Sunday, April 6, 2008

This is Unbelievable!

I CANNOT BELIEVE IT! I sat down here, and rewrote the entire blog, then did the dreaded spell check again, and without going anywhere, hit publish, ... and by that time I was timed out and the blog disappeared! This has GOT to be a problem with Multiply to do it AGAIN.

Thank goodness this time I copied it all!

Let's try this again, shall we?

Earlier this morning I had finished an hour-long blog. I went out to say bye to Mayu, and then came back, added a bit... and clicked the dreaded "Preview & Spell check" button. Well, little did I know that the Multiply system had chosen to log me out during my absence, so when that innocent little button down there got clicked, it went to a "Do you know Cam Switzer?" page, and everything was lost! Going back a page only took me to an error. back one more took me to a blank "Compose Blog Entry" window.

So I gave up. I went about my stuff for the morning did the things I needed to do, and now it's lunchtime. What was it all about?

It was just an update... I thought I should at least make an attempt at something...

I have been quieting my mind with some mp3 stuff that I got when I was at the Mindspring seminar in NC this past January. I also have developed a mantra to repeat when I catch my mind spinning relentlessly over various things in life. Well, it seems to have worked so smashingly well, that my mind has become so darn quiet I don't even have a single thing to write about! I really don't!

Also, remember I talked about "giving up something to add something"? Well, I have decided to cut back on writing, and reading blogs as there are other things I would like to do for a while and the only way to do that, is to cut something back. Since the only thing I do these days is either work, eat, sleep, exercise once every 5 days or so (no longer addicted to that), take out the garbage, do laundry, and other stuff, OR sit here at the computer clicking.... I thought I would try cutting back on my clicks and add the meditation in its place.

Back to writing about my day yesterday (and now today so far because the morning blog disappeared) *Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C* (OK, it's safe to hit the Save & Publish button now).

Yesterday I worked around the house for a few hours doing all the typical househusband stuff like washing, folding, ironing, putting away laundry, bedding, vacuuming, dishes, scrubbing and shining kitchen sink, scrubbing toilet, and other such stuff. I was "killing time" as Mayu was away working for the day.

At 15.30 I decided to go and watch the movie MONGOL which is rather good. I think it is a russian movie, or Russian/Mongolian or something because the producers, directors, etc. were all very ... slavic (?) names or some very exotic names that I really couldn't even pronounce. Nor did I try. The main character, Genghis Khan (Temujin) was played by a Japanese actor. The story revolves around Temujin as a child, growing up and how he becomes the leader of all the Khans. It ends as he is about to embark on conquering half of the known world. The language was mongolian, and the subtitles were Japanese, but this was not a Japanese movie so if you ever get the chance to see it, I recommend it. The scenery was spectacular! I've never seen the steppes of Mongolia before and I was impressed.

After the movie was done I searched out a black tie with black thin diagonal pinstripes for funerals. It is modern material, modern shape so I chose it. I have one from a friend who died of cancer many years ago but because it is decades old and "traditional" I was never comfortable wearing it. Here in Japan for funerals men wear black suits, black shoes, white shirts and black ties. For weddings they wear the exact same thing, except the ties are white. Women wear all black and usually some pearls. That's the way it is.

I enjoyed a McCoffee (better than Starbucks, cheaper @ JPY 100, and with free refills how can you go wrong?!) and a Mega Mac that has come back again. I'm happy for that because I can toss out the buns, and just eat the four patties, special sauce, onions, and pickles that it comes with. Oh, yes and the one slice of melted... "process". And it is cheaper than four JPY 100 cheeseburgers with less bun to toss.

Next I drove over to the hospital to visit Maeda-san. Some of you know about his illness, but in a nutshell, I'll let everyone here know that Maeda-san (you've seen him in videos) is dying of cancer. Last year he went through treatment and was very ill, but recovered. This March beginning he went back into the hospital because he wasn't feeling well. Maeda-san is exactly 50 years older than Mayu so that made him 90 this past December 1st. It's no wonder his body isn't feeling too well.

