Saturday, November 22, 2008

And you think...

... that I'm overexaggerating when I tell you how truly fucked up Japanese society has become...

Mamma mia...

This country needs a LOT more Unconditional Globalized Love, let me tell you!

I love you!
And unconditionally, to boot!


P.S. Maybe the cumulative pressure on the anus due to the jet washing unit of the ubiquitous Toto washlets has caused some altered reality in the psyche of Japanese, making them angry all the time... angry that their asses are always "getting kicked" (by Toto)... Maybe they are finally lashing back. Could this be a manifestation of a new kind of anger we might term "toto rage"?


  1. Weird!

    But then Japaneses have always seemed very closed ( i considered it very private) and who knows what's hiding behind all that .... closedness (?).

    Nice wake up news.

  2. Jen - LURKING.... "hiding" is too nice a word for what's going on here. We need to slip some very twisted connotations into your very astute comment. Morning!

  3. Believe me there are some weird stories over here too, like the man that killed someone after a baseball game...their are weirdos everywhere.

  4. Jenn - I know. But the problem is that there is this general belief that Japan is full of honour, and respect, and peace, and safety, and security... (and tons of people, jam packed together) that's pretty much how they show the outside world what this country is like. They don't show the insidious side of this country that is nothing like what the news propaganda depicts... and they don't show the world that 80% of the country is mountains, forests, and rice paddies, containing only 20% of the total population, meaning that the majority of the country is stunningly "country" in every which way one might imagine. That's where I live!

  5. Hmmm, so you are saying they focus on the negative? Isn't that what the media does?

  6. I think most media focuses on the big city Tokyo area and for quaintness we get something like what i saw on PBS about Kyoto ( it WAS beautiful).
    These are for the most part positive, but if i understand Cam, very misleading.

    Same as what people discover when they finally SEE New Jersey with their own eyes... away from the turnpike.

    Anyone passing through only gets a picture of the hulking, smelly gas refineries, so that's their impression of NJ.

    It's so different when you get off the highway.

    So people get a false positive view of Japan, and a false negative view of places like NJ.

    Happens a lot i guess...

    Cest la vie!

  7. Read the papers here in America. This kind of insanity has been happening for a long time.

    Mother drowns 2 small children.

    13 year old boy stabs parents.

    Locally, teen set hourse on fire and killed parents.

    Another local one, boys older teenage boys kills another with a queueball (sp?) (from a pool table).

    I could go on and on.

  8. Yikes, Linda!

    That rural shit gets wild.
    At least in the hood they just do drive-bys!

  9. Linda - Yeah, but that's north america. That was going on even when I was a kid. It wasn't like that here 20 years ago when I first came... but "we Japanese" are catching up to you really quickly, and will likely be surpassing you before you know it (like they do here with most things they take, change and make their own).

  10. True Cam. I can see your point.

    But...I just want to live somewhere quiet and full of homey community. Are there places like this anymore?

  11. Plenty, Linda. You just have to keep the TV off, and stay away from the news papers. Eclectic is the key word here, I think. That way it allows you little bookstores, healthfood places, crystal shops with long haired women who wear john lennon glasses and don't shave their armpits, restaurants, lots of coffee shops, supermarkets where they have "date night" once a month, little rivers, things like that.

  12. Metuchen is like that, Linda!

    We are a town of 12,000, very diverse small quaint downtown, GREAT schools.

    The worst crime we are experiencing is a rash of car robberies... NOT stolen cars, and not even break ins, they only take stuff from unlocked cars.

    So come on here for safe hominess and free massages.

  13. Hmmm... I know that pets are part of the family. Hell... I even have a few (hundred) of my own, but I don't think I'd take a human life because of the death of a pet.

