 day whirlwind tour of Japan. They landed in Tokyo on Friday, and today (Monday) went to Yokosuka Naval Base near Jaime. Then they went after that down to Hiroshima and are coming back through Kyoto tomorrow (Tuesday). I will take a 1.5hr train there (30 minute train to Fukui as well) to meet them. We'll have dinner at the tonkatsu place in the Kyoto Station (Rob is invited, but I don't know if he'll make it considering he just got a brand new Harley through Yahoo! Auctions yesterday and will probably spend his day out there polishing every spoke and every piece of metal (as well he should).

On Wednesday we are taking a full-day bus tour of the city to several temples, and stuff. I've been on this tour before (took my Sock Customers in the past); it is really good and gives you a good cross section of some of the (SOME of the things to see there). Then I'll catch a train home and probably be back by midnight here.
I had a busy day today with work. I packed titanium rimlock profiles (3m bars of the things that will become those teeny little closures that "lock" the rimwire of your glasses. If you look behind the temples where they attach to the eye wire of your glasses, (metal) you will most likely see a little piece of metal there with a screw in it. Those come from 12ft bars of profile that get cut down and then shaped to braze onto the rim wire, and the end pieces that attach to the hinge which also attaches to the temples. That's what I'm sending to France; 40kg or 90lbs of it.
I did my banking, and then went and had a coffee and read my book "The Secret of the Universe" at Starbucks for an hour or so before heading out to do a few more things before heading back to the house to do accounting and more work.
After that was all done I did pilates here. I started a new exercise program to add to my weight training as some mysterious flubber has accumulated around my waist and has hidden my ab definition and the back definition. I hope that the 15lbs of weight I've gained isn't all flubber! I would hate to go back down to my "usual weight" of 73kg (160lbs) after working so hard and feeling like I've FINALLY gained some muscle mass from my efforts! I had lunch, had a quick shower and then headed out to visit Maeda-san in the hospital. I spent two hours there.

I got home from visiting Maeda-san again for two hours in the hospital as I've been doing about five times a week for the past month. He seems "ok", as things go, but there's not much meat left on his body. He reminds me a lot of Tug now, in Tug's last days where he was nothing but skin and bone. No strength, but the mind was still there, and he kept dozing off. Well, I sit there, I wash him, I give him fluids, I hold his hand, and I read, then tell him things like his blood pressure, etc. etc. It's a good time.
I am spending more time with him now (when he needs it) than we did over the entire 17 years we knew him. Being across the mountains in a direction we never go to except to visit him makes it difficult to get to. When he was living next door, we would greet, and chat across the fence daily, but that wasn't hours at a time. And thanks to Maeda-san I finally finished the 400page book! It wasn't a very "fun" or "compelling" read, and maybe I'll talk about it another day, but for now, suffice it to say, I'm happy I am done and can move onto other things.

Then I cooked a great dinner, cleaned up, did the dishes, had coffee... and now I must pack for tomorrow! 
Oh! One interesting thing I wanted to share with you and the "main" purpose of this blog that I wasn't going to write because I have other things I need to do before going to bed...
I injured my jaw five days ago at the gym with my uberheavy weights. I guess I clenched without realizing it. yesterday was the worst of all and I couldn't even close my jaw to bite something soft! It hurt! Didn't sleep well the past four days.

Well, I recalled something from all the "New Age" reading I've been doing lately, coupled with the meditation I have been doing on the floor (more like falling dead asleep, but I'm trying!) as well as something other "stuff" and I figured I would start visualizing the energy flows in my jaw to see if I could "move" the pain away.
So since yesterday while driving around and last night and today I have been lightly rubbing my fingers up my cheekbone to gather the good energy, and then down the jawline from the temple, in front the ear, and that point at the corner of the jawbone by the ear, and at that time thinking of pushing out the bad energy.

And you know what? It's healed! Completely! My jaw is back in alignment again (it was out of alignment as only the left side teeth would touch, and the right side had a gap. It happened so fast I'm amazed!

So then I went and tested it out by eating LOTS of meat, chewing mushrooms, and cabbage that were all "steam fried" with the thick strips of pork I cooked.
*chomp chomp*
Jaw works great! I thought yesterday during my workout at the gym (which was difficult to do because I was concentrating on the pain in my jaw during every workout) that I'd need a long break to let it heal... but by the Gods of Bacon, it's all better!
Seriously, I really did focus on moving the energy in a circular motion. I'm sure that the rubbing had some soothing effect, but I don't think that is the entire reason. I prefer to believe that I have been studying enough that I finally am starting to understand how energy flows in my body, and how the pain, or illness in my body is not just physical, but also manifest by my mind. And if that is the case, then I should be able to "adjust" my mind and move the pain out. So I've been experimenting with that.
OK, well, upstairs to pack and we'll see you guys again in a few days.
I love you!