A week ago he hemorrhaged and lost a LOT of blood. We saw him right after that and have been visiting him every day since then in the evening when it's quiet. We go in, wash his face, put a cool towel on his head, scratch his eyebrows, give him liquids to drink when he's awake and parched, and take off the "safety mittens" that the nurses put on him because he unconsciously pulls out his IVs in his sleep. He hates those things; both the IVs and the mittens.

His entire body is all swollen from the drugs and the fact that his body is battling the cancer. He can talk a little bit, but not much. He is very tired, but also his mind is still really sharp and he recognizes me, as well as the picture of Tug that I took and left on his bedside for him to see. You see, Maeda-san looked after Mayu, Tug and I when we first moved to Ono back in 1991-94. We left Tug with him when we went on our trips, and they became best of friends. Maeda-san often thought that he would die before Tug, but it wasn't the case.

Maeda-san got a lot better over last week. Then on Saturday he had another drop, then spike in blood pressure and hemorrhaged again, losing a lot more blood. He now has about 20% of his normal blood volume left which understandably makes him weak. He's back to where he was a week ago, unconscious, breathing, swollen, waking up a bit and saying a few things, but that's about it.

Yesterday Mayu got there about 30 minutes before I did and helped him to sit up and took off the safety mittens. We stayed for about two hours, until he got sleepy again and kissed him good night, then went to a restaurant for dinner and came home to coffee, showers, and the usual late night stuff before bed.

They use a lot of sugar in Japanese cooking and we didn't like the restaurant food this time. I didn't really want to go there because I haven't liked it for some time for that reason, but Mayu wanted to go somewhere "cheap" and she chose that spot. Even she said, "well, I guess this is the last time for here". I woke up at 5am this morning dehydrated, having to pee like crazy and with a mouth full of cotton thanks to the sugar in the foods. Sweet pork is just not to my liking!

This morning I had planned to go and pack the balance of 75kg of my 200kg of beta titanium sheet that I'm shipping to HK. I didn't have enough boxes on Friday so could only send some of the shipment. I got the call about 10am and headed out, packed the goods, brought them back and dropped them off at the post office. When I returned home, the documents from the shipper had arrived via email, so I printed them out and took them back to the post office. That 75kg should be in HK in about 3 days.

I got this order a couple of weeks ago but lately the eyeglass manufacturer that ordered has been rejecting a lot of material, saying the surface is not good. Thank goodness MY material has never been a problem, but they are always questing for a lower price only and the got burned. I have refused to drop my paper thin profit margin on this, and I am glad I did not because now we have proved through tests that our material is definitely superior to the stuff they have been getting cheaper, but rejecting. No more game playing with them, let me tell you! We bust our butts for the customer to get it all ready asap, pack it, ship it and keep the price down so it's really not worth doing for no margin.

And that is a re-recap for the day. I'm home now and will make lunch, finish off my National Geographic and then see how the wind blows.... I will head in to see how Maeda-san is later this evening again, I guess.

So this is just another ordinary day.

Oh! I wanted to show you this great t-shirt that Stefnee's Scott found for me! Don't you love it? Bacon really DOES make everything better! And the smiley faces on the bacon are sooo perfect! Thanks, Scooter! I love you!!

And thank you other S5 for the wonderful little gifts you included in that care package. I LOVE Globalized Love! (Sorry it's all wrinkled; it was sitting in the laundry hamper since yesterday evening).

I love you!


P.S. Pandasu, another Internet Axe Murderer will be coming with her coworkers to Japan for a week and a bit of a holiday. She has the entire schedule set up. I'm going to meet them for dinner in Kyoto on 4/15, spend the night there, then go with them on an all day bus tour of Kyoto (in English) so they can see several great places to visit. Then I will head back to Fukui on the evening of the 16th and the may or may not go back to Tokyo that evening. Jaime is currently negotiating to see if she can meet with SueEllen and her friends when they are in Tokyo. I asked Matt, but he's pretty overbusy in April (the new fiscal year usually begins here) so likely won't have the time. If anyone else is in Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima, and wants to hook up with Pandasu, please let me know! Her non-blogger friends think it's really weird, and are a bit apprehensive that they are going to meet a "stranger". I'll be sure to take my axe (sharpened), and my smile, just to make them feel right at home.


