Monday, April 14, 2008

BCAAs & Self-Induced Experimentation

I began doing aerobics many years ago when I had my triple herniated disc "issue" and couldn't walk from the pain for about a year. When it got better enough I started doing aerobics with weights in the house to build up my stomach and back muscles. I wanted to gain mass, but it never happened.

I then started cycling more, but that just made me leaner as well. Then I took up weight lifting figuring that would put the muscle on me. Well, it has only made me stronger, but my weight doesn't change, and although when the body fat goes down, my muscles just pop out, the size of them... doesn't seem to change and my weight never changes! I wanted to get bigger!

So I changed and went to a different style of weight training. And recently have been doing an adaptation of that back in the gym.

FINALLY, I think I have put actual weight due to muscle mass on! Yaaay! The problem is that the weights I do are so intensely heavy (460lbs shrugs, as an example) that I am TOTALLY wiped out for about the next five days.

I tried taking whey protein but it just gave me massive gas, so I gave that up. I am not a big fan of "weight lifting supplements" because just like traditional nutrition beliefs, most of the weightlifting stuff is also fraught with completely misunderstood science so that what they tell you in the gym is in more cases than not, ... um... WRONG.

Well, I decided to give supplementation another try and I asked what they would recommend. Several of the serious guys in there said they all take BCAA and it really helps. "What's BCAA?" I asked. "BCAA!" They answered. So I took to the net to find out. The information I gathered was interesting, and a bit disturbing at the same time given my deeper understanding of how the body works, and how insulin affects us.

I decided to give it a try, though, for the next few months and see if it makes a difference. I can tell you that it makes a HUGE difference with respect to energy and recovery. Phenomenal. What took a week to recover, I can do in almost half that time now! That is impressive. But there's more, and it pertains to what I found out when I did some researching to find out exactly what BCAA stands for.

I am experiencing something very interesting now when I take the BCAA (branched chain amino acids)... Here is how one website explains the benefits of these BCAAs in training:

You probably know that amino acids are the building blocks of protein. When you eat a protein food, it gets digested in the stomach and intestine into individual amino acids and short chains of amino acids that are small enough to be absorbed into the bloodstream. These amino acids have far reaching effects in the body from building and repairing tissues, to producing chemicals that enable our brains to function optimally.

Essential amino acids cannot be made by the body. You must get them from complete protein foods or combinations of incomplete vegetable foods. There are 9 essential amino acids: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, and valine. Your body can make non-essential amino acids by itself from vitamins and other amino acids.

The term "non-essential" can be misleading since all amino acids are essential for proper metabolism and certain non-essential amino acids, such as glutamine, become very essential. The 13 non-essential amino acids are alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, cysteine, cystine, glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine, hydroxyproline, proline, serine, & tyrosine.

The essential branched chain amino acids (BCAA's) are of special importance for athletes because they are metabolized in the muscle, rather than in the liver. Here's how this works: After digestion once protein is broken down into individual amino acids these aminos can either be used to build new proteins or be burned as fuel to produce energy. (See here for reference).

I like this concept since I have never been able to gain any muscle mass no matter what I try...

It seems when I researched what BCAA actually is (branched chain amino acids - the "essential" three), an article on BCAAs in Wikipedia said that these three are responsible for insulin production to "initiate a cascade effect" in the body which leads to muscle production. and when taking these essential AAs, the pancrease goes into insulin production. But it doesn't do it just a little bit... it does it "221%" more efficiently! Wow! As Rob said, it seems that these essential amino acids "squeeze the pancreas" and force out more insulin than under ordinary circumstances.

Now if this were the only use of insulin, it might be really exciting. However, as we know, there is a very powerful downside to insulin production...

