Saturday, April 19, 2008

Internet Axe Murderers In Kyoto, First Parts: Meat & (gr)Eat!

Pandasu (SueEllen) from the USA brought her four friends on a whirlwind trip of Japan. We decided to meet up in Kyoto for yet another IAM Conference.

It was wonderful!


  1. !!!! MY BAG!!!

    Not sure I could sleep on the floor with everyone....... I'd try it...

    the food looks great!

  2. Give me a break...4 and a half minutes???.....forget it!!

  3. why did they cancel?.....It sounds like a real good time.

  4. Maybe if YOU talked a little less, your videos would be shorter.

  5. Cam - You stick out like a turd in a punchbowl! There's NO way they could have missed you... ;)

    Isn't potato I thought all Saki was fermented rice.

  6. I thought it was SAKE......NOT SAKI!!

  7. I just got up, Jose - perhaps my internal spell checker is not working yet.

  8. It's called "shochu" actually and it is extremely popular these days. Usually consumed in large tumblers either hot, on ice, or as a mixed "cooler", it can be made from potato, wheat, barley, sesame, and any other grain. It isn't really "sake" per se.

  9. Cam like you said,they wanted cheap , but good lord that place is just one step up from a japanese coffin hotel.

  10. Kristen - You are in the hotel business so I can understand your feelings. I'm pretty sure they were happy with the overall experience. Let's just say I didn't find it or book it, that's all. They decided on it. But it's in the past now and it will always be a part of their memories, laughs and good times as they retell their stories of Japan holiday.

  11. It's kind of like me cutting my fingertip off... It's a great story now!

  12. And when I see those kind of rooms I thank the people at Hyatt for the Hyatt in Kyoto, and I must say I am still getting plenty of laughs when I show people that picture of your friend and her friends all lined up like girls at a slumber party, which is what it reminded me of when I first saw that. there is a certain nostalgic quality to that. Also Cam your a guy, men sleep on park benches with ease. For me part of the vacation experience is coming back to your hotel room after a day of sightseeing or laying on a beach, to nice comfy accomodations and that includes a BED and a nice full bathtub (even better when its a tub for two) minibar...and if need be, just funny that way =)

  13. I thought the place was cool. I certainly would not of minded the stay at this place. All you wanna do in a Hotel room is sleep. You don't need all the stuff you get at a regular Hotel. You can b sure if I ever get to Japan, I will b staying at these places, particularly if they're cheap.

  14. That's pretty much true, Jose.

    I do like hotels... nice ones even, but after airfare to Japan... and my other dream Hawaii... oh and Thailand. i'm gonna have to do hostels or little places like this if i'm to go at all.


    ... some wonderful friend in any of these locations invites me to stay with them *hint hint*.

  15. Yeah, that skinny assed Canadian sure as hell isn"t going to invite me to stay at his place. Besides, he never shuts up. I dunno if I would want to spend my vacation listening to all that nonsense coming out of his mouth.

  16. Thats never the ONLY thing I do in a hotel room =)

  17. Jen, as a concierge let me tell you can do Hawaii and even thailand especially if you visit the southern coasts and beach resorts for a really good price and stay in some really nice places.

  18. JI - I have given you a warm, loving welcome open invitation to visit Japan in the past. The offer holds firm, please come if you have the desire (and the cash, though it's pretty much cheaper here these days). You are more than welcome to stay with us as you travel through the countryside from capsule hotel to park bench, to subway tunnel.

    Jen - You KNOW I'd have you staying here! Only problem is we won't get NA bacon for breakfast. I'll find something else to keep you satisfied, I'm sure.

  19. Kristen - True, true... I like brushing my teeth and washing my feet in addition to 40 winks.

  20. Cam clearly needs to spend more time in hotel rooms. *wink* (just one)

  21. Jen - By far, the absolutely BEST hotel room I have ever stayed in, was El Convento in OSJ. OMG! it was FAB and ... just ... unbelievable! OK, back to my breakfast that was hot and is getting cold!

  22. My use of hotel rooms (mouth full here, and typing as I chew - I CAN multitask, you know) has consisted mainly of work-related stays away from home. And since I spend most of my time schmoozing my client and giving them above and beyond the call of duty service (not "service", thankyouverymuch) in my work, I end up leaving early and arriving late.

    This usually precludes me from enjoying the full ambience of a hotel experience and therefore, for me, the luxury that comes with the cost is often lost as I really don't spend much time there at all.

    Get up, (shower), go eat, dress for work, leave for the day ......... return, shower, sleep, get up, (shower), go eat, dress for work, leave for the day.... return, shower, sleep...

  23. Quit talking with your mouth full.

  24. *murf, murf murf*

    ahh rubb oooo

    *murf murf murf*

  25. I wouldn't mind staying in the room like your friends did but I would hate to be the one in the middle of five , I think I would get paranoid and what if you have to pee in the middle of the night you would have to walk on them lol

  26. I guess we all have our priorities for Hotel rooms....I don't need anything other than a place to shower and sleep. If wanted to spend my time indoors I would just stay home...

  27. JI - I am in agreement with you on the needs and priorities for hotel rooms. I shower, I sleep, I check my work and that's about it. Otherwise, I'm not there.

  28. I know im spoiled by the fact I work for Hyatt and get a discount on rooms and sometimes I can get suite if its a slow time...boy is THAT nice and even better if your with a "friend"

  29. Yes! And you can even take turns sharing toothbrushes, Kristen! I love you!