  1. Glad to hear you are following your own thoughts. However, when you cut back on the blogging then you get over stimulized by writing an hour blog. Then more time is wasted when you have to write it over because of a mulitply indescretion. I think after all that it would have been just as well to just blog. But alas you did not. None-the-less meditation is a very good thing. I really need to do more of it.
    I am sorry to hear about your friend. Cancer is such a nasty, unruly disease. I will think about him.
    Enjoy your axe murder convention put on your charm and the new people will not know what hit them.
    Love you Cam

  2. Actually Michelle, most of my blogs take about two hours or more to do, so this was a short one.

  3. Is Japan using Seattle's Best coffee in McDonald's as well? I know they switched in the US and it was a wise move on their part, IMO.

    Funny you should mention the sugar aspect... I hadn't realized how much sugar was used in some Japanese recipes until I rec'd a cookbook and was looking through. Wow! I don't notice much of a difference if I use less (or completely omit) the sugar in most recipes, though some it makes a huge taste difference. Very unexpected!

    I'm so sorry to hear about Maeda-san. That must be amazingly hard for everyone involved... My thoughts are with you all.

  4. Jaime - I know! As far as I know, sugar is not a main ingredient in most of the dishes back home. Sure, glazing.. but do we boil vegetables in sugar water? Do we use sugary sauces? It really is surprising how much there is. And when you get on low carb life, you find that even the slightest amount of sugar becomes too sweet.

    I'm not sure. Why don't you go out and give them a try. It really is pretty good. I don't like the SBC here; their franchises are too hot and really bitter. I always burn my mouth on the lattes. It's like they pump the heat up to 75C or something and burn the milk. As I learned when I learned to make latte's, etc. the temp of the milk should be between 68C and 72C but no higher. It really makes a difference.

  5. I'm still a little baffled - while I was looking through, I was really, really surprised! Has it always been like this or is the addition of sugar relatively new? I guess I have a date with Google coming up, eh? *grins*

    Oooo - scalded lattes are bad, scalded mouths are way worse!!! I usually don't like my coffee (black or otherwise) to be excessive in temp. I'm a bit of a baby. "lukewarm" should be my Secret Coffee Identity.

    There's a SBC stand in the food court and I'm really picky about which barista I get coffee from. If they aren't working, I just grab coffee at home instead. I guess that's a cost saving method anyway. *winks*

    Much love!!!!!

  6. Ever since I've been here they use a lot of sugar. Go to the store and buy some of the prepared vegetables (you know, like the nanking pumpkin and stuff?) That's why Mayu and I can't eat her mother's food because she always "sugarates" all the veggies when she cooks! And that's why she doesn't like ours because we only use steam, then salt and pepper maybe after. She says that they have no taste.

  7. I prefer savory vs sugary in most things. Unless it's... ya know... cookies. *grins*I can't really imagine enjoying sweet veggies very often. I used to add a dash of brown sugar and ginger to carrots, but not anymore. I think the only thing I still have brown sugar on is acorn squash and that's on special occasions only... *grins* I blame you. *winks*

  8. It's funny how that works, isn't it! I'll gladly take the blame for that one. I love you. Rain here today.

  9. It was bleak and dreary here today, though the rain held off until evening. Now it's more like a damp chill. It's sort of pervasive. We made soup for dinner - it seemed to fit the mood and soup is definitely comforting. Amazing how soup is now a perfectly decent meal for us- before hand I think the family would've thought of it as an appetizer or needing a huuuuuuuge chunk of bread to go with for dunking.

    Thanks, Cam. You're truly awesome. *smootch* I love you!!!!

  10. So has your entire family actually cut back on some of the "big carbs"? And if so, are you noticing a difference in anything such as sleep patterns, energy levels, general happy moods and such? Or am I just rambling on and making no sense?