Connecting this information to our carbohydrate and fatty acid knowledge, wouldn't you say that is ... a bit frightening? Because we know that excessive production of this stuff is caused when we eat a big dose of carbs (sugars) which gives us the highs, the lows, and also why we gain 10lbs from such a teeny bit of daily intake of snacks (isn't that maddening? Don't you wish you had to eat one pound of delicious cake to gain a pound of fat? Alas it doesn't seem to work that way as the body keep kicking out the fat... - this will become a blog btw when I come back... hope you don't mind). Insulin is the fat storage hormone (another name for it). Too much constant insulin production, and the pancreas gets tires, then cannot function properly... and blam! you become type 2 diabetic and your body can no longer excrete the insulin it needs to handle the huge amounts of poisonous sugars (in the form of carbs) that we are ingesting these days. Thus the rampant increase of obesity, AND diabetes around the globe (here in Japan, too!, and why cat diabetes never existed before but now it's apparently a very big problem - because commercial cat (and dog for that matter) food contains tons of grains and fibers, something true carnivores can absolutely NOT digest).

But the really interesting thing is that when I take this stuff, it gives me tremendous recovery the next day. I like that a lot because with the extremely heavy weights I use, my booty ... oops... body is wiped out for at least five days. With BCAA supplementation I don't get that. I ALSO don't fall asleep in mid-workout from the intensity just wiping me out right there on the spot!

Yesterday I did pilates again (it kicked my butt... I'm beat...). Sunday I did my upper body heavy workout at the gym. On both days I took the recommended dose of the BCAA powder (5g / 25kg body weight during). I took 5g before, 5g during, and 5g after. And it was wonderful both times (though it made me sweat and I don't usually sweat during workouts so something exciting is activated in my body!)

Now... where the diabetic friends come in is here...

What I want to know is what happens to diabetics who end up taking too much insulin? Not the extreme amount where they go into a coma, but what kinds of symptoms do they get when their blood sugars drop low due to over-dosing the insulin? Not the low sugar symptoms, but the high insulin symptoms. That's what I would like to know about.


Well... as I said above, some strange things are happening in this "experiment". I am finding that every time I take this stuff, the same thing is happening. At night I get extremely dehydrated. My mind gets kind of "racey", my sleep patterns are very restless, and I wake up in the morning with "cotton mouth".

(The reason why I wrote this blog this morning at 7am was because my brain was still racing from the night, and it was rather uncomfortable... I needed to get it out on paper to calm it down...)

This happens when I have carbs these days and I always thought it was due to overdosing on carbs because when I don't have the "big carbs" I don't wake up with "cotton mouth". But you know what? Even though I'm not "carbing", when I take these BCAAs, I end up with every symptom of a carb overdose that I know.

So, I am thinking that the "carb overdose symptoms" (see above for explanation)  might be, rather than the carbs, the actual overdose of insulin at work because BCAAs, if what that original article stated is correct, induces the body to produce more insulin.

If this is the case (and like I said I need to do more real experimentation - like use up this entire supply of BCAA and record what happens on nights that I have taken, and have not taken the BCAA during workouts and non-workout days), then BCAAs could potentially be inducing the same climate that causes people to develop Type II Diabetes... mainly an overproduction of insulin, causing the pancreas to eventually shut down and not function properly.

Insulin has a sharp crystalline form and these crystals are also known to scar the inside of the arteries as they flow through the blood, doing their job of reducing the excessive sugar in the bloodstream that we put there from too much carbohydrate (sugar). This then causes our body to create cholesterol (yes, we NEED cholesterol) which goes to these areas of scarred cell walls, sticks to them, and allows repair and healing to occur. As you know, cholesterol is sticky, and it can build up, leading to arteriosclerosis, or a hardening of the arteries, another very common disease we face these days (blamed on cholesterol, but the problem is mis-labeled).

Sugars in the bloodstream decrease the flow of oxygen as well. With a decreased flow of oxygen in the blood we end up with the cells not getting enough oxygen. And when cells have 30% less oxygen, their function changes from aerobic (using oxygen) to anaerobic, or fermentative (using sugar) to unction. When this happens, the cells become cancerous, as proven over and over by Dr. Otto Warburg over 60 years ago.

So basically, what I'm trying to say here, is that these BCAAs seem to be inducing the same results that a high carb meal would cause: overproduction of insulin to reduce the sugar in the blood. And this overproduction of insulin leads to a LOT of the illnesses that we see today in society; the "big illnesses" as we could say, the killers.