  1. That was a LONG day Cam... and it is great you take time to meet the gang, it is incredibly cool. One day you have to come to Nova Scotia and do me the honors of your prescence, it would be fun!

    As for Maeda-San, I am sure this is not easy for neither of you, specially because you can frelate in such intimate way to what he is going through right now, but I am sure that he values your visits, attention and care like if it was gold.

    It is great to have people like you around, it makes people's life better and smiles easier to achieve.

    Thank you for sharing.


  2. CG - The pleasure is all mine! Buona notte, as they say in italiano, not spanish.

  3. Close enough, in Spanish it would be Buenas Noches!, but Italian is also fun, and Italians are fun to look at ;)

  4. *smooch* I love you and I'm glad you healed yourself.... I'm gonna try that on my palm... yanno.. that little place I told you about?

    Have fun with Pandasue!

    I love you!!


  5. Stefnee - The "swimming" injury. I remember it well. If I were there, I'd try the same thing on your palm that I did on my jaw... except I'd use my lips! Night!

    I love you!

  6. Great...

    Rubbing doesn't help.
    There goes my career if everyone discovers energy healing like yours.

    Thanks, Mou.

    Have a good trip.

  7. Pleased to hear you are feeling better.

  8. Cam, that's amazing! I've always been told that pain can be more residual than it needs to be, it's like we hold on to it so we "remember" not to do whatever caused the hurt again. How COOL that you found a way to adjust your mindset and see if you had a physical ailment!!!


    I hope you guys have a great time - much love!!!

  9. It must be nice to be independently wealthy.....

  10. Nah, Cam's just nice period.

    *bats eyelashes 'n' grins*

  11. Well, I will need everyone to lift up your palms to the air and send me some good energy to NS to heal my stupid back!! I CAN'T reach it!! hahaha

  12. Listen jadedtales...take it from me, I've know this character for a while now. He's a while collar criminal who stole millions of dollars from Canadian Banks and is now hiding in Japan. He's not nice at all. It's all an act. The sooner you accept this the better off you'll be.

    I think you'd better start batting your eyelashes at someone else. For your own good.

  13. *gasp* So I can't bat my eyelashes at you OR the Canadian Bank Robber????

    Crap. I bet Stefnee would let me bat my eyelashes at her. And she's not even an asshat!

    Ya know... considering he's stolen millions from Canadian Banks, he should share with us. Globalized Love and all that.

    Oh wait, he already did for me.

    Guess he loves me best.


  14. He's a greedy bastard. He won't share his money. What's worse is that he claims to be poor and all of Cammie grupies buy into that. Globalized love?...Gimmie a break it's all an act...

    No, don't bat your eyelashes at me. I'm just an old CRABASS. I am not looking for groupies either (Cameron always is)...You've been warned!

  15. pffft... like if stealing from Canadian Banks was such a big thing... all you need to do is get a hair dryer, an ice pick, two polar bears and a few huskies... (hair dryers and ice picks are illegal in Canada), we all have done it once or twice in our life here in Canada... and then you can steal all the bacon, which for those who don't know, is how we trade goods, products and services..

    gotta love Canada.

  16. Well I like to bat my lashes at crabasses....

    Cam, have a nice trip..even white collar criminals need a vacation from time to time....

    and my thoughts are still with Madea-San... and that he finds this journey peace filled.

  17.'ll get a chance to do that on the 19th......

  18. lol@ CG..... bacon is better than money anyway!

  19. Well, that's what Cameron will have you beleive. The fact is that he's a greedy criminal and you've all bought his story....

  20. Hey centigrado...what's a good looking latin guy like you doing in Canada?...It's cold up there dude!

  21. I am starting to believe that we've got a "problem" of bacon adiction going on around here hahaha

  22. Hey Jose (which btw, I have heard about you a lot on Cam's videos), first of all, thank you for good looking thing (Glasses may be in order for you Mr) lol, and I came to Canada to do grad school a few years ago, and I liked it so much that I stayed... (the truth is that I tried to lick a metal post and I got stuck until I decided that it was a good sign) lol... and yes.,.. cold is certainly a Canadian thing :),


  23. Is that all I have to do then, is bat my lashes on the 19th?


  25. Interesting. Where r you from originally?. All kidding aside, Canada is one beautiful place. I love it up there. I just wish it wasn't so darn cold. Canadian's are very friendly people (one exception). I've had nothing but great times everytime I've visited. I love Vancouver, Montreal and of course, my favorite place...Bamff. where do u live?