  11. I've been doing it mostly in doses - we'll have several meals that are low carb and then sate the French Fry Monster in my head or Jase's neeeed for mashed potatoes and we watch things get a little crazy. I always feel extra crappy after eating too many carbs, but I still indulge fairly often, maybe once or twice a week ish? Weekends and going out and about in town are my weak points for sure. We tend to do baking on the weekends too and it gets a little insane.

    Small Thing's noticing a difference without me really discussing it with her. She'll mention feeling bad or having tummy issues after a big carb loaded lunch or after drinking a glass of milk. "I need to eat healthy foods that make me feel better, Mom."

    We've also noticed a difference in her behavior - kinda like in the cafe but not quite as immediately noticable. She's more mellow yet with more energy if that makes sense? She can focus a lot easier and for longer periods, and she's learning a lot faster. I'm not sure if that's a growth spurt effect or the food intake?

    Some things that used to be reeeeeeeeeeally good just aren't anymore and the feeling afterwards is not worth it coupled with the "not as good as it used to be" flavor.

    If I was SMART and really listened to my body rather than my cravings, we'd probably be better off as a family and I'd shed weight a whole lot faster. I'm sort of grappling with it, but we're making healthier choices bit by bit. I think I'm one of your most stubborn converts. *sheepish grin*

    So... yeah. :o)

  12. Actually, you are not. There are others who are more stubborn than you. Believe me. But in the end, they all come over to the meat side...

    I won't discount the growth spurt, but keep in mind that food is one of the most potent natural hormones we know and food affects DRAMATICALLY our entire being. We just don't look at food that way, but it really is.

  13. It is so good that you can spend time regularly with Maeda-san as he struggles through the days and nights... It would seem he can rest easier when you are there.

    And bacon? Everything goes better with bacon! Cool shirt. :-)

  14. It makes sense to me - food and drink are the fuels for the body. Consider your car... if you put water in your gas tank, do you expect the car to function properly? Soda? Sugar? Does the contents of the tank just affect the fuel line?

    Small Thing might be having one of those "leaps" in growth and intelligence... but if she can get an extra bonus in the food/fuel department, I'm all for it!

  15. *doing the low carb dance for Jaime!* w0ot!

    Cam... Scott bought that shirt for me as well... I've been dying to wear it.. but haven't because... I do videos and stuff and I didn't want you to see it! I'll wear it today!

    mmmmm bacon!!

  16. I want one of those shirts!

    Well... maybe two.
    One for me and one for Colin who decided long ago against vegetarianism because, as he put it, "who would choose a life without bacon".

    Mmmmm... bacon RULES!!!!!

    Crap... now i'm hungry.
    Wonder if the cafe has bacon.

    Yeah i'm at work. Slow morning... then i have my two long, massages. Love taking my time and slowly relaxing my subject into oblivion...

    hate the drool in the face cradle though...ICK!

  17. Jen - I hope you rehydrate them properly otherwise you would be a cruel torturerer indeed making them stagger out to drive away dehydrated.

    Stefnee - Wear it! Yaaay! We can mirror each other! In fact, if you did the same pose as the tatas one, that would be great! But can you paint your fingernails ... bacon for the photo session?

  18. We always make them sit in the Reflection Room (cute name, yes?) and drink water or tea.

    It's important to give them a chance to wake up... outside of my room. Some of them want to stay on the table and nap, but you know the sayin' in da hood...

    "you aint got to go home, but you got to git da hell up outta here!"


  19. I love it when you "do me in da hoodie!"

  20. Cameron.............

    No one gets "done" in this hood.

    At my house that might be a diff'rint story tho...

    Maybe... you know... lookin for them big tips yo!

  21. The $100 in the envelope ones, right? Then the night out with the girl (aka Paula) pole dancing would be just for something on the side, yes?

  22. Cameron!!!!


    I told you that!

  23. Why? Is it beneath you? Paula says you can make six figure salaries... and she's been considering it as a night job.

  24. I LOVE the t-shirt!! Awesome! I found a t-shirt yesterday with a cartoon character spoon and fork on it that says in big bubble letters- Spooning leads to Forking- hahahahahahaha!

    I like yours better =!

  25. I like Lisa's better...

    Cuz it sooo true...hehehehehe...


