Thursday, November 13, 2008

Globalized Futon: Sharing My Bed... ding!

Mitch who visits my YouTube videos wants a futon. I have a futon. I offered to ship my Japanese futon to Mitch in Canada. Mitch is interested. I made a video showing my desire to ship our futon (set) to Mitch so that he may enjoy a little bit of Globalized Love himself!

By the way, I also asked Mitch... as you know... nothing is really for free... soooo.... should he choose to accept this Globalized Love Package... I would like for him to make a video response, of him receiving, opening, and describing his experience as he enjoys receiving some Globalized Love!

After all, that's being a part of the Globalized Love Community is all about!

You gotta give a little to get a little, and give a lot to get a lot!

And I LOVE to give (and thus get) a whole heap of burning Globalized Love!

I love you!


P.S. I have another few futon if anyone else is interesed in receiving a Globalized Love Futon!

P.P.S. Mitch accepted, the paypal transaction went smoothly, and I have delivered the futon to Japan post and as Mitch chose EMS (air) he will be receiving it in about a week, depending upon the mood of the boys and girls at Canada Customs.

P.P.P.S. Just for refernce, Canada Customs can be real buggers some times... those damn Canadians - they just gotta collect their taxes to pay for the universal healthcare, of course!


  1. Being in Logistics, I know all about how Canadian Customs can be! Hopefully they will not tie your futon up for a bit!

  2. LMAO @ Amy's avatar...

    Haven't seen that onesince 360 days... it's SO cute.

    The video was great,Mou. I watched it here and over on YouTube twice...

    see i'm a little drowsy this morning and i kept losing parts of it. It was funny to wake up and see you wrestling a box to the floor...hahahaha... but i think i've seen all of you now *wink*. I might check it out again later though... after KWOFFEE!!!

    I'm glad it worked out for Mitch.

    You rock, Mou!

  3. Very cool! Loved seeing you hog tie that box!


  4. Hi Jendamo! My avatar describes exactly how I've been feeling lately : )

    Okay, I just finished the video. Cam, you wrestling with that box cracked me up!

  5. *giggling at amy's advatar too* Oh and I know the feeling Amy.
    Tried to watch video but on snail net it stops every 2 seconds...very annoying. So, I quit. Hope Mitch enjoys!

  6. Cam is good at coming up with things off the top of his

  7. That's because he often opens the top of his head to inspect his minds....

  8. i love the way you say Futon!!! i'll never say it the 'American' way again!!!

    that is a helladeal, Mitch! you're awesome, Cam!!!

  9. Celeste - In Japanese, the "u" in words is often "devocalized" or as I like to say, "unimportantized". Also, they don't have the up down, strong-weak-strong kinds of intonation either. Of course there IS intonation or inflection that can change the meaning of a word entirely... as in "hashi" and "hashi" said differently mean chopsticks or bridge, and "kaki" or "kaki" can mean persimmon or oyster depending on how you say it (of course the kanji are entirely different).

    But yes, it is not pronounced FOOtawn.... but actually fTon.

    I love you!

  10. i'm gonna have FUN with this! i will apply this to my everyday life and see how many 'u's i can minimize or eliminate. let's see: b'tter, h'sband, cr'ise, f'n. okay, maybe not, but it was f'n thinking about the possibilities! I LOVA YOU!!!

  11. and that doesn't look like any footahn i've ever seen! that sofa i'm sitting in with Stefnees' rug is a footahn. we have differences, not only linquistic but manufactured characteristics. perhaps you two can BOTH be right, though i have a feeling that this is now the battle of the 'pfffs' :)

  12. Celeste - The N.A. futon are not anything like the Japanese futon. They are based upon the Japanese tradition, but have become a bedding entirely their own. I know because Mayu and I bought a futon when we lived in Winnipeg and the thing must have been several inches thick and weighed close to that of a small heifer!

  13. ours weighed a hundred pounds. i know, i moved it at least 6x! it had magazine racks on both sides that folded up to hide stuff. rather ornate really, with carved wood. i dickered Sams Club for it cause it was dinged up a bit. ended up giving it to a friend whos' husband died and left her with nothing but bills, as well as food, other furniture and workshop stuff...a good cause. which reminds me, i haven't called or written i go!

  14. ... you "dickered" Sam's club? Oh my.....

  15. you make it sound so nasty!!! yes, i dickered and wasn't arrested :P

  16. nasty is as nasty does! Better you dickering Sam than Sam dickering you! Alrap might not be too pleased!

  17. hell, he's the biggest dicker'er in the family (TMI, down girls, DOWN)!