  26. Yes Paula.....that's all you have to do..lemme do the rest...

  27. I love Canada, oh yeah! it is an amazing place, I am originally from Mexico, but my dad is actually Lebanese.. so God figures, I am the human equivalent of the UN :P, I live in Halifax, which is in the North Eastern province of Nova Scotia, it is a very nice spot too, but I LOVE Montreal and it is my favorite city in all of Canada. I lived in Calgary a few years ago, so I know how people can get hooked to Banff :)

  28. I knoew a few Lebanes Hondurans and Costa Ricans. Interesting. When did your parents migrate to Mejico?

  29. My dad's parent migrated to Mexico in the 50's, so he was raised completely as a Mexican as back then, there was a policy for asimilation rather than integration... you know how it is... :) and you are in Florida, correct?

  30. Yes, Fort Lauderdale to b precise..

  31. Well Jose, it is good to meet you man :0) people here are really cool, and the whole dynamics are great... now, I am not sure Cam will be thrilled to see how we socialized, mingled and made magic happened in his topic hahaha :) (kidding), r u originally from there?

  32. Not sure what you mean by virgin til this morning, David, but i thought i was your first...


    After Cam, that is....

    That's OK, they always forget about me...

    even Cam.

    Paula and Jose...


    Must be nice.

    I'm going back to my future useless occupation.
    Once everybody starts healing themselves and each other with energy, i'll be obsolete.

    Take care, CG/David.

  33. Jena, I am affraid that in this town, virginity is lost quicker than how you can loose your dignity in Vegas... hahaha, but yeah! you were and always will be the first!

  34. Passion, hahaha thanks for the good vibes, I think is working... oh wait... no no no, still there lol :)

  35. Well if you need some REAL relief, try massage.

    Nothing beats having hands applied using firm but gentle pressure.

    Feel better, new friend.

  36. Jose and I have something in common? OMG!

    I adore Vancouver. It's phenomenal. Gorgeous. Tons of nice people, great food, fabulous views... would move there in a heartbeat.


    But only if Cam gives me bacon and teh Goddesses come to visit. *winks*

    And David? You know you liked it.. but Jen was TOTALLY first *lol!*

    Ok ok ok -going to bed now.

  37. i KNEW the bacon gods had something to do with this
    all praise to the bacon god
    i am going to worship him right now

  38. Jena, trust me, I am a massage addict, my partner runs the moment I hint my back hurts hahaha , I should start paying for it tho! :P

  39. hahaa Jade! I am sorry I just got confused!! Jade! Jena! ... it is all so so so confusing... my head spins! :P

  40. Glad to hear you worked magic on the jaw -- after all Cammy just wouldn't be Cammy without the ability to chomp on bacon!

    I very much admire your spending time and caring for Maeda-son.I know your presence makes his last journey much easier.

    I love you!

  41. CG - If you got your initiation into Canada by licking a metal post in the dead of winter... then I LOVE YOU MAN! I did that so many times I'm just glad that we regrow our entire body every 11 months!

    And this kind of conversation I see here is EXACTLY what I crave; it shows the love, the caring, the friendship, the friendliness (except for one, but I ... love... him.... anyway....) and more.. It shows that we truly can Globalize the Love! (with bacon).

    Since you are worried about being in a baconoholics anonymous group here, I shall henceforth dispell your worries and remove the "anonymous".

    Everyone addicted to bacon please stand up and be counted!

    (Oh... JI IS standing up. Sowwy!)

    Anyway, thinking of JI just reminded me that I need to take out the trash. If I help the elderly people here they tend to throw yen my way, and well... every bit helps.

    Be back later.

    This was great!

  42. BACON!!! *does the Happy Bacon Dance*

  43. Cam, u just make me smile with your possitive approcah man :) thank you for that and all the great things you help us do!! hahaha , how did you sleep btw?

  44. The energy healing you described sounds very close to Reiki, which I've been doing for the last 11 years.

    Very interesting reading your blog :D

  45. Pilates?..what a weenie..go out for a run dude!!...Pilates is for weenies.

    Work? call that work?...gimmie a break!

  46. JI - I love you.

    Everyone - Mission accomplished.