  26. Jenadamo- and that tee would look adorable on you! Can you say, Sizzle Sizzle!??

  27. I'm here. I'm checking in. I've had too much sun and I haven't ordered my PEO's yet. I know you aren't surprised. Such is my crazy schedule lately. I haven't even been blogging. Someone call the blog police.

    I'm so glad that you have time to sit with your dear friend. You are a wonderful person and I'm so proud to call you friend. *hug*

    Bacon.. how can I add it to my lunch?

    I think I figured out my carb obsession.. its my stomach.. I can eat crap easier than meat. I've been trying to add more meat but I really need a different balance or it gets stuck in there. literally. I've been trying to change.. I'm really afraid of whole meats, though.

    I picked up some turkey breast tenders and some ground turkey breast.. I must figure out how I want to prepare them and then just eat!

    I've been out planting in the garden.. and the seeds are finally starting to come up, too. I should plant more parsley.. right now I'm going to have enough basil to feed pesto to a 3rd world country. It wasn't sprouting, so I bought some seedlings.. oops! I'm heading out now to take some photos then find some bacon to cook..


    Scott got the bacon one at Hot topic.

  29. wow! Kudos to Scott!

    Stef, The fork n spoon tee is a one size fits all- think the gals can squeeze in there? I think the tee would fit me a bit snug but you are much more petite, well, except for, err uhh umm, yeah, them.

  30. I would make it fit! Where did you get it? Did you order it??

  31. baaaaaaaaacon


    i never have problems with spell check

    well i never use it

    but you know htat

  32. "but you know htat

    She cracks me up!!!

    Carrie... come to Lisa's with me... You too, Stef.

    Girls gone wild on Cancun!!!

    WOO HOO!!

  33. Jenny... seriously.. I would do that in a HEARTBEAT!!!

  34. May... June...?

    Tell me... i don't have kids to work around...
    back here later.

    I'm out to dinner now.

    xo xo xo, Cammy!

  35. i am traveling to the USA at the end of may
    have a fall commitment to steff
    maybe we can work something out here...

  36. OMG OMG OMG OMG!! Are you chicas SERIOUS!!!?????? Please don't toy with my emotions!! Yay! Just the idea of it is superfragilistic!

    I know of a condo ON THE BEACH right next to the party center area in the hotel zone that we can rent for $60 USD a night for all of us, in fact I believe it sleeps 8 so Cam can easily come too!!! It even has a pool! Talk about fancy!

    Or we can string up a bunch o' hammocks at my pad and chilax home style!

    STf- I'm buying the t-shirt for you n the girls TODAY!! You gonna come n git it? Or should I see about mailing to you??

  37. Oooooo May.. I'm going to VA, July I'm going to Vegas.... Sept.. I'm supposed to go see Carrie... possibly.... I think we should do it for Christmas.. that way.. it's cold here and we're going away somewhere warm.... OOooo jan is my bday!!!

  38. or even Nov. Thanksgiving on the Beach??? hell yeah.

  39. I soooooo could do that. ..... seriously. I'm checking on flight costs now.

  40. Ummmm CAM this girl was NOT considering pole dancing at night... LOL But they can on average clear over a $G on a good night, no less than $400 on a darn slow one... How do I know this?? I know people who know people.... LOL It would sure beat the Starbucks job I am taking on the side... but then again pole dancing does not have benefits either.... LOL

    But I have been dealing in real world with so much... so have been online less than usual. Between taxes, closing down a business, finding a new job, dealing with a divorce, and hanging with my girlfriends I am busier than ever..... but still no poles in my future... although my soon to be ex seems to think I can support myself that way... or via a sugar daddy...but he had no respect for me, so how could I expect him to think I would respect myself??

    ** OK NOTE** I am a little bitter after the past few days of lawyers and court dates...sorry!!

  41. Oh and on a serious note I hope that Madea-san has a peaceful transition from this life and with those who love him, and care for him that the journey can be easy.. if it ends up being his time.

  42. I told him it was NOT a good idea,Paula, but for SOME reason he got it in his head that we two would make a great duo act on the pole... MEN!

    ALL the same... err last one of em.