This is VERY interesting to me, and as I forked out the money for this not-cheap stuff, I intend to suffer through the cotton mouth until I finish this container. I'll do some testing while taking it during workouts, without working out, and not take it while I work out as well, just to see how I respond and whether or not the racing, dehydrated, cotton mouth correlates with the BCAA ingestion or not.

This entire blog is based on four times taking the BCAAs, so, being the scientist that I was trained, I want to do some more experimenting and see what happens... I'll let you know.

I'm off to catch the train to meet Pandasu in Kyoto for another Great Internet Axe Murderer's Convention!

I love you!


P.S. If you bodybuild, and take BCAAs, please think about any similar effects you may have with this and let me know the next time you "self-supplement". It might not be something you have paid much attention to before, either. Also if you take a lot of carbohydrates you may find that the burst of EAAs, (Essential Amino Acids) are helping you to stay "porpoisine" over those lovely strong muscles. Ever notice how so many really heavy building guys look like... dolphins?


  1. I'll suggest to David to come and give his input.

    He's a diabetic and takes daily (more than daily... a few times a day) insulin shots.

    It's all very interesting, but being neither a body builder or a diabetic this is a bit beyond me.

    Good luck in your experimentation...

    Just be careful, OK?

  2. Dolphins?

    I would have thought "potatoes stuffed into sausage skins", but never dolphins...

  3. According to my d-i-l to be, who is insulin dependent, her symptoms may include extreme shakiness, lethargy, and confusion to name a few

  4. Always something else to think about with you, isn't it? *grins*

  5. Well well...

    a few years ago, I actually did a similar research with the effect of sugar in the body and the release of insulin. My mother who is a medical doctor and in the final stage of her career became more of a researcher, did a study on diabetes and the reason why the latin american race seems to be so susceptible to it and its negative effects.

    The discoveries were quite interesting, apparently the patterns of diabetic behaviour in certain races has to do with its comfort or resistance to the amount of sugars consumed and also depends on their environments.

    The biggest issue was that the food basket available to the pre-columbine tribes of the Americas had very low content of complex sugars that the European fellows were so used to consume for centuries, therefore, the genetic composition of the natives was not ready with the sudden boost creating serious issues to their systems and making them extremely vulnerable to develop diabetes..

    Why do I mention this? because you have stopped eating carbs for 10 years now, and that means that perhaps your system will not react the same way as other body builders do to these supplements, and perhaps, you could be in serious threat of developing a pancreatic syndrome due to the effects that you describe from BCAA.

    The pancreas is one of the most sensitive organs and its detection skills can snap quite easily when the stress levels are too high.

    I am not a huge fan of chemically modified supplements because just like with anything, our bodies are not used or prepared to deal with these stuff right.

    Perhaps try to find a nutrition expert that specializes in this type of areas and get him/her to consult you?


  6. Why don't you experiment on the affects of having a REAL JOB on your body?

  7. CG makes an interesting and kind of scary point.

    Now i'm concerned, Mou. This stuff might not be such a good idea for someone like you.

    Thanks, David. I think your insight will provide an important consideration for Cam.

    It's a good thing you came aboard, new friend...
    for more reasons than that of course.

  8. Hello Jena, as I said, that is information I have been exposed to due to my experience, which may or may not apply directly to Cam, the situation here tho, is that this stuff is giving Cam the results he wants, but at what cost? if it is actually not having any side effects on his health, the he should go ahead and do it, but that's why I recommend that he consults with a trained and well informed expert in nutrition, so then he can get a good assesment the pros and cons of that suplement.


  9. Good luck with your experiment. Be careful, Cam. You are not typical and that is not a slam. I think you understand where I'm coming from.

    If you get really bulky can I paint you green?

  10. Very very interesting. I have learned a lot about supplements and nutrition over the years and I had never heard of BCAA’s until now. Even though we are all DIFFERENT (genetically, emotionally and physically), it sounds like, for the moment, you have found the right “cocktail” for achieving your fitness goals. I do worry slightly about long-term effects of something that appears to have such great benefits however. It certainly sounds like you have done your homework about this. Guinea pig or not, I sure would like to see some-o-dat muscle you’re describing. LOL…

  11. from mi Camigo: "What I want to know is what happens to diabetics who end up taking too much insulin? Not the extreme amount where they go into a coma, but what kinds of symptoms do they get when their blood sugars drop low due to over-dosing the insulin? Not the low sugar symptoms, but the high insulin symptoms. That's what I would like to know about.