    Oh, and Stef... Christmas might just work. Not the actual day as it's the ONE holiday i don't hold in disdain as a Hallmark marketing scheme and insist on my family around me. But just after... GASP!

    New Years on the BEACH!!!!


    Lisa... book up two o' dem bad boys and let's make it a PARTY.

    You in, Cammy???

    Who else?

  43. Prolly right Stef.

    That way it's no holds barred.

    We dress as we want... if at all, no make up, no fuss no muss.

    Sounds like a plan!!!

    The rooms are a great rate. How about air fare?

  44. well.. is Lisa in Cancun or Cozumel.. can't remember... Cancun is about $535 from here.. round trip. I'm thinking y'all can fly into Wichita and we'll all fly together there........ omg.... new years in mexico....... I'm giddy! Will I need a passport??

  45. Yup, Stef... get the passport.

    And it's Cancun...

    and umm... i'll fly outta wherever it's cheapest and something tells me that ain't Kansas! LMAO!

  46. dang. I gotta figure out HOW to get a passport.... I remember Cam telling me once... but... I slept since then.

  47. Go to the post office and pick up the application and ask them when or where to go to process it. You can fill it out and collect all the necessary stuff at home and have your picture taken (Costco does it for 2/$5 so don't pay one of those rip off places.

    Get it in soon cuz it can take a while unless you want to pay an extra hundred buck to have it expedited.

  48. we don't have a costco.

    and... doesn't it cost about $70 to have it processed?

  49. When i did it it was $50, but that's just the regular fee.

    if you're in a hurry you can pay extra to "cut" the line. I think it was $90 back when i did it five years ago. I'm sure it's more now.

    You can use your own photo it just has to meet the size requirements. And they prefer you don't smile....?... don't ask me.

  50. Check it mama! You can fill out the passport app on line!

    and the condos we could rent are...

    Of course if'n y'all wants you can stay at my pad too! It's quite different in Cancun when you're not in the hotel zone! We could always camp or do a beach cabaña too. Oh joy, rapture! So many options!!

    Stef do you have an UnBank check cashing place they do passport photos too. Also check they have some really good specials to Cancun from the Midwest.

  51. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday in Mexico!

    Stefnee - Passports usually are good for 5 years (the Canadian ones anyway... but we're cheap up there. My Manitoba drivers licence was good for only one frikkin year! The CDN Gov't sure wants our taxes). So if you (big word comin...) ammortize it over the five years it doesn't look so difficult to invest in. Divide the cost (eg. $100) by the number of days (365x5=1,825) and you have a daily cost of 5.5cents.

    But then again... holidays like this are huge memory creators and usually we like to think of then as how much fun we can have every second of our holiday! So if we make a small adjustment to the number above and once again divide the 5.5cents per day down into the seconds of memories we create... you are looking at a per second cost of 0.000064 cents! And in our currency, that's pretty much FREE! Even Wal-Mart wouldn't sell fun and awesome memories for nothing!!!

    Paula - It's a good thing I don't keep past emails because everyone would have trouble believing you if I suddenly showed them the emails where we were discussing the metal that best offers high-polish glide, the kind of wax to keep the metal slippery, yet grippy, the wood of the floorboards that works best under heels, then stockings, then bare feet (giving grip on all surfaces but not too much grip as you need less stiction the closer you get to bare skin, the dimensions of the dance floor that would provide maximum provocative movement, while still allowing the most number of clients in, thus maximizing the profits... you know.. business things like that. The kinds of things that you and I like to talk about. Then there was the mail where you told me that you and JI would work out the kinds of stockings that provided the smoothest glide and that I didn't need to concern myself with those details....

  52. I think US passports are good for 10 years.

    *hug) <--- A one-armed hug for you. :)

  53. Wow! Half of Free is still free!!!!!! Awesome!!

  54. Now THAT's a FREE WILLY!!!! Thanks, One-Arm!

    Damn, Pirate Day cannot come too soon for you, can it, One-Eye!


  55. I'd be in a right mess, wouldn't I? One arm, one eye....aaaaaaaarrrrrrr!

    Think it's time to put the immobilizer back on and plug into the ice cooler.