    Well... as I said above, some strange things are happening in this "experiment". I am finding that every time I take this stuff, the same thing is happening. At night I get extremely dehydrated. My mind gets kind of "racey", my sleep patterns are very restless, and I wake up in the morning with 'cotton mouth'."

    From Davideo: coming on over via Jen mentioning you have some insulin-related questions.... and reading centigrado's (and others) comments... i think he makes some good points as to speaking with a nutritionist... and, i'd suggest, an endocrinologist who specializes in insulin production...

    and. re 'not the low blood-sugar symptons but the high-insulin symptoms'.... it's one in the same.. like a see-saw, if one's high the other's low... it's a matter of balance... the symptons you, and passionate, described are part of it...

    i've never gone unconcious via low blood sugar, as one of my diabetic friend's has, and my diabetes is fairly balanced/controlled, but i've had some bizarre moments in the night, half-waking up and knowing i need juice or something to raise my blood sugar.. it's caused some amazing dreams, too... the whole 'out there' experience... once i was in a low blood sugar dream and was discovering the key to the origin of the universe... going back thru time.. all sortsa swirling, sparkling images zooming around... i was essentially time-traveling waaaaaaaay before the creation of this planet... i was close to reaching 'the essence' of the origin of life in the universe, but then i was told from some 'source of all-knowingness and power' (something like God... but not the standard view of God) that in order to get to the final key part of enlightenment, my brother Marko must be 'let go'... as in, sacrificed.. i remember in my dream having a serious quandary of choosing total enlightenment and saying adios to Marko as a result or putting the brakes on the 'journey'... i put on the brakes.... then, woke up fully and went down to the fridge for some blueberry-pomegranate juice, along with some peanut butter (chunky) on a banana...

    yeah, i woulda munched on some bacon too if there was any around... but there wasn't.. oh well... i was back to normal (at least diabetically) in a few minutes... and so back to zzzzzland i went...

    so, the see-saw balance... i suggest you do as centigrado suggested... consult with a specialist...

    bueno suerte con su salud y todos mi Camigo....
    (oh wait, this ain't Carrie's page... good luck with your health and everything, Cameronaronarona)

  12. Cam... This whole "experiment" with your body doesn't sound like something you would do.
    You could be taken bigger risks than you are aware of.
    I agree with everyone else.... seek out a specialist!

  13. DavID - Oh, I DO I DO VERY VERY MUCH!!! Especially for feeding Jen her favourite ice cream on the day of her concert, and putting her into a complete sugar coma! She claims she doesn't remember how she got into her own bed that night...

    PC - Actually it IS very much something I would do. That's how I came to understand this low carb stuff; I experimented, I tested, I documented. I didn't just take public opinion, or books and tried to prove everything wrong because I did believe I needed carbs for my exercises. How wrong I was!

    DavID Revisited - Thanks for talking about your diabetes. I'm glad you did because I don't know many people who have paid attention to this kind of thing in as anal a way as I do. And now I've found you! Thanks.

    Swag - Well, the power return is exciting, yes. But the weird side effects I get after are ... interesting and require further study which I intend to do.

    Robin - Thanks. I understand perfectly. I'm probably one of the VLC (Very Low Carbers) out there who can sustainably maintain this so I may have mutated into something "ab-normal".

    CG - Thanks for all the great information. I really appreciate it. The only concern I have is that asking "nutritionists" is what has gotten society to eat more bagels, and pastas, and rice and cut back on meat and "fat" and "red meat". The fallacy has been perpetuated by these "specialists" which has led to the dramatic increase in obesity, diabetes 2, and heart-related illnesses AS WELL AS CANCER. So I don't trust them.

    Jen - I promise I'll take care of me. As I'm not exercising every day, I don't plan on scoffing this stuff every day. I'd hape wekig up wip pibe ipib ub coppub ob ba tung ebwy bobig.

    JI - I love you.

    Jaime - That's what makes every day fun!

    Michelle - Thanks.

    Deb - That's an interesting image!

  14. Excellent point, my friend :o)