    I'll be back. *said in my best Aahnold voice

    *hug) <--- Another one-armed hug for you. :)

  56. Would that be the same one arm?

    You know... I was just about to write that blog for everyone... And I know how they would all jump on the bandwagon and send you their plethora of ideas. But now that you are a hopeless crippled pirate, I don't know if I should do that just quite yet.... It would be a cruel twist of fate, wouldn't it m'love?

  57. I got the OK from Scooter.

    I'm checking my passport stuff now!!

  58. Woo Hoo!!! That way, if I'm ever back in Canuckada you can come up and visit me. I think they are working (or devolving) into Canada becoming a "foreign country" requiring passports to come and go from. Mainly the USA is tightening up the border because you know us Canadian pot-smoking, terrorist dopeheads and how damn dangerous we all are...

    Yeah, you could come up for a visit. Of course I wouldn't mind gooing down at all...

  59. Yeah - it was starting next January? Or was it this January? Hmm...

    Regardless, I was depressed by the whole deal. :o( Vancouver, BC is one of my favoritest places ever. Of course I guess it's not as big of a deal now that i have a passport, but still. *le sigh*

  60. I know, Jaime. I know. We are now foreigners in our own lands..... Instead of opening up, as the EU is doing, NA borders are closing down. "It's not a wall, it's a fence!" (And a frikkin high one at that!)

  61. I'll brush up (against) on my Canadian, eh?

  62. Oh! You just reminded me of our Canadian talks we had almost a year ago! I love it when you bring my memories to the forefront of my mind! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! (Now, if you tell me we never HAD those talks, I may seriously have to go and talk to a "grow").

  63. I do hafta admit that it used to amuse me when folks from Europe would come and visit the ski resort owners I used to work for. They'd scoff at how few of us had passports and such... but then they realized how we could travel the entire continent without needing anything other than 2 forms of ID.

    Ah well. *sighs*

  64. LOL well keeping stocking ON at all around JI can prove to be a problem!

    Stef go to the post office and they will help you, but not all PO do passports so call ahead. It can be about a month or two, and will run you about $90-$130 dollars depending on if you want to expedite it or not. Also you will need an original copy of your birth certificate with an original county seal, not the cute little keepsake ones with footprints. Other than that its easy, and some post offices will take photos too... unless its newborn. But since your not a little baby you should be fine.

  65. I used to have a passport (when I was 17) so I know I have that stuff around... it's just finding it. I'm on it!

  66. who'd want to waste their time visiting that skinny assed Canuck...Please!!!....

  67. JI - We are up to a whopping 73 comments here. Think you can insult me to 400? I don't have time to take up half of the slack (have to deal with my money laundering accounts today, as you likely guessed), but by all means, go for it! Only 326 more insults! I'd immortalize you if you did that. I'd even consider giving you a step up on the rung toward the Goddesses...

  68. Go to the clerk of courts for passport paperwork. Some courthouses will do everything you need right there including the photos.

    Oi Cam! What kind of GODDESS would Crab ass be? roflmao *shuffling back to my recliner soon*

  69. No no not a Goddess... but one rung closer to seeing them. I would elevate him above the position of Crabass, to .... I don't know... hell, I think we'd have to MAKE a new position for him! How about... Snarko.

  70. Does Robin want to join us for the Girls Gone Wild- Cancun trip?

    Get you pssprot ready RHG. All the GODDESSES should go... and any other gurlfrindz!

    What say you Robin? Can HH do without you for a week...or long weekend?

  71. If Robin Joins, I worry it might be "Girls Gone Crippled" Cancun Trip.... Or she could show up as a one-eyed, one-armed, limping, cursing pirate...

  72. Oi Cam! No smack talk from you or you could end up being my twin...

    Gotz the passport, Jen. When is this trip? HH can do without, he just doesn't like to.... ;)

  73. You guys are EVERYWHERE... keeping up with you is a workout for my mouse woosh

  74. OK... i'm all in.

    We shall have to solidify plans at a later date.

    Love you all!

    You too, Scooter.
